Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 954: Quickly break your thoughts

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The elbows in the Tianwu Emperor’s bowl were robbed and robbed by the tiger...

Tianwu Emperor thought that if he was younger for another 20 years, he should be able to fight with this tiger. If he could get back? But now he didn't dare, how can the old arm and the old leg beat the tiger? In the event of a broken bone, it is not only the problem of his body, but the entire Dashun has to follow the injury. He hasn't laid the old nine in this world yet. He can't just let it go. Many things he has to deal with when he is still in the position, can't throw the mess to his son.

Tianwu swallowed and swallowed, watching the white tiger eagerly ate the half of his elbow left, very sad. Let's go to the bowl again... OK, there are still some ribs and meatballs left, let's eat! Just took a sip in his mouth and listened to Yunxiao and said to Zhang Yuan: "Go to the head of the imperial kitchen and say that they will not be allowed to prepare the emperor's meal in the future. The Emperor's meal is wrapped in the cold palace." I also looked at Tianwu Emperor. "You really want to eat the food at the end of the royal dining room. Then you should eat it on your own site. Don't come to me later."

"No, no!" Tianwu shook his head again and again. "If you don't eat it, you don't eat it. You don't eat it at all." When you talked, the bowl was put down, and you really didn't look at it again. Jokes, he waited for more than 20 years, and finally managed to get out of the way. How can he be mixed up with a big elbow?

Yunxiao nodded. "That's good. Auntie said, you have three highs. Although I can't tell you what the disease is, I still remember what she said to make you as vegetarian as possible and less meat." ”

Tianwu heard the scalp numb, and could not help but mutter: "The **** is not so cute sometimes... I remember her favorite dish is the elbow? There are fried pigeons, how can she eat it herself? Let me eat?"

Yunxiao didn't care about him, Zhang Yuan said: "How old is she? How old are you? Can you compare?"

The old emperor was even more depressed, and the **** was not cute. He had to change the **** to find a chance.

"Okay." Yunxiao waved his hand, but did not look back, while touching the head of Xiaobaihu, he said: "I heard a female bodhisattva in the capital? Is it the cousin of your eight sons? Still doing a lot of good things. , made everyone in Beijing praise."

Tianwu naturally had heard about it, and even praised Lao Ba for a few days, so he nodded: "It is such a thing, but since it is good, let them do it, The people get better than anything else, and they save the court from opening the warehouse again."

"But this palace has also heard that because of his son's reputation, his mother will not be reconciled, go to your big wife to ask for benefits, and want to sit back to Shu Shu's position!"

Tianwu listened to the big head and couldn't help but discuss with Yunxiao: "Can we talk well? What a big wife and a big wife, how hard it is to listen. Queen, you can call the queen." After that, wait for the clouds and talk And again said: "She is not willing to be her business, then it is not allowed to say anything about it? Rest assured! No her benefits."

"Cut." Yunxiao shrugged. "I will give you the benefit of not giving it to anyone. Anyway, it is all the things in your backyard. I want to remind you that the children and the aunt are newly married, don't look for them too." More trouble, let the young couple have a good time to stop the days. As for your sons, it is best to have a good future, you can not see the broken throne, and the aunt is not rare, who will look good in the future. Who is the one who gives me the most."

Tianwu's hand: "That... Hey! You know that among these children, my favorite thing is to have a child. Plus he has a helping hand, once the world is in their hands, the big order is How brilliant is the peace and prosperity of the world! Think about it, there is some excitement! Also! Don’t you always listen to the story of the people of Qin Tianjian? It must have been heard, the aunt’s child is Fengxing’s life, after The position is destined to be her. As long as she is there, Dashun will be happy!"

"Hey!" The cloud screamed coldly. "What phoenix is ​​not a phoenix star, shit! I tell you the mysterious war. Anyway, you have to let my filth be a good one. If he is a little wronged, I will The fire burned your palace!"

Tianwu was scared, and even said: "Must be sure, listen to you! Listen to you!"

General Pingnan’s general government ushered in an uninvited guest today, actually when he was left to the left, Lu Song. General Pingnan did not ask the DPRK affairs very much. Even the Shang Dynasty was only once in the 3rd and 5th. He never dealt with the left, whether it was the former Feng Yiyuan or the current Lu Song, not to mention it. The rough face of the blushing neck is also not giving the other person a good face.

However, after Lu Song’s death, Lu Yan’s thoughts were reversed. In addition, he has been thinking about Ren Shitao’s story, so it’s also a bit polite to see General Pingnan. But that kind of politeness is only at the top of the court, but there is not much exchange in private, including Lu Song’s door, which is still the first time.

General Pingnan received him officially in the front hall. His attitude was more official and he was more unfamiliar. He did not want to touch too much. However, Lu Song came here for a gift, and there was no valuable gift. It was a big bag of small wraps with a lot of things that he bought, food, cloth, two sets of tea sets, and several calligraphy and paintings. .

Things are not worth the money, that is, those calligraphy and paintings can still go up to some countertops. In his words, "Lv is no better than the past, and there are no good things. These paintings are treasured by me." Even if it is in the middle of the family, it is not willing to sell."

