Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 933: 扒 sheepskin, eat mutton

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Not to mention whether Ren Tsiu Tao will be blinded by Lu Song, and said that Lu Song went to the Baicaotang to see this matter and gave Feng Yuxi a wake up.

Since the clinic has been opened, it will not be possible to avoid all kinds of people coming to see the doctor, which of course includes the characters of the Eight Emperors. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was necessary to remind Yao An, so she quickly said to me, "I will write a list immediately after returning to the government, and write down all the officials of the Eight Emperors and One Party in Beijing that we can master. I sent it to Baicaotang and handed it to my four cousins. Yao’s family had suffered a loss before, and this time, the tragedy could not be played again.” I thought about it, I still felt that it was not safe, so I changed my mind. “Forget it, still Don't go, wait for me to go back and make a few medical agreements. After that, I will go to the Baicaotang to see what the general medicine will do. But if it involves surgery, I have to sign a surgical consent form. Life and death have nothing to do with the herb."

Forgot the river before the first one had not waited, Feng Yuxi changed his mind, but it was good to sign an agreement. She immediately thought of why the Yao family was sent to the wasteland. Although it was the decision made by Emperor Wu of Heaven to protect Yao’s family, it’s true that the doctor’s death is true. In the end, it’s also the Tao of the Three Emperors’ mysterious night. Resolve this matter.

When she returned to China, Xuantian had already returned to her step by step, and was wandering around the backyard of the front yard of the government. Mrs. Zhou followed him and kept persuading: "Wang Hao went to the Herbs Church, but it was a serious matter. Your Highness must not be mad at this king. You haven’t had a long story, we are different from Wang Hao. The woman can't hold her in the deep house courtyard all the year round. She has to open a hundred cottages, and she has to take care of many things outside. It is an atmospheric person. She can't hold her feet because of the lock in the house."

"Mrs. Zhou." Xuantian stopped, looking at the old man behind him, very helplessly said: "This king is strolling in the palace, how can you think so much? These words are Where did you come from?"

Mrs. Zhou "snap" two times, "His Royal Highness, don't deliberately cover up, you have never stopped after returning to the government. The backyard of the front yard has not turned back. I don't know how many rounds back and forth. You used to If I didn't do this, I came back to the study and sat in the study room. I often didn't leave the house all day."

Xuan Tian Ming touches the nose, is it? His emotions are so obvious? But... "When did the girl come back?" In the end, it was still angry. "Can't go to the Baicaotang for a whole day?"

This words happened to be heard by Feng Yu, who had just returned to the government. She understood - "What told me to go all day? I haven't eaten lunch yet. You call this a whole day?" ”

Xuan Tian Ming listened to this movement and he was happy, his house lady is back! I rushed forward to meet, and no matter whether the people in the house looked at it, they took the sleeves of Feng Yu’s squat and went to the backyard. While walking, they said, "The king has not eaten, just eat together. ""

All the people in Yuwangfu know that these two people are deeply esoteric, especially under the command of their own family. Since Wang Hao married, it has changed like a person. Although it is still a sullen face on weekdays, it is not surprising that it is often the case that it is out of control today. If you have a good look, you will look at your eyes, and then you will be busy with each other. If you don’t ask, don’t talk about it. This is the rule that the Royal Palace has never changed in years.

It’s Mrs. Zhou’s look at the two people’s noisy and loving love. I smiled with confidence. She has been taking care of her grandfather since she was a child, and now she can finally make a good difference with the Yunnao girl in the palace! It is a godsend to have the Ji'an County Lord next to His Highness.

Feng Yuqi was forcibly dragged back into the room, and soon the next person came up with food. Forgetting Sichuan Huangquan consciously stood at the door, saying that from now on, it is the private time of His Royal Highness and Wang Hao, and no one can bother. As for how a private law, the two of them are of course well-informed, but also tacitly smile at each other, Huang Quan even whispered with the forget-know: "Do you want to bet, not a month, our lady will definitely be pregnant. ”

In this case, she felt that the voice was quite small, but in the end she still underestimated the ear force of the two people inside. Feng Yu’s face was so hot when he heard this, and he stunned Xuan Tian’s eyes. Xuan Tianming was very proud of laughing, and then pondered: "I can definitely be pregnant, or do we also make a bet?"

Feng Yuxi did not intend to use this matter to bet with him. She knew that such a tossing method would definitely be pregnant, but if in ancient times, it was a man who said nothing, but she was excluded. Whether you want to have children or not, it is entirely up to her. For example, now, the relationship between her and Xuan Tianming is nothing to say, but the political situation is not stable, too many people look at it, she does not want to add a burden to herself at this time. What's more, even though she is a doctor, even though she is guarded against it, there is still a gap in Bai Mi. When she can't guarantee the safety of her child 100%, she doesn't want the little life to come early.

