Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 914: The best city in the ancient city

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Fu Ya died, and his death was very ugly. He had almost no clothes on his body. Before his death, he was still ruined by the violence of Bixiu.

Xuan Tianming told his men: "When you enter the city, bring the woman's body and go back to pay homage to Mrs. Yao."

At the same time, the death of Bi Xiu also caused the ancient army to be in chaos. No one expected that their generals would die so happily in this situation. At present, the Dashun army is outside the city, and they can attack in anytime and anywhere. In the shadow of the thunder, they have no power to fight back. Even the deputy will be desperate, step back, ready to retreat anytime, anywhere.

The soldiers are not stupid, the coach is dead, the deputy will squat in this style and want to run, then they still have a fart? Just run together! So, before the Dashun army attacked the city, the ancient army had already retreated from the south gate of Yueping City. Even before the retreat, even the granary did not care. I was afraid that it would run late and Dashun army came in and took them. They all used the thunder to kill them.

In fact, the Dashun Army outside the city did not take the initiative to attack. They just marched forward a distance and listened carefully to the movement inside the gate. Of course, there were also spies who turned over the wall to the city to inquire about the movement, until the ancient army removed one of them, and this opened the gate from the inside and greeted the Dashun army with respect and respect.

The reason why it is not attacked Pingcheng this month like the previous two cities, except Feng Yuxi said that it is too far away from Lanzhou, the bricks are not good, and the manpower is not good. The main reason is that this month is unique. The location and its appearance.

Unlike the two cities of Shaping, the Yueping City is built by the water, but the water is not a stream surrounded by the city, but a large desert lake. It can be said that Pingcheng is a great oasis in the whole month. The center of the city is a freshwater lake. There are various kinds of desert flowers and trees around the lake. The fruit trees in the city are in pieces, and even some crops can be planted in the oasis. Sufficient moon Pingcheng people are self-sufficient. It can be said that Yuepingcheng is the best and largest city in the ancient city, but its location is somewhat biased from the center of the ancient Shu, which did not build Kyoto in this city.

Xuantian Ming knew the situation of the Pingcheng City and did not intend to destroy it. He hoped to be able to take over the city peacefully. Whether it was for the oasis or the people, he could adopt a relatively gentle attitude. Negotiations. The kind of mine mines can not be used in the moon, but it is not good.

This idea coincides with the Yueping City people! For many years, the people of Yueping City have been the most comfortable. Other cities still need to rely on the court and Dashun to trade the grain for distribution. For Yuepingcheng, relying on such a large oasis, what is there, food, vegetables , fruit, all self-sufficiency, everything is not asking for help. They are naturally peaceful and hate war. When the ancient army was rushed to the moon, the prefecture of the moon was not because of the fact that he was an official of the ancient city.

Finally, Bi Xiu died, the ancient army ran away, and now the Dashun army entered the city, and the people of Yueping City all speculated with fear that this Dashun people are also like the ancient army, they only came into the city. Know the destruction and robbing? If that is the case, they are rushing for life and not fighting. But if not, if Dashun people can treat the city in a gentle manner, they will be willing to accept the unification of Dashun unconditionally. For the people of Yuepingcheng, it doesn't matter who is the emperor. As long as the moon is still there, as long as they can give them the peace and freedom they have used, they can make them live as carefree as before. They will not be loyal to them, they are only loyal to their own hearts, only loyal to the party that is good to them.

The moon in the city of Pingcheng, the first to go to the streets, to meet the army of Xuantian, not humble, but only arched the hand, the idea of ​​the people of the moon Pingcheng said, Xuan Tian Ming laughed, not all the virtual, only I will tell him about the governance plan of the two cities in Shaping and the current living conditions of the people, and tell him: "If you don't believe, you can send a batch of people from Pingcheng to Shaping." Go and see the city, let them say what they saw after they came back."

Gua is a safe person. When he heard that Xuan Tianming proposed this plan, he nodded immediately. He was also an activist. He ordered the people of Pingcheng for ten months on the spot and asked Xuantian to send people to the two cities as soon as possible. And Xuan Tianming and Feng Yuxi also had an observation on the way the prefects acted. I saw that among the ten people he picked, there were young people, old people, men and women, and five or six. Older child. Such a distribution of people can be described as very reliable. Young people, old people, men and women have their own needs. The views and opinions will be different from each other. The children’s eyes and thoughts are the most intuitive and will not lie. There is such a The team will visit and bring back the most authentic information.

Feng Yu nodded and felt that this prefect was really a useful talent.

Xuan Tianming also thinks that he has promised to go down very happily, and handed over some things to Xixi to personally do it. He will send people out of the city tomorrow morning, which also makes the people of Yuepingcheng feel a little relieved.

