Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 938: Who is it for whom?

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Liu Huai’s wife has always been an irritated temper. Not only is her temper acute, she is not all the way with Liu Huai in many points of view. For example, she is squatting now - "Liu Huai! You don't think I don't know, why do people send that kind of thing to the house? Is it because you offended the nine emperors and the Ji'an County? Your brain What's in the end? Everyone in the world knows that the Nine Emperors can't offend, how can you get on the wind? Can you be resistant? Now, everyone is sending the money to the house, you still have to take it. This thing is cooking and cooking, you live enough, and the old lady still wants to live for a few more years!"

Li’s picking up people is like a shrew, but when you say it, it’s quite a bit reasonable. Indeed, all the people in the world know that the King of the Nine Kings can not offend, but Liu Huai tried to find the troubles of others. Li said that Liu Huai understands that he understands it, but he does not mean that he can endure the insults of his wife. In the face of the bold Li, Liu Huai raised his arm. "啪" is a slap in the face, and Li has almost fallen, and also loudly said: "Women, do you know?"

"You hit me?" Li's eyes widened. "I know everything! Don't you want to help the Eight Emperors? I tell you, that person is not playing! You'd better die this heart and live safely. Yes, your sister in the palace has not given a contribution to the family for more than 20 years. Now that I am dying, I still want to harm Liu’s family?"

Liu Huai was too angry to point to Li’s, and he said: “Roll! You give me a roll!”

This night, Liu’s family was not in a good mood. It is said that in the middle of the night, the couple are still fighting! However, Wangfuli is very quiet and peaceful, and the big gray wolf has not taken advantage of the meat. The two of them embraced each other and were warm and full, and he did not want to go up until the next day.

But the temple is still going to be on, including Feng Yu, and after waking up, he has to go to the palace again. The class walked to the night of Liu’s incident as a joke, and she listened to her. She also listened to the fun, and then did not forget to say with me, "Mrs. Zhou can take the initiative to follow you, that is to support you. You have to remember to thank you."

Forgot the Sichuan nod, "Miss rest assured, the slaves understand." Speaking, Huang Quan also put the breakfast in. Forgot the Sichuan to help her porridge and said: "This has passed the Mid-Autumn Festival, this year's palace There was no Zhangluo Palace banquet, and it was a lot of stoppages. It was a pity that the ladies who were thinking about showing their faces at the palace banquet had an opportunity to attract attention."

Huang Quan snorted and said: "In my opinion, there is no palace feast is the best. Which palace can not be played in the palace? Some people have to borrow a palace feast to pick things up, no one back to Ansheng. Especially in the New Year's Day, the emperor's 80% was also annoyed because of that incident, and this was not a long time."

Feng Yuxi did not participate in the topic of the palace feast between the two monks. She and Xuantian Ming returned to the capital in early August, and now it is almost September, and the weather is getting colder in the morning and evening, only the hot sun at noon. Still very roasting. She listened to Xuantian’s remarks. The reason why Tianwu Emperor did not have a feast of the palace, everyone guessed that the reason was varied, but in fact Tianwu thought it was very simple, all because of Yun’s appointment for his daily three meals. Moon Palace, so he thought about the Mid-Autumn Festival with Yunxiao on the day of the moon. If you want to do a palace feast, Yunxiao will definitely not go out of the cold palace. For so many years, he has not been able to accompany the cloud to a Mid-Autumn Festival. This year, people have spit up, how can they miss it? This is not, not only did not have a palace banquet, even their children did not let the palace go.

Feng Yuxi entered the palace today and officially gave Liu Wei a cure. When I went to the palace from Ruimen, I heard that the eunuchs who were there were talking in a small voice. They all said that she had officially taken over the illness of Liu Wei, too hospital. The side also breathed a sigh of relief. This is what Liu Wei is dying to live in the future without going to the hospital. Everything is topped by Yu Wang!

Huang Quan Forgot Sichuan was accompanying her to the palace today. After listening to this, Huang Quan did not say: "What are the tops of our ladies? Those who have been treated for so long have not been cured, and they are blind to everyone. If you can't push it to our lady, can't it be true that the lady is a god? What kind of illness can cure?"

Forgetting Sichuan has thought about a deeper level, and faintly said: "If you can't cure it, you will be charged with a doctor's death. The original Yao family is like the three emperors."

Huang Quan is not stupid. In fact, it can still be analyzed and understood. Listening to forgetting Sichuan is such a thing, but it is also a cold cry: "Dream dream! The good one is a noble, Liu Wei is not a district, but the family has It’s just a ritual minister of the three products. I want to follow this example. It’s really whimsical.”

This reason Feng Yuxi also understands, so she never worried, even if Xuan Tianming mentioned this matter, she herself was born with a few emotions because she thought of Yao’s affairs in the past, to say fear, but it is not afraid at all. . Not only can Liu Wei not be compared with that noble, but today's Feng Yu, can't be the same as the original Yao Xianyuan. Want to harm her? Liu Jia has to practice cultivation again. However, there was something she thought about it, so she asked me, "I haven’t heard from the two people who sent us to the hospital?"

