Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 952: Yuangui, are you sick?

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The Queen does have a lot of things, because she has never had a choice. This life has been doomed since birth.

She waved her hand and didn't want to talk to Yuangui again. She just said to her: "This palace will try, you can go back!"

Yuangui people are also smart, and they will never be forced. Since the Queen is willing to try, it is basically a play. So she smiled and stood up. It was a rule to give the empress a gift, and then left a sentence: "The goddess keeps the body, the palace still needs you to do more!" Finished, leaving with the maid.

Until the Yuangui people walked for a while, outside, the two little eunuchs helped Fang Yi to come in. I smashed ten boards, although the light in my palace was light, but Fang Yi was afraid that Yuan Guiren would look for things again, and it would not make people feel too much. The ten boards were played, although they couldn’t get out of the ground, but the **** was stained with blood, and walking was hard.

The queen looked at the distressed, and quickly hugged her to the side of the side, and then waved her hand to the little eunuch. This is what Fang Yi said: "You are also, what strength is it with her? Can she really do the Lord of Jingci Palace?"

Fang Yi persuaded: "The niece, the rest of the matter, if the slaves can make the yuan less expensive, and the board is worth it."

"How could she not pull it!" The Queen said helplessly: "There is always a handle that is held by people. I am afraid that this life is not practical. I don’t know how to toss a few times."

"What did she ask you this time?" Fang Yi frowned. "Can't you always persuade the emperor to stand up?"

The Queen did not answer directly, but said: "When you say this, it reminds the palace. The next time she should not ask the palace to ask her a prince?"

"The maidens can't promise!" Fang Yi reluctantly half-lifted up. "Once the Eight Emperors are in the position, once the generals of the generals have become the Queen Mother, although you are the aunt, how can you be the opponent of the two? What about that..."

"The palace understands." The Queen interrupted her. "I will talk about it later. At the moment, I still have to find a way to solve her request. You don't know, the woman she... she wants to return." Bit."

The Yuan Guiren had to return to the position and threatened the Queen. When she walked back to the Cunshan Palace, her face was always laughing. The waitress next month still doesn't understand why the nobles can come here every time they come to the empress, and it seems that the queen is still afraid of her, but she understands that the master's business should let her know without asking. Let her know that she should not let her know, and ask, if it is not good, it will drop his head. A lot of things are still rare, and that is the key to Mingzhe's preservation.

The two were walking, and suddenly they looked up. Yuangui stopped at the footsteps, and then the yin and yang came out with a strange sentence: "Hey, it’s really narrow."

It’s not that the road is narrow. Feng Yuyu came to the palace to visit Yunxiao today. He just came out from the Moon Palace and walked on it and ran into this Yuan. Even Huang Quan whispered aloud: "I am really annoyed who can meet."

Feng Yuqi shrugged. "Since it happened, I always have to say a few words." After that, it was a step forward, and even said to Huang Quan: "Come on, let us take the initiative, don't let her. Ran."

Huang Quan is helpless: "How old are you excited?"

"Not excited, I saw the fighting spirit on the face of the Yuan, you can not let people down." After the words, people have come to the front, laughing and saying hello: "Yuangui people, courteous." Said to be polite, but It’s just a slight head, and there’s no formal salute.

Yuangui’s eyebrows were wrinkled, and he said: “Who am I, it’s the royal king. I’m talking about it, I’m a nobleman in the palace, but you’re just the emperor’s righteousness. Should I be more polite? Could it be that I can't despise my little noble? I remember that when I was still in the throne, you met me but I wanted to give a big gift."

Feng Yu looked at her with a funny smile and asked inexplicably: "The noble person is really good memory, but I can still remember the things that were in the position. You must not forget, except for the Royal Highness of the Royal Family. In addition, it is still the head of the Ji’an County of Dashun Dynasty. The position of the county owner can be related to whether you are a nobleman in the palace. According to the ranking of the female officials, you are just a nobleman of the six products. Why do you ask me for a county from Yipin? Lord salutes you?"

"Yes!" Huang Quan also said: "If you are a gift, you should understand who should be saluted."

"You..." Yuangui was stunned, but he did not know how to defend. Indeed, according to Wang Xi, she is an elder, but according to the county owner, she is nothing, there are several grades in the middle! She bit her teeth, slammed Huang Quan, and took care of herself, finally letting the emotions have a little smoothness. This is another way: "But let's not say anything that is not done, I just got from Jingci Palace came out and met the Queen's Empress, just to see the Queen's Empress drinking medicine. I heard that it was given by Yu Wanghao. It is really a good medicine. It smells like sweet tea. It is really enviable. You know, let's know. The harems are still drinking bitter medicine soup from the hospital." She still remembers that the news from the south of the country was not so good that she had been drinking for nearly a month. Let Xuantian ink go outside to buy a good medicine, but the Baicaotang is closed again. It’s hard to say that he went to the Baicaotang in Xiaozhou’s head, but he was told that he had to go to the patient himself to get the medicine, but She is very angry. Seeing Feng Yuxi at the moment, I couldn't help but think of that one, I couldn't help but whisper a few words.

