Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 894: One is shameless than one!

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Bixiu vomited blood, but the assistant would help him, and this was not planted from the camel.

The ancient scorpion realized his impulse after a blast of thunder, and stopped to move forward. Some people also hope that the Ten-Power Alliance can come over as a cannon fodder. As a result, when the city is empty, there is still the shadow of the Allies, and it is impossible to secretly pick up the ten small countries in their hearts.

The ancient Shu people no longer go forward, Dashun people did not pursue, they stood on the opposite side and smiled at them, like a child. However, the ancient monks have passed the moment of impulsiveness. After all, the strength of Dashun is there, even if the shame of others is on the bright side, they will not dare to say anything more. The men and women are all thinking about how to sneak out and run away. If the other party throws it over again, they will not die.

Bixiu was surrounded by soldiers in the middle of the crowd, and he did not dare to show his head. He knew in his heart that Dashun had a hidden weapon that could be targeted from the distance, but when he showed his head, It must be taken care of by the eyebrows. But it was not a way to stay deadlocked, so he took a few deep breaths and shouted loudly: "Xuan Tian Ming! You have the ability to come out and fight alone with the general! With a group of people, what is the ability? ”

This is an export, let alone the Dashun soldiers, that is, the ancient people can not help. Nima, this is to bring soldiers to fight! Have you brought hundreds of thousands of troops yourself? It counts more people than Dashun people. If the two countries are engaged in war, do they still have to be singled out? How much wine did the generals drink today, and couldn’t brain?

Xuantian is also happy, high-pitched: "Groundhog, you are drunk, the king can not be drunk, put the fire in the thunder, do not use this king, do you have a single fight with you? Have you enough to support?" After all, it was a little preparation and did not give the ancient army, and lost a grenade with the hand, and listened to the "bang", and a group of ancient scorpions were scrapped.

Even without the alliance of the Ten Nations, the ancients themselves had a total of 300,000 troops. However, after the war between Shaping and Pingping, the number of people was so little that they were bombed. People’s fear of “Tianlei” has not only been reduced, but has intensified, especially this time, Feng Yu’s participation in the war, the Ji’an County owner did not know whether it was because the mother-in-law died. The fire was very big, and there was a dark thing in his hand. He didn't know what it was. He took the fire star and kept shooting at the ancient scorpion. Every time he shot, he died.

Gradually, the ancient monks understood that this is not a confrontation between the two armies. This is simply the unilateral slaughter of the Dashun army! The ancient monks couldn’t fight any more, scared to cry and shouted at the mother’s head and screaming, completely ignoring the command and command of Bixiu who had already been awake, and even the people who resisted the flag simply threw the flag and rubbed their hands. The ears rushed to the city.

Bixiu was red-eyed, but it was not killing red. In fact, they didn’t even touch the hair of Dashun’s soldiers. They were far away, and they kept throwing thunder and kept using their hands. The strange hidden weapon in the fire. The blood of the ancient army was turned into a river, and the bodies were piled up into mountains.

The vice-president will pull out Bixiu: "General, withdraw! This can't be beaten!"

Bixiu was completely awake at this time. When he saw the situation in front of him, it was like the failure of Shapingcheng in the beginning. He closed his eyes and closed his eyes. When he opened it again, he finally ordered the retreat!

With the command of the coach, the soldiers ran even more joyful, and the sound behind them shook the sky. No one knows which Tianlei landed on their heads. They just ran away, and they couldn’t run back to the city. They had to continue running south. From the South Gate, run out, it is best to run to the moon Pingcheng, so that there will be a while to breathe.

Bixiu also returned to the city. When passing the red account, she saw that the girl inside was running out of her life. She was afraid of running slow and was killed by Tianlei. It was such a slap in the face, he was nervous, and one of the girls who escaped seemed to be exactly the same as the chief of the Kosher County of Dachang, so that he almost thought that his wine had not been awake and looked at it.

"Who is that?" He pointed at the woman and asked the deputy. "Is it the girl in the red account?"

The deputy will look at it, and it will also be a shock, subconsciously blurted out - "Da Shun's county owner?"

The taximan who heard it returned to the sentence: "That is the new woman who has been arrested from outside the city!"

"What's new?" Bixiu's eyes brightened and immediately urged the camel to rush over. Without saying anything, the woman was thrown up and put in front of herself.

The woman screamed "ah" and looked back at him in horror: "Who are you?"

When Bixiu once again stared at her face, she could not help but marvel: "There are still people who have such a picture in the world? Is it a twin sister? Or is it a spoke of Dashun?" In the moment, the light flashed, and the hand around the woman's waist also increased the strength, and the woman was screamed again.

"The general, is this person really a spy of the Dashun?" The deputy will look at the woman in vain, holding a long knife in his hand, and he will cut it down!