In order to avoid the palace, she dispatched two people from the Baicaotang to the hospital, one is Song Kang's apprentice Sun Qi, and the other is Wang Lin's distant relative Xu Mao. Forgot Sichuan listened to her asking these two people, but they shook their heads: "There is no news feedback. They used to contact Wang Lin. Plus, we left the capital for too long. The two people are really I didn’t care."

"Looking for an opportunity still has to see you." Feng Yu pondered for a while, and turned to Huang Quan: "You go to the hospital now, I said that I need an assistant for Liu Wei to see a doctor, just... Then Xu Mao is coming!"

Huang Quan responded. When he turned the direction, he went to the hospital. Forgot more about Sichuan, he asked: "Xu Mao has always been the assistant of Sun Qi. If he talks about medical skills, he is more brilliant. Miss missed Xu Mao, but she was not worried about that Sun?"

Feng Yu nodded. "Sun Qi’s coming is unclear. The reason why I used to take a Xu Mao is to watch it with Sun Qi. Just in case. How can the outsiders make the bad guys unable to control? Bad things can't be broken in your own hands."

The two did not talk much, and went all the way to the Anju Palace. When they arrived, Huang Quan hurried back from the hospital. He walked anxiously, and he still had some breathing when he stopped. But Feng Yuying looked behind her, but the person who came back was not Xu Mao, but a little doctor who she didn't recognize.

Huang Quan rushed to Feng Yu's eyes, which opened the door: "The slaves went unfortunately. The people in the hospital were scattered to the palaces to give the girls a pulse, leaving only one doctor to stay, and another There are two young gentlemen who are dispensing medicines. When the doctors who are guarded are inseparable, they will send the little adult to follow."

The little doctor quickly rushed forward to give Feng Yu a gift, claiming to be surnamed Feng, only to go to the hospital for a long time, there is no specific matter, but also to the doctors too big to fight.

When Feng Yu saw that he was a little embarrassed, he said with comfort: "Feng Tai doctor does not have to be modest, I just need an assistant, just follow."

The little doctor wiped the sweat and respectfully followed Feng Yu’s body. He was still five steps away from the foot and was very disciplined.

Huang Quan is close to Feng Yu and whispered: "Sun Qi went to the post-diagnosis pulse and took Xu Mao away. When the slaves went to the hospital, it was such a situation. It is not easy to say that Xu Mao is not leaving, so as not to cause suspicion. Brought the individual back. The lady just found a head and sent it."

Feng Yu nodded and walked into the main hall of the Anju Palace in a few steps.

Liu Wei is awake today. Although the spirit is not good, people are as old as usual, but they can recognize people. She also participated in the palace banquet before. Naturally, she knows who Feng Yu is, and the next person also talks about the illness that Yu Wang took over. At this time, when Feng Yu came, Liu Wei was very happy and tight. Zhang Luo gave Feng Yu to see the tea. Seeing Feng Yu’s sitting, the next person’s tea is also up, and this is a weak way to open the mouth: “There is work for you, the doctors say that the palace is not long, but the emperor still reads the old days. Kindness, please the county owner to see a doctor for this palace. This palace heard that the county owner has also been here yesterday, and said that the disease of the palace can be cured?"

She sighed in the palace and mentioned the old days of Tianwu. At that moment, Feng Yuxi saw the unwillingness of the flash in Liu’s eyes. She turned her mind and said: "The original aunt I don’t know that the maiden is seriously ill, it’s that Liu Shilang is asking for the emperor, and Auntie is able to enter the palace to see the doctor.” She said that she had a bitter smile: “It’s said that the aunt did not have the right to enter the palace, at the beginning of the year. After being impeached by the ministers, they all asked the father to defer to me and refused to allow me to enter the palace. I could not even stay in the capital. Even if I returned to Beijing from the southern border, I only went to the palace to worship the father and the empress. I want to come, Liu Shilang is really a big time for the maiden's illness, the goddess and Liu Shilang brothers and sisters are deep, really enviable."

I heard that my brother asked the emperor to invite Feng Yu to the palace. Liu Wei could not help but also have a few emotions. "Yes! My brother has been very good since I was a child. Unfortunately, I have been in the palace for decades. I rarely meet my family, and I haven’t been able to give more help to my family. I really want to come."

"Mothers want to say this, you are still young, and the days are still long. The father knows that you are seriously ill. You have come to the palace for a few days, but you have been sleeping." She got up and sat. Next to Liu Wei’s bedside, he reached out and held Liu’s hand and said, “The niece is relieved, your illness, Auntie can cure.”

"Really?" Liu Yu’s glorious eyes finally flashed the light of hope. She took Feng Yu’s back and held it. But she didn't care at all. She was full of thoughts on the "can cure" that Feng Yuzhen had just said. She was anxious to ask: "I can really cure?"

Feng Yu nodded. "If I can't say it, wouldn't I live up to the hope of the father and Liu Shilang? It's just that the cure of the girl, but also the help of the Liu family."

"You can rest assured!" Liu Wei and Feng Yuzhen assured, "As long as the palace can be cured, Liu family will definitely help! Especially my brother, he is really sincere to the palace!"

Feng Yu smiled. "That's good."

Do you harm me? Who is going to give it, it is not necessarily!

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