Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 959: What kind of wind do you smoke?

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To talk about the small palace banquet in the palace, this kind of thing was quite popular for people in the past, but this "formerly" refers to more than 20 years ago, even going back to thirty years ago. At that time, there was no cloud, and Emperor Wu of Heaven was still a normal emperor. There were three thousand in the harem of the harem. Even if it was not exposed to rain and dew, it could take care of most people. So that the fight is very serious, the palace fights in full swing, those favored nephews occasionally have a small party or something, in their own palace or in the small garden or the stage, invite Some of the ladies and ladies in Beijing who have heads and faces have come to the palace to collect some gifts, listen to the people touting them, and then shake them in front of the harem women who are not favored by them, especially face.

The ladies and ladies outside are also willing to participate in this kind of activity. Although they have to take some gifts, but those who have heads and faces are not bad things, but the opportunity to enter the palace is not easy to fight, and they are in contact with the pets. Opportunities are hard to fight for, so they are so eager to come, so that every time there is a small palace banquet, it will be very lively.

Because of her personality, Li Wei basically has no friends outside, and her mother's family Liu Jia, because of the existence of Yuangui, is not very concerned about this same prostitute. After all, in many respects, the Eight Emperors are stronger than the Six Emperors, so the Liu family is most valued by the Yuan Guiren, not the second daughter of Li Wei. So that Li Wei couldn't get the help of her mother, she had a bad relationship with her own sister in the palace, and she was somewhat isolated and introverted, so even though she envied those who could call friends to participate. The sisters of the palace feast did not have the courage and strength at all.

Of course, this is also related to the favor of Emperor Wu of Heaven. Tian Wudi is very ordinary to her, she is not in the favor of the ranks, and the days are naturally relatively dull.

Now that decades have passed, she has experienced the rise of the Six Emperors at the time of her birth. She also experienced the fall after the winter, and now she has once again regained her position. Li Wei feels that she can no longer live as before. Wrong, how can her identity be worthy of this magnificent Changning Palace.

I wish the empty mountain to bring the hope of the palace banquet to the palace. She did not rush to report the things in the palace with the Eight Emperors, but used an afternoon to see the people who were persecuted by fake drugs, and The compensation money of Sheng Wangfu was sent one by one, and a lot of gifts were brought. She has always been a gift, especially to vote for it. Most of the gifts for these poor people are related to daily use. They include not only food supplements such as chicken, duck and fish, but also many household utensils such as pots and pans.

The people are soft in their hearts. Although they started to bite their teeth with a prince, they can even make a cabbage scorpion to smash the house. Let’s look at the posture of the royal palace and see these compensations. In addition, Zhu Kongshan can talk about the meeting, and soon the people who had been hateful to the Eight Emperors had a 180-degree reversal. And I wish the empty mountain is also very smart, she knows that what she is doing now can only be regarded as a remedy, but also very abrupt, than the popularity of Feng Yu’s years of accumulation. Therefore, she did not do anything about her gossip. She only really helped the Eight Emperors to redeem their sins. People naturally have a good impression on such people, and they are naturally willing to accept it. Therefore, Zhu Yunshan has helped the Eight Emperors to gain a reputation, and they have gained further victories.

That night, the Eight Emperors returned to the government, wishing the empty mountain, this will see the passage of Li Wei in the palace today. It is said that when the small palace feast, the Eight Emperors are very supportive, he told Zhu Kongshan: "Go to contact Those of you who participated in the porridge sisters and the ladies, let them all go to the palace to join the Lizang Niangniang, and they will be eager to catch up with the popularity, otherwise they will count on her own Zhang Luoren, fearing that not many people will come, the scene is also awkward. Let her see the situation clearly, let her understand that even if she climbed to the high position, it would be useless to fight alone. She had to find a dependency, and this dependence, except her mother, no one else. Appropriate. If she is clever, persuading her son to take the initiative to come over, if it is stupid, then it is just a position, it is just a display and a laughing stock."

I wish the empty mountain to understand this truth, but only to the Eight Emperors: "The cousin at that end of the big aunt, but the cousin has to persuade a lot. The second aunt is sitting on a high position, even if it is a joke, but after all, the identity is placed there, I am afraid that the mother will not comfortable."

Xuantian ink nodded, but there was a bit of bitterness in my heart. His mother, it is really easy to be mad at this thing, or to be more comforted.

Li Yu’s affair Feng Yuzhen naturally heard this, and Xuantian Ming even mentioned it with her. Looking at the six emperors’ children, the royal palace could not be said. She asked Huang Quan: "What do you say, send something?"

