Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 942: Sin and death, 诛 族

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Feng Yu groaned, the Liu Huai’s nephew almost didn’t bother to pee his pants. His entire child almost collapsed and shouted: “Impossible! Why is it me? Why is it me?”

The voice is so big that everyone outside is audible. Those who have failed to pass the test have hatred of Liu Huai. When he hears his son yelling inside, how can he not understand how it is back? Something, then someone said: "Sure enough, it is still possible to match the pro-person, the closer you are, the higher the success may be!"

Mrs. Lee was also scared. The one who was yelling inside, but her relative son, how can she take a kidney from her son to the dying person? She grabbed Liu Huai's collar and asked aloud: "Liu Huai! Can you give your son's kidney to your sister? Is it a sister or a son? You can be such a blind man! He I haven't got married yet. If you take a kidney, he will be ruined! But it will be destroyed!"

Liu Huai’s legs are also screaming. He certainly understands Lee’s reason and does not want to harm his son. But what is his solution? Things have already reached this point, and there is not only Feng Yu, but also Emperor Wu of Heaven!

He opened Li's hand and said coldly: "You have the ability to go with the emperor to ask someone!"

When mentioning the emperor, Li immediately had no confidence. She did not dare to go to the emperor to ask for a person. She even dared not go to Feng Yu to ask for someone, but her son was so desperate and yelling that she could not care. Li’s man is also clever, his eyes turn, and he turns back and sweeps away, and he sweeps through the group of Liu’s nephews and prostitutes! Her eyes glanced and sighed: "To say that blood is close, you are also a child of Liu family. The blood is the same as Huan Er, you all give me in! One by one to check!"

Li’s proposal was approved by Feng Yuxi. She even came out and said to Liu’s family: “The match of Liu’s son has reached 60%, but it is not the best. If it can be higher than 60%. People, that is the most appropriate. So, please ask the children of Liu’s family to come in!” After reading, he looked at Liu Huai’s eyes again. “Liu Daren also comes in! To count it, you are with Liu. The most similar person in the blood of the maiden."

Liu Huai’s heart is now dead at the moment. He never thought that this Feng Yu Yu would be so vicious. Isn’t that what he wants to change his life? But what about it? When he first let Feng Yu fall into the palace to cure the disease, then he personally proposed to the emperor, but now it is regrettable.

A group of children walked into the temple, including Liu Huai. Feng Yu looked at these people, and his heart began to count. At this time, she must determine the best candidate with the most observing observations, and must let this best person speak what she wants to hear. This is a kind of psychological observation, not 100% success, but it is not too wrong.

The first person to receive blood was Liu Huai, Feng Yuxi gave a value of up to 90%, but also told others: "Liu Daren graduated older, although the kidneys have a higher degree of matching, but If there is a young person who can achieve the same value, or young people first. If not, then you can only ask Liu Daren to donate a kidney and give it to the girl."

Liu Huaiyiyi, the heart is full of complex tastes, but also said that it is better to hope that there is higher than him, or that there is no higher than him. He wants to live alive for the rest of his life, but he does not have the heart to be guilty of his children. The present is very contradictory.

Then, the remaining nephews and nieces accepted the blood one by one. Feng Yuqi successively reported several matching values, but they were all similar to the scorpion. Although people were embarrassed, they were not as direct as Liu Huan. collapse. Just when I arrived at a girl of about fifteen or six years old, Feng Yuxi suddenly saw a different mood from other people on this girl's face.

This girl’s eyebrows are tightly twisted. Unlike other people’s fears and fears, her emotions seem to be a bit more struggling and telling. When she comes into contact with Feng Yu’s eyes, she even pauses, as if she is thinking about something. Shouldn't it be said?

Her heart was clear, after a tube of blood was taken out, the instrument repeatedly tested, until everyone was anxious, she took a breath, the face was very delightful: "It is! This girl, your kidney and Liu Wei Niangniang The matching degree is as high as 10%, which is the most suitable."

"What?" The girl sighed and gasped a few mouthfuls. It seemed that she did not believe this conclusion, but she could not question it. Eyes phoenix feathers have already grabbed her hand and walked to the face of Emperor Wu of Heaven, her heart began to panic, a hidden feelings to come out, and then can not hide. "Wait!" she suddenly cried. "Wait a minute! I have something to say!"

This is a prostitute who is not favored in Liu Fu. She does not look good, and she is often bullied by other sisters. When everyone heard that her kidney matching reached 10%, people were almost happy, and felt that there was finally a ghost. Then someone sighed: "What else do you want to say? Can you offer a kidney for Liu Yiniang, our aunt? This is something to be proud of! Auntie is a niche, can you still be ill-treated in the future? You What else is there?"

Someone even publicly picked up Liu Huai: "Father soon advised my third sister, let her hurry to prepare for the aunt to change the kidney!"

