Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 917: The righteous king

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On the way back to Beijing, the imperial court’s willingness to arrange the Southern New Desert City was also shown one after another.

The southern boundary was re-divided, and the six cities and towns were unified as a large provincial capital, named as Motianfu, and one of the imperial courts was appointed as the prefect. The six cities in the city are collectively referred to as the state, and the original prefecture became the state, but the management authority remains unchanged.

In fact, except for the Moon City, all other cities in the city have been replaced, and will be re-appointed by the court, and will be appointed together with the new prefecture of Mozhou. The man who was appointed by the court as a state in Mozhou, is nothing else. It is Feng Yu’s cousin, Yao Shu.

When Feng Shu went to the south to take office, Feng Yu was relieved. You know, that's six cities! It also includes Yuepingcheng, and the six cities are merged into one provincial capital. There is nothing in the Dashun Middle-earth area. The place is too big, the city is mostly, the same, the authority of the prefect is too large. If they have worked hard to get a land that is not reliable, then it is a big mistake. After a few years, the tragedy will repeat itself.

Now, the commanding power of Motianfu has been handed over to Yao Shu, which is equivalent to returning to Feng Yuxi and Xuantian Ming. The decision of Tianwu Emperor makes the two very satisfied, and Xuantian Ming keeps chanting all the way. "The old man is not too confused," Feng Yuxi thinks that it is best to meet Yao Book in the middle of the road, and give him some medicines necessary in the desert.

The court’s rectification against the southern boundary was still quite strong. Not only did the six cities in the desert have new jurisdiction, but even Lanzhou Zhizhou also appointed new people. However, it was not mobilized from Kyoto, but directly under the imperial edict, the Great Seal was issued to the master who had been managing Lanzhou since Xuantian Ming to the south. After receiving the appointment, the master directly took Xuantian Tian and Feng Yu as their own reborn parents, and even completely obeyed Yao Shu, who is coming in the future. Of course, this is a postscript.

When Feng Yuzhen returned to Beijing, she actually met Yao Shu. She stuffed the medicines, clothing, and silver and silver tickets in advance, and gave him a big two-box. It made Yao Shu very embarrassed. Xuantian Ming told him that there were many people left in the soldiers who were stationed in the southern boundary. Although he was still guarded by the 300,000-strong army in the south, the Biannan army also said that he would return. But in the end, those people used to follow the old eight. One was afraid that he would not be shocked when he left. Secondly, he was afraid that there would be people who were deliberately provocative. The people he left have weapons in their hands, and they can be summoned to give an overwhelming counterattack if necessary.

Xuan Tianming’s words gave Yao Shu a reassurance, and the things that Feng Yu’s sent were made to make Yao Shu feel very intimate. He only had to be his own sister. Those silver tickets don’t say anything, just the medicines they prepared. The drug made him feel at ease. I heard that the southern boundary is extremely hot. His prefecture is located in Yueping City. When he first arrived, he was really afraid of the heat that could not be resisted.

Fortunately, Feng Yu has already opened a hundred grass halls in Shaping, Pingping and Yueping City in a short period of time. Among them, the largest number of Baicaotang in the Pingping City. She also left Wang Lin at the other end, and the other party slowly moved the Herbs to the other three cities, but no hurry, mainly to develop the Yueping City side. After all, Yuepingcheng has a good position in the desert, and the people are the most. There are oases in the city and the climate is relatively good. After returning to Beijing, she will also deploy the staff in the other areas of Baicaotang, and then send some people to the desert. In addition, the doctor will continue to train, and I don’t know if Grandpa has been trained in Beijing in the past few months. A group of new doctors came.

The army did not go to Ji'an County, Feng Yu, after all, is a new bride, and always have to follow the husband. What's more, she hasn't returned to Beijing for a long time, and she wants to see what the Beijing capital has become.

In the middle of the road, she sent a letter to the head of Ji'an County. One wrote to the six emperors and told her about her plans. She also asked if the six emperors would stay there or get back to Beijing. Nowadays, the governance of Ji'an County is on the right track, everything is carried out in an orderly manner and does not need to be too much worry. What's more, there is still a good harvest. She has already had a conversation. Let Qianfeng accept the Ji'an County and Yuzhou together. As for Lulu, she will give one more per month, and it is much more than the court. .

Qian Fengshou is very happy about this. After all, his son is still in the hands of Xuantian, and the management talents displayed by Feng Yuxi are also deeply admired by him. He is also on Yu'an County. Heart, even bought a small house at the end, and occasionally lived in the past.

There is also a letter written to Xu's Qin family, telling them that they have already left for Beijing, and that the two aunts have also packed up and packed up. As for the county government of Ji’an County, I will give it to I want to accommodate An’s. She wanted to let Xu bring her thoughts back to the capital, but it is said that Anshi has arrived, and she wants to let their mother and daughter stay safely there. She is also a frequent visitor to Ji'an County, and there are a lot of opportunities for sisters to meet.

