Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 922: The daughter-in-law also needs to adjust!

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Fengfen 黛 walked out of Jingsi Palace, outside, the five princes' attendants are still waiting to send her out of the palace. Seeing her with her out, she quickly rushed forward and said: "Miss Miss is out, and the subordinates have been waiting outside, which will take you out of the palace."

Fengfen stunned him with a glance, and he was very dissatisfied with the tunnel: "When I was in Fengfu, my two sisters and Jiu Jiuru had just booked a relative. But the people of Yuwangfu met, but the heat was very good. One sentence, Wang Shuo’s cry. How, when you arrived at the Li Wangfu, I only called me a four-sister?"

When the attendant heard this, his eyebrows wrinkled, and his heart was very unpleasant, but the face could not be expressed. He only replied respectfully: "Not the lady thinks that, just the four ladies and the five halls are still after all. If you are not married, you are now called Wang Hao, and you will be afraid of the reputation of Miss Four. To say that the main enemy of Ji’an County is with the Nine Dukes, the former Ji’an County was called Wang Hao, and the outside is not without criticism. My Royal Highness couldn't bear to bear the kind of criticism from Miss Four. This did not mean to change the name, but also for Miss Four."

The attendant is very talkative. As a result, the white-haired singer also remembers that it was not an outsider at the beginning, that is, she herself had buried Feng Yuyu because of this matter. Then I no longer care about it, but just said to the attendant: "Is waiting to see me here? Rest assured, don't be so nervous, I won't be in this palace. I want to live well, good in the future. The days still have to be blessed, but not as stupid as the original phoenix fish."

When she spoke like this, the attendant no longer snorted. She silently sent the man out of the palace gate and watched the Fengfen smashed onto the Fengjia carriage, which was safe to leave.

Feng Fan's carriage was not fast, and the coachman had mastered her temper. Every time she went out, she stayed outside for as long as possible, and she did not want to go back to the house too early.

The carriage slowly walked on the street, and the winter sakura saw that the powder was not very good, and there was no snoring. He sat quietly and waited for the tea. Fengfen 黛 是 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将There are new pavements that come out.

Once upon a time, when the Fengfu people were too big, the old lady did not like the girls to go out often and hold them tight. In addition, Fengshen fish should avoid the world to protect mystery, and she and her thoughts are prostitutes. The old lady thinks that prostitutes always go out on the streets and are also shameful. Later, there was no one in the Feng family. She made her own decision, but she did not have much shopping experience.

When you think about it, people are like this. The more you don't let you do something, the more you want to do it; the more someone argues with you, the more you want to give it to you. But once there is no competition and no restraint, everything will have no original taste. This is why people eat more fragrant, Fengfen delusion, this truth she has not understood for many years, but now it is really understand.

Suddenly, some people understand that Feng Yuyuan took Yao and Fu Ya to the south to re-establish a family, even if it is false, but it is also a kind of prosperity that can paralyze itself. If she can, she hopes that Fengfu will be able to come back, and those who are alive will be able to come back. When she grows up, she will go out of her own way and fight with those people to see who can laugh at the end.

The carriage went through a junction, and Fengfen screamed suddenly: "Stop!" Then he looked straight ahead, and a white figure in a purple dress was riding on the horse. She was very flustered somehow, and hurriedly yelled at the driver: "Turn! Turn quickly! Turn right and turn around, go back!"

The driver did not know, but did not argue, a dozen horses, turned straight at the intersection, until the line is far away, Fengfen 黛 gave a breath.

Winter Sakura is puzzled and asked: "What happened to Miss?"

The phoenix phoenix does not scream, but the figure of the purple blouse is still reflected in the mind. The person who once pursued her, is still the pursuit of life, when she was young, she did not know where to be courageous, and dared to provoke that person. And that man is indeed a haze role, she still remembers being cheated into the water and almost did not drown, if there are not seven halls, her life has long since disappeared.

Fengfen blinked his eyes and said that the six emperors like Feng Yu, that is her. But if you think of the seven emperors like Feng Yu, is this something more conclusive? However, she has no ability to provoke, and there is no channel to provoke. The six emperors have an unclear mother, but the seven emperors are alone, without a trace of concern.

The horse-drawn carriage of Fengfu gradually drifted away, and Xuantian Ming looked in that direction for a while, and said coldly: "The Feng family is still dead."

Xuan Tianhua around him helplessly said: "How do you always think about letting people destroy the whole family? But you were not this temper in the past. People who don't look good are all directly lashing. I haven't seen it for a long time. I have moved your whip."

"Some people need me to do it. Some people have to keep it for the girl to clean up, otherwise she will not be addicted, but I will bite." Xuantian said, moved his shoulders, was the girl last night. I bite a bit and it hurts now. He is a good wife and a child, it is not enough to open up in some aspects, but also need to adjust!

At that time, Feng Yuzheng was carrying Zirui in her county government. Since returning to Beijing, this is her first time returning home. The government has been particularly happy from the defensive Yulin army to the people in the government, and she has been around for a long time. Feng Yuzhen naturally did not have their red envelopes, and everyone is a big one. If you don't give the items, you can directly install the silver ticket, even the small one can get fifty-two. She has always been a big deal, and the people in the house have not had much to be blessed, but this time it is too big, fifty-two silver, enough for the little room to be a good wife!

