Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 940: I want you to have a kidney in Liu.

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On the next day, on the next day, Xuan Tianmu said that Feng Yuxi’s request was raised. Although Liu Huai said that he was very surprised, he always felt that this was definitely a pit dug by Jiuhuangzi and Feng Yuxi, waiting for Liu. The family jumped in. However, Emperor Tianwu was very supportive of this, and even let Liu Huai not go back to the government after the next dynasty. There will be people in the palace to inform Liu, but all the Liu family members in Beijing will soon be invited to the palace. Come.

Liu Huai blocked the half of his face with a wide sleeve and sneaked into the side of the Eight Emperors. But see Xuantian ink is still the face, not because of any emotional changes. Liu Huai’s heart sighed. The Eight Emperors have always been like this. They rarely angered in front of people. They rarely publicly expressed their joy in front of people. No matter what he thought, it was difficult to see what was on the surface. What's more, the Eight Emperors seem to be taking the family route recently. They are far more enthusiastic than the Tianwu Emperor. They don't know who they care about. They think that this is a prince who has no heart and loyalty, but he does not know that this person is in the back. But nothing at all.

Liu Huai couldn't get out of the palace, and he could only watch Zhang Yuan with the Emperor Wu of the Heavenly Emperor, and he went to the Anju Palace directly after the next dynasty.

Liu Wei’s spirit is good today. Feng Yu’s wife came over early and gave medicine. Under the stimulation of this western medicine, she can sit up on the couch a little. Although her face is still very difficult to read, she can at least say a few words. It seems that it is much better than the previous days.

Liu Huai looked at her own sister like this, and she couldn’t help but also play the drums. Liu Wei, this disease, he has already asked all the doctors in the hospital, and the conclusions are all unhelpful. The reason why Feng Yuyu came in is really to give her a cover and let her cure a patient who is not cured. If the treatment is not good, then join the other courtiers and then deduct her from the hat that was buckled on Yao’s head many years ago. Liu Wei has no cure. This even the Eight Emperors have given a guarantee. How do you seem to have a turning point now?

Liu Huai’s sweating, staring at Liu Wei’s look, seems to want to find some clues from her, or is it a hard breath to show it to others?

Liu Wei actually realized that his eldest brother had been staring at himself, and he felt his emotions. He said: "These days are really worrying for my brother. This palace has not been able to help her family for so many years. Now she is sick, but she still needs her brother. With the hard work, my heart is really unwilling to go."

Liu Huai hurryed: "The goddess does not say anything like this. In any case, Wei Chen hopes that the goddess will recover soon."

"Brother is relieved." Liu Wei comforted: "The palace in this palace has no rule of law, but after the royal master, it has already improved, and Yu Wang said, as long as Liu can cooperate, this The disease is sure to be cured." After that, he confirmed with Feng Yuxi: "Yes?"

Feng Yu smiled and nodded. "Yes, I want to cure the maiden's life to save the mother's life. It is necessary to cooperate with the Liu family. Of course, this cooperation needs to have a certain amount of effort, that is, I don't know what it is necessary to pay. willing."

"Yu Wangxi assured!" Before Liu Huai opened, Liu Wei was rushing to speak first. "Liu is the mother of the palace, no matter what kind of contribution, it will be promised."

"Well." Tianwu Emperor also nodded. "On the occasion of Liu Aiqing’s repeated requests to ask Auntie to come to the palace to give you a cure, I can already see that the Liu family is putting you in the heart." Asked Liu Huai again, "Liu Aiqing, are you saying that?"

What can Liu Huai say? Hardened the scalp and nodded, and added a sentence: "The emperor said that as long as he can heal Liu Yi Niang, what kind of contribution Liu Jia is willing to bear."

Tianwu nodded and was very satisfied with the truth: "This is like a brother."

Feng Yuxi sat next to him, watching Liu Huai, adding oil and vinegar: "Liu Wei Niangniang can finally be assured of this."

Liu Huai especially wants to understand that this Feng Yu is really meaning, but the emperor is here, he is not too much to ask, can only stand there and keep thinking about it, just waiting for the Liu family to enter the palace Feng Yu Quickly reveal the answer. The so-called break-off moment is terrible, but only those who have actually gone through the guillotine know that the most terrible thing is not to break the head, but to use the knife holder on the neck, but the sergeant has not delayed the order. That process. Liu Huai now feels that he is the meat on the chopping board, waiting for someone to come and wait!

Fortunately, it didn't wait too long. Zhang Yuan had already entered the palace gate of the Anju Palace with a large number of Liu family members and stood in the courtyard. At the same time, Xuantian and Xuan Tianhua, who came out of the palace after the next dynasty, also came back, but brought the ten ordinary people in the capital to the palace, including all the doctors in the hospital. Here, for a time, the courtyard of the Anju Palace was very crowded.

This move made Liu Huai very surprised, especially when he saw Xuan Tianhua standing in the yard, his heart was even more embarrassing.

Seeing people coming, Tianwu made a speech: "Auntie, everyone is here, you will talk about the need for Liu family to help!"

