Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 931: This is a clinic, but not a clinic.

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Lu Song wants to go to the Herbs to see, although knowing that Feng Yuxi is not waiting to see him, but he does not want to die. There has always been a sigh of relief in my heart. I don’t want Lu’s family to be so ruined. I originally wanted to follow the Eight Emperors, but I didn’t expect it to be an unconscionable person. Now I know how to stand up. If I can meet Feng Yu, I can say a few words, in case the newly-married county owner is soft?

Lu’s former move was a universal netting route. He planned to have a daughter marry into Yao’s family, a daughter sent to Shengwangfu, and a daughter’s estimate. These nets are sprinkled out, which fish are fished, and whoever wins the Lu family is not lost. However, I did not expect that the net was leaked at the end of the day, but the fish did not catch it. Now it is still the end of the game. Lu Song has long recognized the reality. It is wrong to spread the net. It is a serious matter to keep an eye on one. It is a pity that their family has no decent daughter, and there is a great color, but they are suffering from hidden diseases. Fortunately, Lu Ping and Feng Yuxi seem to know each other, and there are still some friendships. If you can take the friendship route well, it is also good.

When the carriage approached the Baicaotang, he was stopped by him, and the driver was rushed back to the government. Lu Song decided that the rest of the road had to go. I heard that the new opening of Baicaotang was even more popular than before, and this is the result of the collective petition of the people. He also wants to see how the grandeur of Baicaotang is.

With such a mentality, Lu Song stepped forward to Baicaotang, and he did not bring a follower. He was like a grand lord who had nothing to do in the capital. He occasionally met someone who recognized him. He It is also a wave of hands, no intention to chill.

But he is a patient in the end. He has already consumed a lot of physical strength in getting up early, and now he has sent his driver and his entourage back to the house. He walked with the sun for a long time, and the feeling of chest tightness and shortness of breath came up again. He helplessly lifted a big tree on the street, thinking about taking a break for a while, and reaching for his hand in the cuff, trying to find a piece of broken silver to buy tea. But this silver did not wait to touch it, it led to a sudden cough, this cough came too fast to get heavy, it felt that the lungs must cough up, and did not see a little relief. Finally, I finally coughed up, and then I saw a blood on the handkerchief used to cover my mouth.

Lu Song’s heart was “squeaky”. His body was awkward, but the hemoptysis was the first time. Before that, it was just a chest tightness, shortness of breath, and occasional dizziness. I didn’t expect to have a cough in the street today. For a time, the symptoms of dizziness slammed up again, and the body swayed three times, and the eyes were slammed down, but a person who appeared around him gave it a helping hand. It was a young son who asked him: "Is the left-handed adult, but I am not feeling well?"

When I heard him call him left, Lu Song was quite happy. He felt that he at least recognized him. He didn’t care if he fainted in the street. I quickly turned my head and looked at it, but when I saw the person’s appearance, I screamed and said, "Is this not the big man of the family?"

The person who came is the nephew of General Pingnan’s general, Ren Xifeng’s brother, Ren Xitao. This Ren Xitao is young, but he has been a deputy coach of the 50,000-strong army in the southeast of Dashun. The coach in the southeast has been vacant for so many years. It can be said that Ren Xitao is called the deputy coach, but he has the same authority as the coach.

Lu Song felt that it was wrong to call "Renjia Dagongzi". He quickly changed his mouth again: "I am a small general. I am really uncomfortable with this body. I would like to thank the young general for helping this. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will fall to the ground. Lost people." The deputy in the southeast, served as the general of the four products Wei, although there is no war in the southeast, but as the left, this official title he still remembers. Lu Song had long had some thoughts on this Ren Xitao. He intended to give Lu Ping to the other side, but he has been suffering from nowhere. General Pingnan’s generals had never had much friendship with him. He just said that the pro didn’t say anything. I did not expect to meet in this way on the street today.

Ren Xitao is an upright young man. Although his sister Xifeng has told him many times that he should not trust anyone easily, he must keep more eyes on everything, but he always has no such thoughts. He always feels that everyone is not easy, no. It will be a bad person for no reason. He is also known as General Pingnan, so he should be as close as possible to people, especially those in the DPRK. Ren Xitao is also obedient. Even on the weekdays, there is very little talk in the upper and lower dynasties. It gives people the feeling that this is a somewhat boring little general, but no one can ignore his true self. It is unambiguous to play it.

At this time, Lu Song coughed up blood. Ren Xitao had long forgotten what the sister had told him about Lu Jia and Yao’s. When he saw the blood, he was anxious, and then he asked: "You are all sick. How can I still go to the streets alone? What about the family?"

Lu Song shook his head: "I just want to go out and walk, I don't let the next person follow."

"This can't be done!" Ren Xitao was so anxious that he couldn't help it. He looked around and suddenly his eyes lit up. With the help of Lu Song, he said: "The left side is not anxious. The front is the herb, and the Tao helps you to look at it." Dialysis. Hematemesis is not a minor illness, can not be so dragged." After that, regardless of Lu Song objection, holding Lu Song's arms and arms to the side of the grass. He is a member of the military commander, with great strength and strong body. Where Lu Song earned him, he was almost erected to the door of the Baicaotang, and immediately turned to the eyes of Yao’s four young master Yao An. Panic.