Everyone is happy, Qingyu tells Feng Yuxi: "Miss is on the day of the big marriage in the south, Yao has opened a big feast, many people give gifts, and the head can't fit it. It's a lot here. I have already deposited it in the warehouse, and I will give the list to the lady."

Feng Yu珩 nodded. "I have to look at it. I have to return it in the future!" When she said that she was returning to the ceremony, she thought again: "Is there any kind of rules, people come to give gifts, we have to give a cake candy." What?"

Qingyu nodded: "Yes. Miss assured, these things are prepared on the same day, and the slaves are also distributed. Whether it is a nobleman or a poor citizen, as long as it is sincerely came to congratulate, even if it is just carrying a blue egg, We have all given a good gift."

Feng Yuxi was relieved, only the Yao family thought it was really thoughtful. "I am going to return to Yao home tomorrow. You will go back to the next door and say a word. After all, it is a new wife. I will go back to the door with my husband for the first time, so I am not good at myself. I don’t have to prepare too much with my grandfather. Grand, it is a family feast, just have a meal together."

Qingyu nodded: "Then the slave, then go, the young lady and the young master first come inside to see." Qingyu said that he left in a hurry, Feng Yuzhen thinks that her **** is getting more and more vigorous, and there is a hidden woman. The style, even the big red envelope she had prepared had not had time to take out her hand, and everyone has already left the government.

Helpless smile, pull Zirui to go inside, and walked and said: "Sister will return to the foreign family with my brother-in-law tomorrow, you have passed, let's have a meal together, then you still have to go back to Xiaozhou."

Zirui said very obediently: "My sister is relieved, I understand that it is only mentioned by Mr. Zirui and Mr., who does not want to participate in the child test. Zirui wants to specialize in military books and will lead troops to fight in the future." He started his own hands and broke. The knuckles are bare and still look fascinating. "From the moment the finger broke, Zirui had already made up his mind to throw a pen, and hoped that his sister would stop, and Zirui would not let his sister down."

Feng Yuxi always feels embarrassed at this child, no matter what his finger is broken, she always does not protect him. Coupled with Yao's business, the children have not enjoyed much affection in recent years. The little ones are familiar with the situation, and anyone who feels it will feel bad. She took the shoulder of Zirui and walked to the yard where Yao lived in the past. While seeing that the yard had been changed into a warehouse by the master of Qingyu, she said to Zirui: "My sister does not stop, as long as they are Zirui’s own choice of road, my sister must support you to go.”

This younger sister was deep in love, and the outside of the yard ran over and went to her and said a courtesy: "Miss, there is someone at the gate of the government to send something, saying that it is a congratulatory gift for you."

"Happiness of the big wedding?" Feng Yu is puzzled. How long has she been married? The Yao family here in the capital has given a wedding banquet. The congratulations of the congratulations are not finished long ago. How come? But if you think about it, it’s quite true. She just returned to Beijing. Everyone knows that it’s a human nature to fear that someone wants to send it to her personally. "Then please enter the front hall and the main hall!" She spoke, pulling Zirui and going out, while walking and asking, "What kind of person?"

He said: "It’s a sister. It looks like a seventeen-eight-year-old, but the temper is steady. When you talk about it, it’s justified. At first glance, it’s the embarrassment of a big family.”

This description is also very real, Feng Yu珩 nodded with satisfaction, and went to the main hall in a timely manner. After a short time, I saw that the gift-giving person came under the guidance of the next person. Sure enough, as described by his own family, like the cockroaches cultivated by the big family, even walking is very stable, not ill, every step is out of the same distance, at first glance it is well trained. She only knows at a glance that she can’t scream at such a quality, it should be called a palace lady.

"The slaves see the royal king, Wang Hao is a thousand years old!" The girl came to Feng Yu, and bowed directly to the ceremony.

Feng Yu screamed and smiled, and then looked at the seat, and then directly said: "I don't know which palace is the girl? But your mother and son sent you?"

Then he slammed his head and said: "Wang Hao is a good eye. The slaves are indeed from the palace. My master is not called the goddess now, but the Ligui who lives in the Jingsi Palace."

"Ligui people." Feng Yuxi had an impression on this person. When she was at the hunting ground, she made a mistake in her mind, or she asked for a love to save her life. She only dropped a noble person and lived in Jingsi Palace. It is reported that Fengfenyu also looked for her, thinking that it is necessary to use the power of the six emperors to say things, to find an alliance with the five emperors. However, for these, Feng Yuxi did not take it too seriously, and even did not even remember what he looked like. But the only thing that impressed her in her heart was her other identity: the birth mother of the six emperors. So she smiled again and said to the palace lady: "The troubled nobles still remember that the Six Emperors have repeatedly mentioned to me that they are very suspicious."

She took the initiative to talk about the six emperors, but it was to let the woman in the palace be "squeaky" and faintly panic...

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