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Emperor Tianwu made a sacred purpose and compensated all the efforts of Zhukongshan for the Eight Emperors. The Queen was in the same place, after asking a sentence, but see Emperor Tianwu did not solve the problem and asked her: "How? The Queen feels wrong? Have an opinion on the arrangement of the defamation?"

Where does the Queen dare to have an opinion on the arrangement of Tianwu, but this is indeed the case for this thing. Now things are going completely in the opposite direction. Not only is she not completely arrogant, but it is even possible. Adding a block to the woman, she was a little embarrassed, and quickly thought about whether the Yuangui would know what to do after the extreme reaction.

"Since there is no opinion, Zhang Yuan! Let's go to the purpose!"

Seeing that Zhang Yuan had already left the Qiankun Temple, the Queen thought about it and asked with reluctance: "The same is the aunt, the Yuan noble..."

"Hey!" Tianwu waved his hand. "A little girl made a good deed. Although everyone praised it, it was not enough to support the two nobles to regain their position. Li and Yuangui are sisters, Yuangui and sister. Of course, if there is a good thing, my sister will let my sister, and the left and right are their family's business. I believe that the Yuangui people have always been generous and will never care about it."

Big? The empress felt that the emperor's understanding of the vocabulary of the generosity was not so thorough. If the Yuangui people could be considered generous, there would be no stingy people in this world. She nodded helplessly, couples for decades, she knew the emperor too much, and the decision made by Emperor Tianwu, except for himself, no one could reverse. Of course, if someone can really do it with him, then there is only Yunxiao and her son.

"The emperor said very well." The Queen handed such a weak hand, and accompanied him in the Qiankun Temple for a long while, finally found a head to leave. As soon as I got out of the temple door, my body swayed and almost fell.

When Zhang Yuan’s imperial edict was passed to Jingsi Palace, Ligui people still analyzed their own possibility of combining Feng Yu and Xuan Tianfeng. In her opinion, even if Feng Yuxi has become a pro, but as long as her son likes, she can not care. After all, it is not an ordinary woman. This is because I can’t find a second woman like Feng Yuxi. Only such a person is worthy of her style, and only such people are following the wind. Around the children, can help the wind to make great achievements and become a major event.

The left child waited at the side station, glaring at the appearance of Li Guiren, and did not want to know what his master was thinking about. She thinks that Ligui people are absolutely crazy. They dare to think so crazyly. They dare to implement them. If they go on like this, they will have troubles sooner or later!

She was trying to persuade Li Guiren to make a few words, let her put down her mind, but before she could open her mouth, she heard that the door of the palace outside the palace seemed to ring. Then many people entered the Jingsi Palace and listened to an eunuch. The scorpion shouted: "The sacred purpose! Ligui people take the initiative!"

When Li Guiren stunned, he suddenly rushed out a sentence - "What kind of sacred decree can I give? Will it be the emperor who wants to understand, to give the Ji'an County to the wind?"

The left child was so scared that she quickly grabbed her mouth and nervously said: "The master must not talk indiscriminately! The person who sent the message sounds like Zhang Gonggong around the emperor. If you are heard by him, don't say it. We can't live, that is, the Sixth Highness must also suffer from it!" She knew that nothing could scare the noble, but only the things related to the Six Emperors could give her to the town, so she deliberately said this, Ligui is also true. Just believe, solemnly nodded, the left child dared to put his hand down, and then helped the Ligui people to go out.

The imperial decree read by Zhang Yuan gave the people of Ligui and Zuoer and the whole palace of Jingsi Palace to the audience. The sacred said: "I wish the family have a female wishing the empty mountain, and in Beijing, compassionate the people's livelihood and caring for the poor people. Going right, it is a worry for the emperor. Because it is a niece of Ligui people, it is hereby to restore the position of Ligui people, and then move out of Jingsi Palace and give birth to Changning Palace.

Li Wei is stupid, I wish empty mountains? After thinking about it in my heart, I couldn’t help but ask: "Who is the empty mountain?"

The left child’s heart was tight, and he quickly whispered: “The girl who has been there that day is the daughter of your sister who married to Pengzhou and wished to be a family. It’s your pro-foreign girl!”

"Oh." Li Wei thought about it, but she just remembered it. She still couldn't remember the appearance of Zhukong Mountain. She asked Zhang Yuan: "I wish the empty mountain to do a good thing, why should the emperor lift me?"

Zhang Yuan smiled in his heart, and said why he should lift you up? Still not because you are more stupid and better support than Yuangui? You can't afford to see a lot of storms when you sit on the floor, but if the Queen opens his mouth and asks to let the Yuanren return to the position, then the harem will not stop! He thought so in his heart, can't say that in his mouth, and he has been learning about what kind of people should be talking to the emperor for many years. After all, the Jingsi Palace came here to send good news, so I squeezed a three-point smile on the face to face the noble man who was still squatting in front of him and had already recovered his position: "What is the saying of Lily Niangniang? Since Zhuhai Mountain is your niece and is a provincial capital, it is natural for you to have a copy of it. If it is not the maiden, she will think so carefully. Do you do such a good thing? Anyway, the emperor is the girl, this is a good thing for the niece. What is the goddess doing? Quickly!"