Dashun Army was striving for order. After entering the city, there was not much stay. More than half of the people went out along the Nancheng Gate, and stopped until ten miles in the southern suburbs. They immediately set about camping.

This month, Pingcheng won the battle without any use. The soldiers were still physically strong. They quickly slammed the day and did not light up the big camp. In order to prepare for the new round of heatstorm after the sun rises tomorrow.

In addition, a small number of soldiers were left in the city, and they did not care for themselves. Instead, they collected the endgames left by the ancient sergeants at this time, and then built the destroyed houses. In order to register, and tell the people not to worry, they will be repaired together tomorrow, and all the damage caused by the ancient army to the moon city will be repaired by Dashun, and no need for the people to injure the people.

Before this, the ancient army had been camping in the city. Hundreds of thousands of people came in, and the moon was lost to the disaster. Even the most important streets were tied up. People did not have daytime. Walking. There is a large lake in the middle, and the ancient monks lived around the lake. The fruits and vegetables that grew by the lake gave a spoiled light.

Feng Yuxi looked distressed and gnashed his teeth and said with Xuantian: "I have to go to the ancient palace to steal a chance. This account is still calculated with the ancients. Let's not pay for the ancients. money."

Xuan Tianming agreed with this matter and even tried to steal the ancient palace. If Feng Yu’s space is limited, he really wants to empty the ancient palace.

The people of Pingpingcheng saw the army and military discipline of the Dashun Army. It was a complete relief of the heart. They knew that this was a completely different army from the ancient army. They thought for the people, they did not destroy the grass and trees here, and even Actively involved in the repairs, and the soldiers sighed against the damaged trees on the edge of the oasis. Knowing the ancients all the way to follow, it can be regarded as a road inspection, the Dashun army's words and deeds are seen in the eyes, can not help but silently sigh, no wonder everyone said that Dashun is good, no wonder Dashun can occupy the most under this day The rich and the largest piece of land does not seem to be unreasonable. Only a benevolent and tolerant country can make the most of its wealth, and only the most rigorous military discipline can cultivate the most ethical and loving people.

Gu Ya gave a ritual to Xuantian, and said nothing, but also expressed his most sincere return.

Xuantian did not advocate that he recognized Dashun so quickly, or told him seriously: "When people come back from Shaping Pingping City, you will listen again. The most important thing is that you also analyze and analyze that we are there. There are still some places in the two cities that are not doing well. The king is very willing to accept the opinions you have put forward and implement them effectively. After all, we Dashun people have not ruled the desert, and they are not very adapted to the environment. I need a great help from the prefects."

Naguya was also a glimpse, and immediately asked: "I still need the help of the villain? Dashun army entered the city, Yuepingcheng is no longer an ancient scorpion, and the villain naturally can no longer afford this prefect. It is reasonable to send a person to come to the management, and the villain is a civilian. "I have not heard of the new master entering the city, but also the officials left by the old master. Although he is an ancient monk, he also listens. I said the saying in the middle of the earth that "the first emperor is a courtier" and willingly obey.

Xuan Tian Ming shook his head: "This king did not think about replacing you, although the prefects of Shaping and Pingping were replaced, but that was because the original official's ability was not enough to let him continue to sit there. In terms of location, it was changed just right, so that the people in the two cities can live better than before. But since the king entered the city, your words and deeds are also in the eyes, but with the two The city's prefects are different, and your ability is sufficient to support the rise of this city, enough to make the city have the ability to be born again after being persecuted. The king believes in you."

One sentence, "This king believes in you," said that Guaya is full of blood. He has been the governor of Pingcheng for 15 years. He said that he is reluctant to give up this people. He still has so many good ideas to implement in the city. There are so many ideas to try in the city. He I also want to make the people live better. Even he thought that one day he could go far and straight, bring the culture of Dashun to the city of Yueping, and also put more fruit and vegetable seeds on the head of Dashun. Also bring it over to see if it can be planted in the fields on the edge of the oasis. If you retreat from the prefects because of this battle, those ideas will have no chance to be implemented.

Today, Xuan Tianming let him continue to serve as the prefect, Gu Ya happy to tears, immediately kneel down to Xuan Tian Ming three heads. He did not make any promises, only to Xuantian: "Please give me half a year, if your Highness thinks it is not suitable after half a year, then replace me."

Xuan Tianmu nodded, did not say anything, until the camel took the hand of Feng Yu, and walked around the oasis.

Gua did not follow it any more, and looked far away at the two people wearing red robes, walking in the lakeside of the moon, occasionally laughing and screaming, the woman would climb the man’s back, then come down Then, I went to the lake to hold a handful of clear water and then drank it, a smile on my face.

A sense of happiness is born from the heart. He suddenly feels that Dashun can occupy the moon Pingcheng, which is really good!

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