"Why?" The three Miss suddenly shouted: "I don't want to change the kidneys!" While yelling at Liu Huai, he sighed: "Father, what is your heart? Send a person to the aunt to let the aunt The disease is getting heavier and heavier, and while letting his children exchange their kidneys with their aunts, you are better off taking our kidneys directly. Why bother?

"Well?" This made Feng Yuxi, Xuantian Ming, Xuan Tianhua, and Tianwu Emperor simultaneously questioned. Xuan Tian Ming Xie smiled and said: "What is Liu Huai's prescription for Liu Wei? I didn't expect your Liu family to have such a hidden feeling!"

Tianwu slightly closed his eyes and a layer of haze floating on his face.

Liu Huaiwan did not expect that his three daughters would say such words, and could not help but anger: "What are you talking about? When is the father sending someone to give your aunt a prescription? Hugh nonsense!"

"I don't have nonsense!" The three ladies pounced in front of Tianwu Emperor and raised their heads and said: "The emperor! It is not a filial piety. It is really a father who doesn't take the children at home to see it! In the government, I heard that my father was talking to a stranger. The content of the conversation was how to make the Liu Wei Niang in the palace more serious. Even if everyone had no medicine, then there is reason to take the imperial concubine. Please come into the palace. As long as Yu Wangyi enters the palace, they will increase their efforts to make another drug, so that Liu Wei’s mother will die quickly, so that the death of the goddess can be relied on Yu Wang’s body. The father also said that he Already united with many ministers, they waited for Liu Wei’s maiden to die and they played together. All of them participated in the royal prince’s death and died of Liu Wei! The words of the ministers are true, please the Emperor!

Such a word of export, directly said that the heart of Emperor Wu of the cold. Although this result has been reminded by Feng Yu's several words, it is already in his expectation, but when he hears it, he has another mood.

"Don't kiss, hate no hate, brother is not brother, father is not father." He whispered to himself, "Sui thought that only the royal family is like this, but did not expect that you personally, there is no one honest." Finally, the day Wu Di opened his eyes and slammed into Liu Huai. Liu Huai still wants to refute, but listens to Tian Wudi has already angered: "Miscellaneous things! Liu Wei married into the palace, is a woman who is jealous, you are a courtier, the hands and feet are moving to a woman, you are like this People should not live in this world!"

This voice was extremely loud, and everyone in the courtyard outside the hall was clearly heard. Li’s heart panicked, thinking about how Liu’s family could survive this robbery, but heard the voice of Tianwu’s voice, which was directly sentenced to the death penalty of Liu’s family. “Liu Huai! Poisoned the palace, Sin is dead. Peeling the official position, 诛 诛 族!"

"This..." All Liu’s family are stupid, and the Nine are? Doesn't that mean that they can't live?

The Miss San, who was revealed in the temple, was relatively calm. She even laughed softly and then said to herself: "I know that this is the result. When I heard that my father and I were planning such a thing. I already thought that the Liu family would one day be ruined in the hands of his father. Besides, this family was originally his, he let us live and live, he let us die and die, I only hope that the next life will reincarnate, then no reborn If you are in such a family, you should never have such a father. Even if you are born in an ordinary family and you are poor, it doesn't matter, at least you can live well."

Liu Huaiyu was on the ground and kept yelling, but Tianwu did not want to give him a chance to repent. This matter does not need to be re-examined. He already knows what is going on in his mind. He just told Liu Huai: "The master you chose is not the one who is happy in your heart. You can’t understand, you put it The mind on the bright side is not going well, you have to go to the left and right, what is this?"

After Tianwu finished, he didn't want to stay there more. He got up and did not say anything to anyone under the help of Zhang Yuan. He left the Anju Palace directly.

At this point, Feng Yu opened his mouth and said that Liu Huai was more remorseful. She said: "There is indeed a kidney transplant operation, but Liu Wei’s body and the rest of the time have been unable to withstand such an operation. Finding a kidney source is by no means a simple matter. I am doing this scene, but It is with the original intention of Liu Shilang asking me to enter the palace, don't let your play sing too lonely."

"Feng Yu!" Liu Huai bit his teeth, hate to go forward and tear this woman away. But in the end, he is a civil servant. Feng Yu’s ability to dare to go to the battlefield is what he can get close to. What's more, there are two emperors standing on the side! Almost at the moment he made a sigh, the wand of Xuantian was already wrapped around his neck. He didn't come up in one breath and was almost strangled.

“What does Liu Shilang want to say?” Feng Yu smiled and said in an understatement: “You can rest assured that you are on the road, and you will be slower on the road. You may not be able to meet your peers for a long time. Eighth Hall is gathered up. Those of the same party, this Wang Hao sent them to **** one by one in the morning and evening. Many years ago, Yao’s business, you want to repeat it again? That is a dream!”

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