Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 950: It’s time to go back.

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There are still many plans waiting for the implementation of the empty mountain. She did not use the silver ticket sent by the account, but let the account first collect it, and wait for her to use it. She sold all the jewelry that Xuantianmo gave, and the silver sold just happened to open a porridge shed in the north of the city in the winter. Three times a day, the porridge was in the name of Shengwangfu.

In addition, she took the basket and went to the vegetable market to buy food, and hoarded a lot of cabbage and potatoes to Shengwangfu. These dishes that Shengwangfu did not eat at all were now regarded as treasures by her. From time to time, she went to the vegetable market to buy some big bones, and then took cabbage to the north of the city to make a big pot stew, and gave them to the poor. People eat.

The big bones of this age are very cheap, there is no meat, but after the split, there is bone marrow oil, and the soup is very fragrant. Cabbage is a common dish, it has no taste, but it is not the same when you put it in a bone soup. The north of the city are poor people. Even if the big bones are cheap, they can't afford it, and the soup is very fire-fighting. They can't bear it. What's more, here is a lot of jealousy, where is the ability to stew and eat.

Zhukongshan has been tossing in the north of the city for more than half a month. She has no intention of closing her hand. She even rented a small yard here. Although it is worn out, it can be used for temporary rest after cleaning and repair. When the yard rented her, she let go of her words. In the winter, she would insist on cooking porridge for the poor people in the north of the city. Nothing else, I hope that they can smoothly pass this winter and not starve to death.

For a time, the words of a female bodhisattva in the royal palace spread throughout the corners of the capital, coupled with Xuantian ink in the dark to intentionally preach, the movement will spread even greater. Xuantian Mo is really serving this cousin now, not just for her, she can put down her body to go to the north of the city to do those things, not just for her, she actually regained a game for Sheng Wangfu in a short time, most The main thing is that the attitude of this empty mountain makes him look very different. Did not use the money in the house, and then sold the jewelry he sent, and then used the money sold by the jewelry to do things for the Shengwang government, regardless of gains and losses, do not care about money, such a woman suddenly let him produce a The illusion of "Zhukong Mountain is another Feng Yu". This kind of illusion is to make Xuantian Mo very happy. If Zhu Yunshan can really help him like Feng Yu's help to Xuan Tianming, then, after the event, she will not be able to do a post. What about prostitutes? Turning the shackles of a six-member official into a shackle is not a turning point.

He planned this in his heart and continued to observe the movements at the end of Zhukong Mountain. At the same time, the people who sent things to Pengzhou also came back, told the news of the Ouzhou to Zhukong Mountain, and said that things were sent to the Zhufu. They also specifically emphasized that the Eight Emperors and Yuangui people sent them, and wished the family to her. Niang Qin Liu is very valued.

I wished that Kongshan had the news of the family, and I was grateful to the Eight Emperors. In addition to her gratitude, she also made a new move.

Applying porridge and stewing vegetables can not be done by herself. Sheng Wangfu has Jinshan Yinshan, and it can't stand such a scourge. Therefore, Zhu Kongshan contacted the ladies of the eight emperors and invited them to join in. As for the benefits, it is plain, there is no real benefit, but it can make a good reputation for the master. How famous is it now! The reputation of the Eight Emperors and One Party is not good, and there is no way to pull it back! I wished that the proposal of the empty mountain immediately received the approval of the courtiers, and they urged their daughters and daughters to join in, and let them all listen to the empty mountains.

The outside is so tossed, the cockroaches in the palace can't sit still. The backs without children are basically biased towards the Bahuangzi school. I heard that the family members are all acting. When they think about it, they decide to contribute their own strength. After that, we didn't have any money, but there were a lot of jewelry, and they were all produced in the palace. If you get out, you can change a lot of money. They sent the jewellery out to their homes, and they added bricks and tiles to them. The family was naturally willing to accept them.

As a result, the team of porridge in the north of the city has grown stronger, so that some people simply do not apply porridge, directly to dry meals, plus a spoonful of dishes, the scene, Feng Yu sneaked to see a glance, there is a The feeling of a canteen in a government agency.

So many people have joined in and benefited the poor people. However, under the guidance of the intentional public opinion at the royal palace, they did not thank the ministers who participated in the good deeds too much. Instead, they attributed all of this to the lady of the royal family. They thought that these people were all looking at the table. The face is only coming, the credit is the biggest Miss.

This is of course the effect that the wisher wants, but in addition, she is still deliberately collecting the people who had been harmed by the fake bachelor hall opened by the Eight Emperors, and those are all within her compensation plan. Of course, things have to be step by step, she does not want to empty the bottom all at once, so her value in the royal palace has shrunk.

In the royal palace, Huang Quan stood beside Feng Yu, while listening to the class and reporting to the north of the city, he was very anxious to ask Feng Yu: "Miss, are you really in a hurry? Let him be so tossed The hearts of the people in Beijing may be taken over!"

The class also means this, but he is not as straightforward as Huang Quan said. He just nodded at Feng Yu, meaning that he was the same as Huang Quan.