Seeing her for a long time, Xuan Tian could not help but ask: "What happened?"

She thought about it, but she still said her thoughts, and Xuan Tian had a glimpse of it. There was a flash of anger on the surface, but it quickly calmed down. There was a moment of silence in the room. He was thinking, she was thinking, until after a long time, the two men spoke at the same time and said the same thing: "Do you still have a child's slowdown?"

Before Xuantian went to the house, she took her little lady in her arms and reluctantly apologized: "I am not good, I don't give you enough strong support, so you can't even have a child." See Feng Yuying and shook his head. He said again: "This is indeed the case. You have analyzed it right. Now we have no shortcomings for each other. The other party wants to start, and it is difficult to find opportunities. Even Ji'an County. There are so many guards in the head. But once we have children, once you get heavy, the short board is obviously exposed. But the children are our blood, the most apart from us. The most important person, I can't take my own baby to take risks. So you are right, slow down!"

What can Feng Yuzhen say? Don't want the child to be her initiative, but now Xuantian nodded and agreed, but she lost a little. Think about it, the woman is really charming, with the idea that the man disagrees, the woman is angry, the man agrees, and feels lost. She is helpless. It seems that any woman can't be excused. She even has the urge to ask Xuan Tianming: Since you know that your support is not strong enough, why don't you work harder and stronger?

But in this case, it is like a shrew, she is not Fengfen, not so irrational. Just silently praying that this political turmoil has rushed past, but I feel that the storm will only be the new emperor's successor. Tianwu treats her well. She can't bear to curse the old emperor.

"But don't want children to be children! I said the wife--" Xuantian Ming's words came from the top of the head. "You are a doctor, you should know how to temporarily avoid a baby without hurting your body." Can you say that because this will not let the king eat meat?" After that, he also screamed, and it was very shameless and added: "It is hungry!"

She is speechless. "If you are hungry, you will eat. The food is on the table. If you don't eat it, it will be cold."

"When you get married, you can first receive the space, and the king will eat the meat first, then go to the dinner, how?"

"Are you a wolf?" Well, he is really a wolf. Feng Yu is silently asking Heaven. Is this man a long time in the past 20 years? Once the gate is open, it will be out of control like the unspeakable faucet. She hides, "Xuan Tianming, you just had meat before last night, and you will support it if you eat too much. I am a doctor, you have to listen to me, you can't ask for it like this, it is not good for your body." She said But it’s all right. After playing the house, this person has not been idle. Ok! She is also a beneficiary of her own, but also tasted the joy of human happiness. In the end, I was afraid of his physical exhaustion. She also secretly changed the tonic for the Xuantian, and replaced it with a better kidney product in the space.

However, Xuantian said: "Women, don't you say, don't know if you give me a big hair, and I feel that the blood of the whole body is boiling at any time. I haven't seen the wife." Can also be engraved, but when you see your wife, you can't stand it." In the speech, a big hand has already found her collar.

Feng Yu is speechless, can't it really make up for it? Think again, okay! It may be really a big hair. Xuantian Ming’s original body is good. The ancients are precocious. She always forgets this. Many times, according to the maturity of Xuantian, it is easy to substitute the other into a 30-year-old. Middle-aged man. In fact, her husband is only more than 20 points, it is the most vigorous period of men's physical strength, where to use the kidney.

Self-made! Self-made!

She mourned! Then he was pushed halfway down on the bed by a wolf.

Xuantian has eaten so many meats, and can already find the sensitive parts of his wife very accurately. He knows how to make this little girl enter the state quickly. Therefore, when Feng Yuxi felt the enthusiasm of his body, he also found that some kind of desire in his body began to move.

She sighs and doesn't want to grieve herself. Can't the meat eat this wolf alone? As a sheep, should she resist it occasionally?

So she rose! She turned over to the serf... put the wolf up! When the little white sheep sat on the wolf's body, he heard the wolf underneath saying: "The lady is a good move. Have you seen the album that Mrs. Zhou gave under the box?" ”

She was confused: "What album? What do you look at? What the girl does not have a teacher, you don't need to look at the Raiders." While talking about the tiger, he started to go to the wolf skin. Until the wolf skin was smashed, this nodded with satisfaction, and sucked the mouth. Well, it looks delicious.

Someone laughed and hurts. "Return girl? You are not a girl!" After that, one turned over and pressed the little white sheep back. "Reverse you, let's compare it today, see Who is better?"

Sheepskin is faster than wolf skin, and someone has to admit that she still has to practice again in the case of suede. Her enthusiasm was also smashed, and her heart was itchy, looking at the opposite husband, and her eyes gradually revealed the color of pleading.

He no longer teased her, and when he leaned over, he was ready to eat. At this time, he heard that the sound of forgetting the river outside the door was very out of place, and he was particularly annoyingly raised: "His Royal Highness, Wang Hao, the head of the palace came. !"

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