The army went for two months and finally returned to Kyoto. The people of Kyoto have long had news that the nine princes and the Ji’an County will return to Beijing today. People spontaneously stayed at the gate of the city early in the morning. They sprinkled flowers on the ground, holding red silk in their hands, and In the basket, there are red dates, peanuts, longan and lotus seeds. Everyone knows that Ji'an County is married and married to the God of War, and everyone is looking forward to their early birth. As soon as the soldiers of the defending city opened the gates, some people swarmed out and began to wait. People talked with each other about the marriage of the Nine Emperors and the Ji’an County, and they were more happy than their own daughters.

For the Jingcheng people, the victory of the Nine Emperors is indeed a happy event. They also excited and went out to meet the city when the Nine Emperors first recovered the Northwest. However, this time it was different. This time, the colleague came back from the Ji’an County. After Feng Yu’s smashing the Baicaotang and leaving the capital, the most heartfelt thing for the people in Beijing was the early return of the Ji’an County, and then they were able to bring the Baicaotang. Also reopened. There is no Baicaotang in the capital, which makes them too uncomfortable. Ordinary people no longer give medicines and medicines. The rich people have to drink back the kind of bitter medicine soup. There is a serious person who can no longer rejuvenate. doctor.

Someone once asked Yao Xian, but Yao Xian saved a few, but he couldn’t save too much. When people are older, they have to manage the things in the palace. How can there be people who are working outside the house?

So, people are embarrassed, and finally on this day, Feng Yu Yu gave hope back.

When the army of Xuantian Ming went to the front of Kyoto, the crowd surged again, and people shouted and shouted: "Congratulations to the victory of His Highness Journey! The nine gods of the gods are reborn, so deserved!"

Xuantian was sitting in an open carriage, and Feng Yu was on his side, seeing this scene, as if the scene was reproduced three years ago. However, this time people celebrated not only Xuan Tianming, but soon, the two of them heard people shouting loudly - "Ji'an County Lord! You are finally back! We all think about the county owner. I am looking forward to the county owner returning to the capital as soon as possible!"

Xuan Tianqi raised his eyebrows: "Well, welcoming the king is a blind man. The purpose of these people is actually to meet their Ji'an County!" Still called the county lord? Looking back at the king to make them change, they have to change their mouth to be called Wang Yu!"

Feng Yu sneaked a chuckle, someone is jealous! However, what is the royal king? This title is very good. She also waited for three years. Although some people used to call her Wang Hao, it was only the "future of the future." Now, finally, it can be justified to become his wife. Unfortunately, Fengjia Already absent, her mood has already changed a few times, and there is no longer the pleasure of moving away from the Feng family to the Royal Palace.

Because the big marriage was not done in Beijing, I also heard that the people of Kyoto went to Yao to celebrate on the day of their wedding, and they were not empty-handed, and they brought the best gift that they could get at home. Feng Yuxi was very moved by this. Before returning from the desert, she procured a lot in the three cities and bought a lot of local characteristics. She used the purse to wrap it up when Xuantian was in Lanzhou. There is nothing inside, not expensive, but from afar, she is also a gift with him, and there is something in it.

The two stood on the carriage and began to send the purse at the gate of the capital. There was no guarantee that everyone present would be there, but the vast majority could still get it. I didn't care if I didn't get it, or I laughed so happy. In short, the Nine Emperors and the Ji'an County Lord returned to Beijing, and their lives have more hope.

Finally, the two entered the city, Xuantian dynasty into the palace to report, Feng Yuzhen did not follow, but with a group of people waiting to return to the royal palace. She is now the wife of Xuan Tianming. It is no longer the former Ji’an County. The county government is naturally her. From now on, her family has one more, and it is still the most important one: Yuwangfu .

In front of the Wangfumen, Mrs. Zhou and Zhang Gonggong stood side by side at the gate of the government. All the people in the government stood behind them, dressed neatly, with smiles on their faces. For Feng Yuxi, there is no stranger to Yuwangfu. After all, Feng Yuxi occasionally came here for two days, not only for easygoing, but also often gave them some small favors. Of course, those little favors are not for Feng Yuxi, but for those of them, it is a great grace.

For example, Feng Yuxi gave Mrs. Zhou a whole set of skin care products, gave Zhang Gonggong a leg disease, and gave a separate package of tea to the children of the Fuzhong, and gave them a hand cream. These things have a lot of space in her space, but people of this era have never seen it. People are delighted, and the impression of this future Wang Hao is even better.

Nowadays, the future Wang Shuo has become a real Wang Hao. They are standing here today to meet, with a lot of emotion and excitement. For more than a few years, the royal palace has only one master of the nine emperors. Now, finally, there must be a mistress. It is still such a powerful mistress. People can almost imagine that since then, the couple’s two swords and swords must be invincible.

Mrs. Zhou stood in the door with a smile, and the team that saw Feng Yuxi came to this side, and quickly signaled to Zhang Gonggong. The father-in-law quickly stepped forward and shouted with a wide-eyed smile - "Welcome to Wang Hao to return home!"

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