However, Feng Yuyu is still not in a hurry. She just said: "The people's hearts are not exclusive to us, so we can't treat people's hearts as our private items, and we don't allow others to get contaminated. Moreover, I have used the people's hearts in Beijing for more than three years. Time to recover, I wish the empty mountain want to change it in a winter? You are too high to see her."

"But the emperor of the Eight Emperors is also making a great effort!" Huang Quan slammed his feet and could not help but blame Xuantian for his meditation: "Our my Royal Highness is really able to hold my breath, not to mention the help of Miss."

"How can she help?" Feng Yuxi laughed. "The man's family is in charge of the former dynasty. Can you let her turn around the backyard all day? Going to compete with the empty mountain? That is really lost. The identity level. Don't worry! Your lady is not a vegetarian, isn't it, and let the cousin get the sorrow again, let's make a late shot, and let the poor people in the north of the city get more benefits." She thought I thought, and said: "Right, the warm tea of ​​Baicaotang has to be distributed as usual. Well, you also let the wind go out, saying that in addition to eating, the refugees in the north of the city must pay attention to their physical condition. They are in an unsanitary environment all the year round. Under the life, it is easy to get sick. Especially in the stomach and intestines, I have been eating the glutinous rice that I have been eating before. This is not the case, the new white rice porridge is also the big bone soup, not to say that it is simply Do you have a boring dry meal? You can’t eat a bad one in this way? You can use this method to spread it to the ears of Zhukong Mountain. At the same time, we also have more herbs in this area, waiting for her to buy it. The money of the Eight Emperors and One Party does not earn money.

When I heard Feng Yuxi say this, Huang Quan came to the spirit and went to Zhang Luo with a happy mood. The class walked after Huang Quan left and said to Feng Yuxi: "You shouldn't get the Forgotten River to go to Canton. The political situation in Beijing is not stable. You can't live without a calm person. Huang Quan is anxious. She is not thoughtful about things."

"Is there still you?" Feng Yu smiled. "Forgetting Sichuan is gone, there are things that should have been done by her, and you are done."

Tsundere’s dark guard turned his eyes, and an obvious expression of “I really can’t stand you” left, and then I said nothing, and I’m gone.

Feng Yu shrugs her shoulders, and her dark guard is really less and less cute! Well, the class has never been cute, but it is very intimate. She knows that several of them are sincere and sincere to themselves. And she sent the Forgotten to Sichuan to go to Canton, because the things in the state of Pengzhou are also very important, and she is not at ease to others.

I wish the empty mountain, such a watch lady born out of thin air, it is not as easy to handle as it is, and it will take a lot of trouble to keep it.

Nowadays, the Eight Emperors' Party has succeeded in reversing the bad impression of the Eight Emperors in the hearts of the people of Beijing because Zhu Yunshan and the ladies of the ladies have done good deeds for the poor in Beijing. The popularity of the people has been reversed, but it is also limited to the fact that the Eight Emperors are no longer as repugnant as they used to be, and have not risen to the level that can affect Feng Yuxi's achievements. As Feng Yuxi said, she spent three years gathering people's hearts, how could she be abducted by a small woman in just one winter.

This reason Zhuhaishan also understands that she is not rushing to smash Feng Yu, but she is doing what she wants to do, and she is doing good things, and no one can pick anything out. She did it silently. After I heard about the matter of applying drugs to the poor, I also learned about it. I found that many people were sick, so I didn’t care much. I asked the next person to take the silver ticket. Baicaotang buys medicine.

I just didn’t expect that the poor people ate the medicine of Baicaotang, but they did not appreciate the people who bought the medicine. Instead, they gathered in one place and said, “It’s still a good medicine for Baicaotang. Yuwang’s medicine is our medicine king Buddha. "This is the case." I wish the empty mountain did not breathe, and even said a few good words for Feng Yuxi. In the eyes of the people, this wishing lady is generous, kind, and also a female bodhisattva!

This winter, in the peaceful atmosphere of Beijing, the curtain was opened, until the first heavy snow fell, and I did not hear that a person was starved to death because of the cold weather. Emperor Tianwu also specially rewarded the Eight Emperors, and also rewarded a lot of things to the Zhukong Mountain and the ladies who participated in doing good deeds. And those things are naturally used by Zhukongshan to do good deeds. The emperor listened and sighed, saying that if Dashun’s woman can be like this, his world is truly a prosperous world.

The Eight Emperors received the award, and the momentum in the middle of the Yangtze has set off a new round of storms, quite a bit over the other princes. Of course, even if the Eight Emperors are in the limelight, no one dares to ignore the pressure from the other nine emperors. Some people even said that when they saw the purple lotus flower of the nine emperor's eyebrows, there would be no trepidation in the ground, just like that purple lotus would eat people, so that they would not dare to look at the second eye. I don’t even dare to whisper in my heart.

At the same time, the Yuangui people in the harem can no longer sit still, and Zhuhaishan once said to her that "the child also needs a mother to help him to live better." This sentence has been hovering in her heart. Yes! She has been doing it for too long, and it is time to return to Shu Shu’s position.

So on this day, stepping on the snow that had not been cleaned in the palace, Yuangui took the maid's moon show and walked step by step to the Queen's Jingci Palace...

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