Feng Yu’s nodded, and the man lifted Liu Wei to the yard with a soft chair. After a group of people waited and screamed together, Feng Yu opened his mouth: “Before you say the method, please The father Huang Aunt explained the morbidity of the maiden to you. You, the maiden suffers from kidney failure, because the function of the kidney is completely lost, which leads to such a terrible life. Now I have used drugs. As much as possible to relieve the pain of the goddess, but this method can not extend the life of the goddess, the goddess will still be like the doctors, only one month of life."

This is the first time that Liu Wei has heard about his illness. For a moment, his emotions are a little excited. He is sitting on a soft chair and trying to catch Tianwu’s hand. He also called: “The Emperor! The Emperor saves the courtiers and ministers. I don't want to die!" Unfortunately, Tianwu stood far away from her, and there was no intention to come over. She couldn't reach it. Seeing Tianwu’s head is not enough, she began to catch Feng Yu, “Yu Wang妃! Ji’an County Lord! I beg you, I must save me.”

Feng Yu squatted halfway and raised his voice: "Auntie has already said that it is not impossible to cure the maiden's illness, but it requires the cooperation and payment of the Liu family."

"Liu's family will definitely agree!" Liu Wei's nephew was called to the entire Liu family. She was born with a serious illness. People are like a ghost. They are old and ugly. Liu family does not want to see her. If you are so cold, you will hear such a scorpion, and everyone is not happy. However, Liu Wei is the niece of the aunt. Besides, the emperor is still here. They have thoughts in their hearts, and they dare not say it in person. So one by one, with a low head and no snoring, only Liu Huai blushes back to the sentence: "The niece is right."

"Very good." The answer is Feng Yuxi. "Since the Liu family has no opinions, then I will talk about the method of treating the maiden, and you have listened! The herb has been taken over by Wang Hao three years ago. It has created a series of special medical treatments and medical formulas. I believe that as long as people who have lived in Beijing have to hear about it, even most people have visited and visited the Baicaotang. The operation method of Baicaotang It is also well known, such as bones, laparotomy, replacement of organs, etc." Saying, look at the ten people brought to the side of Xuan Tianming Xuan Tianhua, "I invite some people to come in today, but also want to let They gave a certificate and proved that I have such surgery ability."

When she said this, the people immediately fell down. One of them took the lead: "Yu Wangxi is right. We are all people who have seen the disease in the Herbs, and have seen the surgical methods of the Herbs. I personally. Fortunately, last year, I was exposed to the skin grafting operation of Yao Xianyao’s personal medicine, and moved a piece of skin on the thigh to the neck.” He said, and pulled the collar to let people look at it.

After him, another woman said, "I gave birth at the end of last year. Because of the dystocia, I was going to have a corpse and two lives. It was the cesarean section that the female doctor of Baicaotang carried out for me. I opened my stomach and took the child away. Take it out and suture it. I can walk down the ground for seven days after the operation without any discomfort."

Under the leadership of these two people, the remaining people also said one by one the surgical treatment they had received in the Herbs, and one of them even said that they had received a "kidney transplant" and successfully survived two year. When the words were exported, all the Liu family members followed, and looked at Feng Yuyu in horror.

Feng Yuxi did not care about this, she directed at the human: "This king remembers you, that year you are also severely exhausted kidneys, you have a brother in the family, the kidneys of your two are just right. Match, and your brother is deep, your brother will volunteer to donate a kidney for you, which will save your life."

The man slammed his head at Feng Yu and said with gratitude: "The life of the villain is saved by Wang Hao. The villain can't forget Wang Hao's great grace for a lifetime."

“What happened to your brother now?” Feng Yu asked him: “I remember that when you changed your kidneys, your brother has married and has children, and your family is in good condition. You don’t need your brothers to take great physical work. This is for you. Surgery."

The man immediately replied: "My brother is also very good now. We eat the special medicine for the herb every day. It is not too tired on weekdays, and the body is not bad."

"What is the meaning of Yu Wanghao?" Suddenly, Liu Huai’s wife, Li’s mouth, opened her mouth and asked Feng Yuyu with horror: “Is it difficult to become a method of changing the kidneys?” She is particularly puzzled. "What is the kidney?"

For what is the kidney, Feng Yuxi did not explain too much, just told Li: "The kidney is an organ in the human body. Normal adults have two kidneys, located at the back of the waist. The so-called kidney replacement surgery is more popular. It is said that the medically written statement is a kidney transplant or a kidney transplant. This is a large-scale operation that requires surgery. It replaces the body with a healthy kidney that has not been able to perform its original functions. In the late treatment of renal failure," she said, looked at Liu Wei: "And Liu Wei Niang is suffering from this disease."

Li’s glimpse, whispered: “Is it difficult to change the kidneys for Liu Wei?” Then he said incomprehensibly: “If you change kidneys, you will change your kidneys. What do you want Liu family to do?” Is it silver? No, Liu Wei entered the palace, that is, the woman of the emperor, regardless of being unloved, nor did he say that he was sick and asked her family to take the money.

When she looked at Feng Yuyu inexplicably, she listened to Feng Yuxi and said something to Liu’s family: "The reason why the Liu family is going to the palace is because the source of the kidney is looking for it. Talent line."

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