When the left child heard this, he quickly pulled the lyrics and whispered: "The maiden is quick to pick up, this is a good thing." Seeing Li Wei is still worried, but the face is still puzzled, and then added: " Think about the sixth six."

Li Wei realized this, and quickly took the opportunity to thank her, and listened to Zhang Yuan and said: "The emperor gave the Changning Palace to the Lily Niangniang to live, the head slave has been assigned personnel to clean, after cleaning, naturally someone will come to ask the goddess In the past, the Niangniang is also ready to prepare!"

Li Wei nodded: "I... this palace understands, thank you for your grandfather."

"Where the sacred girl said, the sacred sacredness has been passed, and the genius has returned. Congratulations to the maiden!" He finished, and took a gift, naturally took a small pack of money handed over by the left child, with a small accompanying The **** hurried away.

With the departure of Zhang Yuan, the Yulin Army, who was originally guarded at the gate of Jingsi Palace, also evacuated. Lishui is no longer an expensive person, and will soon be relocated. This ban has naturally been lifted and no longer needs them. When Zuoer looked at the team and left, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He said with pleasure: "Mother! Finally, you can call your goddess! We are free! We are free from now on!"

Li Yan is also happy, but not for the sake of freedom, but because the words that the child said before - "Yes! It’s much more worried about the wind. If the palace has always been a detained little noble, the wind The child can't lift his head outside. But now the palace has returned to the throne, and the wind can call my mother's sorrow in the light, and no one will look down on him anymore. The palace has this identity, want to come, that The Anjun owner will also take a look at the wind?"

The left child is helpless. "The maiden said how to say it and said that it was coming up. It is not a slave who said you. This thing can’t really be thought of anymore. It’s more dangerous to think about it in a day. Maybe you can get it, six. His Royal Highness still wants to live well. Yu Wangzhen is right. If you really think about the Sixth House, you should not mention it."

"That won't mention it for the time being!" Lizzie smiled. "I don't want to be in a hurry anyway. I can't let people just get married. It's gone. Don't say this, you are going to pack up, I guess it's this evening. I have to go to the end of Changning Palace to live!"

Zuoer is very happy that Li can transfer the topic, and quickly told the small people around him to pack things up. He also helped Li Lan to walk back to the temple and said, "Where is the goddess, where is the Changning Palace? It is said to be away from the Queen. The maiden's Jingci Palace is very close, only a small garden, but the location is very good!"

"Yeah! I remember that there was no one living in the palace. It was said that the emperor was going to live in the clouds. But Yunxiao didn't like the excitement and asked for the cold palace. I thought that the palace would have been so empty, no. I thought that it ended up in the palace. "Hey?" She suddenly remembered one thing. "The emperor's reward comes from the wishor's head. What did she do?" Jingsi Palace is remote, yet No one is allowed to enter, and the outside news naturally hears less.

For the question of Li Wei, the left child did not know, only shook his head, probably guessed: "The far-reaching public said that it is good for Dashun, it should be a good thing, the emperor is very happy!"

Li Yan frowned and thought about it: "This is afraid of an oolong. The **** is not directed at me. The provincial relatives she refers to are not my second mother, but the eight princes. The mother-in-law, today’s Yuangui. You said that the emperor’s reward is not the wrong person?”

Zuo Er also felt that Miss Zhu should be closer to Yuangui, but she still told Li Wei: "Whether it is right or wrong, the sacred purpose has been broken, and the truth has not been recovered. The goddess will return to peace." If the emperor wants to compensate the Yuangui, there will naturally be another reward. This is not something we should worry about. On the contrary, if the reward is the Yuangui, then the second mother, the emperor It’s impossible to ignore it. In short, peace of mind is."

Li Wei also feels that the left child makes sense. In addition, she always thinks about the fact that Xuan Tianfeng likes Feng Yuqi. She feels that her position is too low and she is detained. This sacred decree is for her, but it is raining in time! Then I was relieved and began to pick up my own belongings with my left child.

Jingsi Palace has a good head, a joy, and people are happy with the main child. After all, it is better to follow the scorpion than to follow the noble.

There are a few joys that there are several sorrows. The martyrdom of Emperor Wu of Heaven was quickly spread throughout the errand, and there was news from the Shoushan Palace. The Yuangui people heard about this. After the incident, the gas almost fainted, and the eight emperors just brought a set of white jade tea set into the palace. She had not had time to appreciate it, and she fell to the ground.

"Lie? Damn, I want to see the Queen-"

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