But at this moment, the woman shouted: "I am not! I am the Eight Emperor, I am facing you!" This voice called Da Ming's identity, it is Fu Ya who ran out of Lanzhou City. She heard the identity of the general of the ancient sergeant and immediately voted for it. "The generals hated the Ji'an County master? I hate it! Since the eight emperors can borrow my face to provoke a storm. Why did the generals not follow suit?"

This statement reminded Bi Xiu, but also reminded him of the legend of the Eight Emperor Xuantian Mo who got a woman who was very envisioned by the main student of Ji’an County. It turned out to be true! He laughed, reached out and took Fu Ya out, and sat in front of him. A pair of big hands were not honestly pinched on the key parts of his body, and Fuya was screamed. Bixiu is very satisfied, loudly: "In this case, the general will take you to the moon in the city!"

Overnight, the ancient scorpion lost another city, and at the end of Dashun, the newsletter was quickly transmitted to the south of the border through Shaping City, and then passed to Lanzhou via the south. Not yet half a day, the news that the Pingping City was in the pocket of the Nine Emperors was spread throughout every corner of the South.

The legend that the Nine Emperors were the gods of the gods of the heavens was once again proclaimed among the people. Even the 300,000-strong army in the south of the border had to admire the heroism of the nine. You must know that it is not so easy to take down the ancient city. The hot climate has restricted the progress of the Dashun army. The previous eight emperors have not tried it, but when the soldiers walked outside Shaping City against the heat, they Some people have fainted in heatstroke, and the rest are always on the verge of syncope. It is difficult to stand up and talk about why.

They didn't even think about using night battles, but who can win a city like this nine emperors? Once you can't take it, what about the next day?

This battle made the military power of Xuantian Ming a bit higher. I don't know, the city has won, but they still have one after another.

These problems first appeared in the people of the Pingping City. The people of the Pingping City did not accept Dashun’s rule as smoothly as Shaping City. This absolutely prefecting government is a fierce person. The army of Bixiu ran away. Pingcheng fell, and he consciously had the ancient monk, even in the morning when Xuantian Ming army handled the battlefield outside the city and entered the city of Pingping, with a young man, he committed suicide at the gate of the prefect.

This suicide is not scaring, it is really dead, there is a knife, a stomach, a wall, and a rope tied to the beam at the door of the door, even the two children who are still in the middle are Adults are suffocated before they die. When Xuan Tian Ming Feng Yu and some of the army went to the door of the gate, they saw dozens of bodies lying there.

They did not expect that this ancient scorpion would have such a loyal minister, and he was embarrassed for a while. However, the tragedy has already been caused, and it is impossible to remedy it. Xuantian Ming ordered the prefects to collect the shackles, and then asked people to ask for a funeral burial.

However, the death of this prefecture family has caused riots in the people of Pingping City. They shouted loudly - "Da Shun people are robbers! Dashun people ruined our homeland! Drive Dashun dogs out of the Pingping City! We fight with them. It!"

Almost all the people in the city took action. No matter the men, women and children, they all rushed to the street with their own guys who could be used as weapons. They formed a firm opposition with Xuantian.

Dashun’s officers did not act rashly. After all, the people were the people, the soldiers were the soldiers, the soldiers went to battle and killed the enemy. You were destined, but they never wanted to kill people, and they could not harm the innocent people. Xuantian had a military rule in front of him, and his army did not kill the city, no matter where it was attacked.

But today, the people of the city of Pingping have a heart to try to bring back the city for the ancients. Some people even pointed to the nose of Xuantian’s nose and shouted: "You are a group of dog thieves! Have your own home not good. But you have to destroy other people's homes, you are a group of rogues! It is a robber!"

This is why Xuan Tianming is full of joy. He asked the people of Pingping City: "Don't you know that Gu Yu first attacked Dashun? For so many years, the two countries have nothing to do, Dashun is yours." How much convenience is provided, how many good things are sent, what is used for eating, and which ones are not adequately fed. Why, don’t know if you are grateful, but you don’t know how to recognize people. If you look back, you should simply take Dashun to occupy? ”

The skin of the people of the Pingping City is not generally thick. The counterattack against Xuantian Ming is actually: "Why do you have a good place in Dashun? Why do we live in the desert? We lay down What happened to your cities? As for you going back and making such a big pressure on us? It’s said that Dashun’s big things can’t be given to us?”

"Well?" Xuantian Ming listened a little embarrassed, twisted his head and asked Feng Yu: "When the king listened to this, how suddenly he felt like the Feng family was resurrected? One is more than a shameless, these people should not Will all of them be named Feng?"

Feng Yuxi also felt that this scene was familiar, and I thought it would be like this! They can do everything cheaper, you can't fight back, and counterattacks are all wrong.

She was cold and her face was not good: "I really have to do this. I have experience with Fengjia! It is not true to everyone."

Xuantian Ming nodded: "Yes, when necessary, you have to use force to suppress!" When he said this, he raised his hand and said loudly: "The public will listen to the order! But whoever blocks my army and dominates the city People, kill innocent!"

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