However, Yao An was also confessed by Feng Yuzhen before. Baicaotang is opening a door to do business. No matter who is here, as long as there is injury and illness, there is no reason to turn the patient out. However, the treatment of this medical treatment will be estimated by people. If you look at a person who is not pleasing to the eye, not a good person, and who is opposite to them, then you can be assured of it! Who will not have a hatred with money?

So Yao An did not say anything, called the buddy to let people go inside, but the heart was pondering, Lu family has money? Doesn't that family have toss up when business fails? They Yao’s investigations have been carried out, and they have been stuck in Lu’s impoverished, and this has only been collected.

Ren Xifeng naturally couldn’t think of this. It’s very urgent to say: “Lv Daren coughed up blood halfway, just not far from Baicaotang, I took him over. You can give it a quick look, how can a good person Suddenly hemoptysis?"

Today, Feng Yuxi is also in the Baicaotang. He has just diagnosed and treated a traumatic patient. He is now preparing to go back to the government. However, he heard that Lu Song’s blood has come to the Baicaotang, and he will take a bit of curiosity to kill him. Song was sent to her special clinic.

Or Ren Xitao helped Lu Songjin to go. He had seen it with Feng Yu, but he was not familiar with it. However, there is a relationship between Ren Xifeng and the two are not unfamiliar. He met Feng Yu and performed a ceremony and called out: "Yu Wang."

Feng Yuxi said with a smile: "The general is the big brother of Feng Feng, and Feng Feng is my good sister. We don't need to be so polite between them. I will call you a big brother!" The polite opportunity, directly asked: "Lvxiang hemoptysis, how is it sent by the eldest brother?" She said that she did not forget Lu Song's head, let people sit down and immediately take blood pressure, listen to the heart and lungs. Most of the hemoptysis is related to the lungs. Lu Song is at this age. If his life is good, ordinary pneumonia, his life is not good, it is lung cancer.

Ren Xifeng saw her seeing Lu Song, and her technique was very novel, but she did not forget to answer Feng Yu's question. He said: "I happened to meet on the street. See Lu Song is holding a big tree. Down, this was only helped in the past, and the result was that he saw the blood coughing up on his scorpion. This quickly brought people to the Baicaotang."

"Well." Feng Yu nodded, no more questions, and used his mind at Lu Song. The stethoscope doesn't sound like lung disease, it is extremely high blood pressure, and the high pressure has reached one hundred and seven. She asked Lu Song: "What are the symptoms of removing hemoptysis?"

Lu Song answered: "In the past month, I always feel chest tightness and shortness of breath, and occasionally I feel dizzy." Think again, and said: "The stomach is always uncomfortable."

Feng Yu nodded and told him directly: "I originally thought that hemoptysis thought it was lung disease, but now it seems that there is no problem with lung disease." Then, reaching out to the pulse, he quickly got further The determination: "The problem is on the stomach. If I am not mistaken, Lu Daren should only be uncomfortable at first. You don't know what is wrong, you have pressure in your heart, you don't think about it all day, you are wondering. How is this disease going on, right?"

Lu Song nodded: "Wang Hao is right. He is not comfortable from the stomach. He also invited a few doctors at home, but they can't tell what is wrong. It doesn't work if you open a prescription. I have no heart in it. At the end, I started to have a headache and dizziness. Today I finally coughed up blood... Wang Hao, I am not... I am not going to die?"

Feng Yuqi shook his head and said: "It is still uncertain, the initial suspicion is that something is growing in the stomach, but this thing is specifically malignant or benign. It is not easy to say that it is to be pathologically analyzed. But your dizziness is not short. What's wrong with you, just that you have given yourself too much psychological pressure, which leads to a high blood pressure, which makes you feel dizzy. It will do some medicine for you to reduce blood circulation in a while, then you will see such symptoms later. Taking medicine and getting medicine soon will be good. As for your stomach..." She pondered for a while and said: "You need a lower gastroscope, take out the contents of the stomach, and then do a pathological analysis."

Lu Song couldn't understand the terms she said, but listening to this means that it can be cured, and the mood can't help it. "Then go under the gastroscope!"

Feng Yu smiled and told him: "Lv Daren, Baicaotang is a clinic, but it is not a clinic. It is necessary to pay for a consultation. The lower stomach is currently only available to you." Is it that I will open the list now and pay the money, or will I send the order to Lu Fu and return to the next person to send it?"

When she mentions the money, Lu Song has no bottom in her heart. The Baicaotang has always been watching people to serve dishes. The poor people are good at seeing a doctor. The money that comes out is very small, and even the money may not be needed. If the rich and the bad guys see a doctor, how much it costs, you have to look at the mood of the herb. Especially for those who have hatred with Feng Yu, it is also possible to see a bankruptcy in a disease.

It can be said that her medical treatment is a big one. If you don't come here, it will be no different from waiting for death. To say that the past years and months have got the kind of death, people are calm, after all, everyone is the same, everyone has to die, no one can cure well. But then, suddenly, those so-called terminal illnesses can be cured, so people pay more for their lives and feel worthwhile.

I am afraid that I am afraid that I am able to rule here, but if you have no money to cure, that is the saddest thing. And Lu Song, now facing this kind of sorrow...

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