General Pingnan looked straight and frowned. "What do you do with the left-handed adult? And don't say that we haven't got close to each other to give gifts to each other. Even if it is, you said that I can understand what a calligraphy and painting person can't draw. You sent these, isn't it a chilling me?"

Lu Songyi, quickly explained: "I am negligent, the old general can not think about it, I really did not think of this before going out, just thinking that this is the most valuable thing that Lu Fu can get today. If the old general doesn't like it, he will sell it when he turns back. It is worth a lot of money." Lu Song said, and he took a few eyes and thoughts, and some heartache.

General Pingnan also saw that he was somewhat sincere, and he was even more puzzled. "What is the meaning of the left phase? It’s better to say it straight! There’s nothing wrong with the bend between the two, and those who guessed it. Stay in the hall to do it, but don't be at home, there are some things that are not there, and you are tired."

Lu Song nodded, this is the way: "The old general must not think too much. I came here today to thank the Dagongzi, the general helper of General Lu Xiao." After that, see General Pingnan still I don’t understand, so I said the last time I was rescued by Ren Xitao, until I saw General Pingnan’s sudden realization, and this was a relief. "If it wasn't for the young general who would help me to go to the Herbs, I wouldn't even send my life, it would be a fainting in the street, it is very shameful!"

General Pingnan nodded. "I haven't heard of this thing. Maybe the kid at home doesn't think it's a big deal. It's Lu Xiang, it's too much going."

"No, no." Lu Song repeatedly waved his hand. "The grace of dripping water is reported as a spring, not to mention the help of life. It’s just that I don’t have any family at the end of the Lu family. I can only send some ordinary things, the old general. Don't be fooled."

Therefore, I don’t want to smile at the face. General Pingnan’s seeing him is also sincere and sincere. If you really saved his son from his own son, it’s normal to thank him at the door. Then he smiles and accepts the gift, then asks again. Lu Song's physical condition.

Lu Song talked about this body, but he breathed a sigh of relief. He told General Pingnan: "In the past, I always thought about it. I felt that my 80% is not alive. Even if the blood coughs up, what good disease? Later, I went to the Baicaotang. After Wang Wangxi personally took the treatment, I went to the government and told me that there was nothing wrong with it. I gave some medicine. I was really good at eating, and this was wide-minded. Wide, the disease goes faster."

General Pingnan also listened to nod and nod. Feng Yu's medical skills were not blown out, and he did not benefit much, especially the legs that were injured because of the young and often on the battlefield, just in the hands of Feng Yu. Going back to the rule. It doesn't hurt at all, and there is no discomfort in the rainy and cloudy days.

The two were polite for a while, Lu Song left and left, just after the people left, in the backyard of General Pingnan, Ren Xifeng began to confess in front of his brother.

Lu Tao had to talk to his sister again on that day. At the same time, he also asked about one thing he had always wanted to inquire about but had nowhere to inquire. He said, "Sister, you can listen." Said that the Lu family has a beautiful daughter?"

Ren Xifeng listened straight and frowned. "What does this mean for my brother?"

"I just saw a young lady in Lu family. Like Lu Xian, Lu Xiang said that he is his eldest daughter." Ren Xitao said that this matter is still a confusing question, so he added a sentence: "Weird The lady didn't know what inferior spices she used. It was unbearable to be unbearable. Even if there was such a fairy, it would make people want to escape as quickly as possible under the influence of that taste. ”

"It’s right to escape as soon as possible!" Ren Xitao calmly warned: "My brother should understand that hospitality at home, especially for male guests, does not allow women to come out to entertain. You just send a look at Lu Xiang, you will see His daughter is as beautiful as a fairy. Don't you think that this is not right? Then say..." Ren Xifeng remembered one thing. "Lou Ping jumped into the water and saved Yao's wife. Half of her face was ruined. of."

Ren Xitao waved: "What face is ruined, my sister must have remembered it wrong, or it is not hurting. It is already good. There is no trace at all. Also, Lu Xiang means that the wife of Lu Jiada went to the temple that day. In, and what I have for him is the life-saving grace. It is really rude to treat a person alone. This makes the lady come out and take a face and thank you. My sister, I am not asking. This, I want to ask you, is the woman really a daughter of Lu's family? Why haven't you heard of it for so many years? You know, that kind of appearance is several times stronger than the first beauty of the original Feng family. Yeah!"

"How about that?" Ren Xifeng stared at his brother, once again solemnly reminding: "Since ancient times, the beauty has not finished, think about the phoenix fish, think about the beauty of those who are blaming the country, if the brother wants to save his life, if he wants Everyone in Bao Pingnan’s general is safe from the Lu family!”

After Ren Xuefeng finished, he walked away, but left Ren Xitao with a helpless shaking his head. His younger sister was too anxious. He didn't really say it. He just thought it was strange. He asked for inquiries, but he didn't expect to have such a determined attitude.

After sending the ceremony to the General of Pingnan, Lu Song did not go back to the government, but took a carriage and rushed to the next one - Yu Wangfu!

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