Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 929: I vomit it out to me.

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Feng Yu provoked a trouble, and Xuan Tianmo quickly squatted down and gave Tianwu a head. At the same time, he also feared the truth: "Children, please ask the father to listen to people!"

The little girl is vengeful, and Feng Yuxi added the sentence: "Isn't Auntie saying it right? At first, the starling brought a group of people to shut me up. Now it is also the starling. You are talking to the father. I am going back to the Herbs, isn’t it just inside and outside?

"Today is the petition of the Beijing people! It is the people who are at the gate of the palace! Brothers and sisters should not confuse the facts!" Xuantian ink itched his teeth.

However, I listened to Tianwudao: "People's petition is the petition of the people. What do you follow?"

alright! He wants to be a good person, and the result is that he is not a person inside or outside. Knowing that it is useless, simply shut your mouth and kneel down and admit your mistake. However, Yu Guang took aim at Feng Yu, and this eye brought infinite grievances. Feng Yu looked at him like a little wife who was suffocated, and it was like a prince.

Tianwu Emperor looked at him for a long while, and he didn’t say anything any more. He waved his hand and let him get up. Then he said to Feng Yu: "Auntie, you will open the herb house again! There is no decent clinic in Beijing. It’s really not the case. Your Baicaotang is very good, the people are convinced, and the medication is also a conscience...” When it comes to this, it’s another old one, and then says: “He’s put it here today. In the future, no matter who they are, they have no power to slap on the grass. Not only the capital, but also the other grassroots houses in Dashun, and the power to blend with them. I remember that Let the Herbs Church be able to drive through Dashun, as if you have followed a lot of money?"

He said that here, turning to look at Zhang Yuan, Zhang Yuan quickly said: "The emperor is right, it is out of silver, and it is not out of the treasury, it is the emperor's own silver, it is the county owner. Opened by partnership."

"Well." Tianwu nodded: "This is it. Looking for the trouble of the hundred cottages, it is equivalent to finding troubles! Lao Ba, can you hear clearly?"

Xuantian ink burst into a big head, dare to say this to him to listen to? However, he did not dare to refute the words of Tianwu. He had to swear by his head: "The father is right!"

"That little distant child! You will make a decree! Send it to the provinces and counties, and tell the local officials about the things in the Herbs, and say that it is the owner of Ji'an County... Oh, it’s time to call Yu Wang. It’s said that it’s smashed with Yu Wang, let them polish their eyes!”

Feng Yuxi is also smart, and quickly said: "The monthly business of Baicaotang is reported by the shopkeepers to Beijing. Auntie turned back the accounts and gave them to the father. Although the Baicaotang is mainly based on public welfare, it is not expected. The profit, but how much is some balance."

Tianwu Emperor looked at her with a smile, how is this daughter-in-law how good, and has the ability to make money, thanks to the Feng family did not raise it! Think about it, the one thing that Feng Xiu Yuanfufu did best was to have such a daughter.

Seeing that Emperor Wu of Heaven and Feng Yuyu were getting hotter and hotter, Xuan Tianmo was like a forgotten person, and he hated his teeth. At this time, Feng Yuxi wanted him to come, but he said something that made him even more annoyed: "Oh yes! There is something to talk to my eighth brother. When we attacked the ancients in the southern world. The younger sister of the starling was arrested by the general of the ancient monk, Bixiu. When attacking the moon, the generals pushed the younger brother of the starling down from the wall. Auntie thought at the time that the woman was a little girl. However, after all, I followed my starling. I was originally left in Lanzhou, but I didn’t want to fall into Bixiu’s hands. It’s pitiful to think about it. As a younger brother, Auntie is obliged to help the younger brother to report this hatred. Therefore, Auntie shot and shot the general, Bixiu, and it was a relief for the eighth brother, and fulfilled my obligation to be a younger brother."

"Well?" Xuantian ink was stunned by her. "What a small cockroach? Where is the king?"

"Hey? Starling's little sister is in Lanzhou, this is what everyone knows! Or Yuangui people personally picked it for you, and sent it from the capital. It happened that the little aunt knows it, it is back from the north. Fuya girl from Jingzhong. Yuangui was in the middle of the girl, and she sent it to Lanzhou to make a small donkey for her brother. The younger brother also asked the former Lanzhou prefecture to buy a house at the end! This thing is known in the south. Don't be embarrassed, but don't you want the father to ask Yuangui to ask?"

"No!" Xuantian ink screamed out, "No need to use! The king remembered, there is such a thing, but when the girl went to the South, the king was already on the way back to Beijing, missed it. I have never seen it before."

"Whether I have seen or not, it is the mind of Yuangui people. I have long heard that my brother is very respectful to my mother. I will not refute the face of Yuangui." She spoke and sighed: "That Fuya girl is also pitiful, empty has the identity of a younger brother, but even the face of the starling did not see the fragrance disappeared. But the starling assured, Aunt really shot the Bixiu personally, for the eighth brother This is a bad smell!"

Xuantian ink has to bite his teeth. This Feng Yu screams that she gave him a voice. What does this mean? Want him to appreciate?

Just having this thought in my heart, I heard Tianwu come to the sentence: "Old eight, since it is your woman, whether it is a nameless side, or a small room, it is always yours. She suffered Except for your brother and sister to help you remember the enemy, you have to lead this feeling."