Huang Quan didn't want to see Li Wei, and looked resentful: "I look at the slaves and don't send anything. That Miss Li did not know what the idea is. She saved that kind of mind, we are still far away. I really don't understand. Does the nephew in this palace have fantasies? Yuangui people imagine that their sons can be emperors, and this is a bit of a little bit of a good score. After all, they are all dragons, everyone is equal. That Lily is good, Miss, you can become a pro with the nine princes, what are the things she thinks? Is there such a thing as a mother-in-law? If this thing, let the nine emperors hear about it, I don’t know what kind of storms I’m going to make, and I’m not going to be involved in the six halls.”

Feng Yuzhen felt that Huang Quan was right. Li Xin’s thoughts were almost guessed, and her heart was not happy. She thought about it and said, "I will write a letter to the Sixth Highness, so that he can communicate with Li Yan. But we still have to give this gift, not to the Radisson, but also to the six His Royal Highness, after all, he is worthy of my grace. At the moment, people in the county of Ji’an are also guarding the land for me. I can’t ignore the matter in Lishao.

Huang Quan was also sighing. When she thought of the six emperors, she was relieved of the more tired of Li Wei. It’s just a pity that it’s a pity for the six emperors. So how can a good person share such a mother?

"Come to send some silver tickets." Feng Yuxi said: "The six brothers are cheaper than the other emperors. Lizhao has not got the help of the mother in the palace these years, and he has not got six emperors. There are many subsidies, and the empress of the emperor is even more hopeless. I don’t want to be rich in life. Now that I’ve regained my position, there’s always a bit of money to greet me. Some jewellery heads and the like can be worn, but they can't be spent. So we don't have to worry about sending other gifts, we will send the money directly."

This is being said. At this time, there was a newspaper in the yard, and said to Feng Yuxi: "Wang Hao, there is a person in the Baicaotang, saying that Yao Si Gongzi asked you to go immediately, there is an urgent matter."

Yao Sigongzi is Yao An, and now he replaces Wang Lin’s Baicaotang on the side of the capital. Suddenly, I would like to ask Feng Yu to sneak past, or immediately, it means that the Herbs Church is definitely something, and it is an emergency.

She did not delay, and hurriedly left the carriage. Huang Quan asked: "Will there be another eight emperors to trouble?"

She shook her head. "It shouldn't. He is asking for a reputation now. It is also a deliberate attempt to avoid any conflict with me. At this time, I should not take the initiative to find a child."

But if it wasn't for this matter, what else couldn't Yao'an deal with, would you have to ask her to be there? Feng Yuxi is also puzzled.

The carriage rushed, and when I finally got to the front of the Baicaotang, I saw that there were a lot of people standing at the door, there was a visit to the medicine, and there was a lot of fun. The shopkeepers decided to close the store door and prevent people from looking inside. However, some people in the head have blocked it. They also heard a woman’s voice saying loudly: "If you have the ability, don't close the door. If you have the right thing, let the people give it to you. See what the matter should be!"

Her eyebrows wrinkled, this is the sound of Fengfenyu, which is the wind that is pumping? She took some fire in her heart and took off the curtain of the car. Huang Quan quickly followed the back and whispered: "The Feng family is really uneasy."

When the people saw Feng Yu, they took the initiative to let a road come out to let her go to the Herbs, and vaguely heard that a people were saying: "What kind of child is Miss Feng Jiasi taking? What is her brother? The cottage was imprisoned."

Her heart was clear, but she did not understand Fengfen and remembered what the child was doing.

As soon as I stepped into the door of the Herbs, I heard that Fengfenyu always raised with a bit of sour voice. "My brother, of course, I want to follow my life. You have no place for him." Blood relationship, why not hold it? I just sue the official, and that is also mys!" After that, it was cold, "I know what you are playing, yes, phoenix Yu Yu is the county owner and Wang Hao. The capital is her world. Jing Zhaoyin will not talk to me, so it is useless to sue. But I will ask if you have any conscience? Do you have any brothers and sisters? You have No children? If your relatives are raised in someone else's home, you can't pick them up, what is the difference between them and the abducting children?"

This word was passed to Feng Yu's ear. She only thought that this Fengfen pipa was like the more recent Shen's image. Han's idea was gentle and flattering. She didn't learn it. It was the kind of Shen's kindness. Unreasonable to learn a ten percent. This looks like a waist-frame, where is it like a 13-year-old girl?

She shook her head and walked two more steps. This said: "When are we willing to raise a child for you? You have to pay for it, drink it, and wear it. You have to ask the woman to look after it alone. It is good to take it back. It is better for a child to follow his own sister and sister than to be an outsider. But I wondered, if you hated to give him to death, why did you change your mind today, and you must recognize that younger brother?"

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