But Feng Yuyu is even more puzzled. "Do you have a disease in Yuangui?"

"You are sick!" Yuan Guiren subconsciously returned to his mouth.

However, he heard Feng Yuxi said: "It’s strange. Since it’s not sick, is this expensive or envious? Is it funny? This Wang Hao has heard of jewelry, gold and silver, and I like the beauty, but I still heard that I like medicine. But since you like it, it is my honor. Now the herb is reopened. Yours are really interested in my medicine. It’s very convenient to go to the palace to see the doctor and prescribe the medicine.”

Yuan Guiren felt that she had made a very serious mistake, and this mistake was originally not supposed to be committed. She was not the first time to fight with Feng Yu, the first time she lost her position, but today she only moved her mouth, but found that she still said no. This Feng Yu 珩 珩 珩 堵 堵 堵 堵 堵 堵 堵 堵 堵 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , She stood there resentfully, depressed for a long time, but did not know what else to say.

The moon show can't stand anymore, and leaned over to Feng Yu, and then persuaded Yuan Guiren: "The master has also come out for a long time, and the winter is cool, let's go back earlier!"

Yuanguiren and so on are this step, so they are no longer entangled, screaming and leaving their sleeves.

However, I took two steps, but I listened to Feng Yuxi and asked: "I don't know how the Queen's Niangniang body? If you just came from Jingci Palace, would you tell me?"

As soon as I heard this, Yuan Guiren came back again and smiled happily. He replied: "Yu Wangxi is really interested, but it is to remember that knowing people do not know, but don't think who They are all good people, saving one day when they are bitten, it hurts."

“Is it?” Feng Yu’s faintly said: “It’s important for you to manage yourself. Although it’s not clear about the good people, at least for the time being, it’s a bad guy, but it’s clear!”

Yuan Guiren was smashed again, smashed his feet, and then stayed away, leaving in a hurry.

Huang Quan frowned, heard some doorways, could not help but ask: "Miss, the queen..."

Feng Yu swayed her hand and interrupted her words. Then she turned to the head of a rockery in the garden and said: "Don't hide, come out!"

In one sentence, it was a shock to Huang Quan. She is responsible for protecting Feng Yuxi, but she just visited her own lady to lose the loss of the Yuan, but did not notice that she was hiding. At this time, listening to Feng Yuying, she was angry, and she flew to the rockery as soon as she flew!

With a scream, a little palace girl was smashed to the front of Feng Yu by her little chicken. "Miss, she is hiding behind the rocks."

"Wang Hao spares! Wang Hao spares! The slave is not a bad person, really is not a bad person!" The little palace woman was shocked and slammed down and kept pleading for mercy.

Feng Yu squatting is just an ordinary palace girl, and there is no kung fu on her body. The previous hiding is also awkward. Then he indicated that Huang Quan would lift the person up. Then he asked: "Which palace are you waiting for? Who is your master?"

The little girl said, "The slave is waiting for the Ligui in the Jingsi Palace. I heard that Wang Hao has entered the palace today. The nobles want to invite you to sit in the Jingsi Palace and send a slave to the moon. The road is waiting. The slaves did not want to hide, and they are definitely not hiding in the king. It is because they saw the Yuangui. You must know that Wang Ligui and Yuangui are sisters, but they are two. The relationship is not so good, the slaves think that more than one thing is less, this is temporarily hiding, but definitely not listening to what you mean by talking to Yuangui!"

"Li Guiren?" Feng Yu is puzzled. "What is she going to see me?"

The little palace girl shook her head. "The slaves don't know."

"But it." Feng Yu wanted to say, "In the end is the sixth mother's biological mother, that is, to the sixth brother, this Wang Hao should also go and see. Let's go! Let's go to the Jingsi Palace."

At this time, at the end of Jingsi Palace, Ligui people were waiting for the neck to stand outside the hall. They also arranged clothes from time to time to ask the left-handed maid: "How do I wear this? Don't fall?"

The left child said calmly: "According to the noble system, just right."

"According to the noble system... Does that mean that it is too serious? Oh, it’s not good, how can it be serious, it will scare people, let’s change it.”

The left child pulled the person and tried to persuade him: "You have changed three sets of clothes. She is Yu Wang, and is from the Ji'an County of Yipin. You can't scare people if you wear it. This is very Ok, very compliant, don't change."

"Is it really okay?" Li Guiren touched his head again, feeling that his nephew was awkward, and let the left child give him a positive attitude. He said: "I don't have anything to do with myself, but I don't have to care about the wind. The face is so good that she can make her impressions better, she has a good impression of me, and she can be good for the wind."

"Master!" The left child was anxious, and said awkwardly: "You can never say anything like this. People are royal kings. What is good for the six halls with no reason? If you pass it out, you can let the six halls How to be a man!"

As I said, there was a quiet movement at the end of the palace gate. The door was pushed open half a fan. I saw that the **** that I sent out was coming in with Feng Yu and her money. Ligui people started to be nervous again...

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