Xuantian ink has an impulse, he wants to ask himself this father, in the end I am your son, or Feng Yu is your daughter? How do you come to an outsider when you encounter something related to this Feng Yu?

But in the heart, I just got this belly, but Tianwu’s head naturally received the words: “You don’t have to climb aunt, don’t feel that you are always pointing to her. In fact, you are not always pointing to her. There are also times when you are facing you. Otherwise, how can she turn off the Baicaotang in Beijing, and how can she stay away from the capital to Ji’an County?"

After some words, I blocked the mouth of Xuantian ink. The old emperor came again with a sentence: "Hey, that's the sentence, our sons and grandchildren are not people who don't report it. Since your brother and sister have helped you out, you must lead this kindness."

What else can he say? Even if the heart is not willing to do so, but Emperor Tianwu made a speech, he also had to listen, accept, and have to do it. Therefore, respectfully and tribute to Feng Yu, it is sincere and sincere: "Thank you for the help of the younger brother and sister, although the king has no kindness with the woman, but the father is right, no matter what identity, it is the mother. Give it to my woman. It’s just that the younger brother and sister are very good, and the king is not convinced that it’s inevitable...”

"I don't think it is unreasonable." Feng Yuxi suddenly said, "The aunt did not expect to return anything, but since the starling said this, the aunt can't let the starling take it for a lifetime. After all, for a small donkey. worth it."

Xuan Tianmo listened, dare to love this and also volunteered for compensation? After all, the Emperor Wu of the Heavens also made a speech. He didn’t mean that he didn’t mean it. So I asked: "I don't know what the younger brother said is..."

"A few days ago, there was something happening in the mines in Yuzhou. Some people pointed out that it was instructed by the myald. After the aunt returned to Beijing, I heard that the case is still under trial. The starling does not recognize it, and the criminal department is also very difficult to file a case."珩 珩 地说 地说 地说 地说 地说 地说 地说 地说 地说 地说 地说 地说 地说 地说 地说 地说 地说

Isn't it a matter of Fu Ya? Why did you suddenly pick up the mine again? He did not understand, "What is the intention of the younger brother? There is always a villain's evil deeds, and the king is sitting right, even if he is in the lobby of the criminal department, he is honest. If he has not instructed the miners, it is not instructed. I believe. The morning and evening of the punishment department will also be a pure innocent king."

"Oh, that's the case of the criminal department and the starling. The aunt is a woman who doesn't participate in that." She said: "I mentioned this today, because the starling insisted on expressing the little girl. Auntie mourned the jade. The affected miners and their families in the state have always felt very uncomfortable. After all, the wounded people are the flat people, the Dashun people, the father's people, and the father is also the same as the aunt. Focus on it!"

Finished, I saw Tianwu Emperor. Tianwu’s play was very good. He immediately made a very sad look. He also said: “I’m all Dashun people, just like my son.”

Xuantian ink bit his teeth and asked: "The younger sister means..."

Feng Yu said: "After the incident, I have already given certain compensation to the miners and their families. But I am still alone in the water. It’s better for my brother to do my best for the miners! It is also a father. The emperor is worried."

It turned out to be money! Xuantian ink is cold in the heart, but it is very positive on the surface: "That is nature. It can be a worry for the father and the emperor. It is a matter of being a child. If the intention is more than that, please ask the younger sister. Let's go!"

Feng Yuxi shook his head and said: "I didn't show it to me. Auntie didn't dare to show anything to the starling. This is the same thing as the reopening of the hundred cottages. It is for the benefit of the people. So the aunt does not want to be the Lord, still have to Go back and learn about the situation with the Yuzhou mine, and see what is missing. After you have finished understanding, report it to your eighth brother!"

Xuantian ink nodded, "That is what the younger brother said, the king is waiting in the house."

Feng Yuqi smiled and kissed her, broke her mine, killed her miner, and let her own money and disaster? How is it possible! The compensation money she gave was not only to be replenished in the old eight, but also to let the guy make another extra blood, and to give her Ji'an County more benefits. "Father's Emperor." She leaned over to Tianwu Emperor and leaned over. "Today's people petitioned, and the Eight Brothers also loosened their mouths. The Bachelor's daughter-in-law reopened with confidence. Just Yao's family has a three-point watch. When he was a doctor, he also thought about opening a medical hall to teach medical skills, thinking that I would cultivate more outstanding medical talents!"

Tianwu listened and nodded. "Or Auntie thinks thoughtfully, you can do it with confidence! If you have anything, you will tell the father that the father will give you the title!"

"Thank you, Father."

The Baicaotang was confirmed to be reopened. When Feng Yu and Xuan Tianmo went out of the palace, Xuan Tianmo’s face was finally unable to stretch, and looked at the girl in front of her eyes. Just a woman, don't be too arrogant. Follow the man on the battlefield, you are not afraid of being criticized by the man behind your house, saying that he is relying on a woman for a nap? Hey! In Beijing, relying on his mother, he went to Beijing and leaned on him. The daughter-in-law, this nine younger brother of the king is really promising!"

When I finished talking, I didn’t hear the phoenix of Feng Yu’s cockroaches. I saw that the girl was looking straight in the direction behind him.

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