Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 968: Ten thousand and one million

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Yuangui people can not care what Li Xin thinks, she just looked around this flower hall again, and said: "My sister is also true, my sister knows that you are not well-off, but that day my sister did not send a million tickets. How can I not use it? Xu is not a sister who has not had a banquet, so there is no experience. Speaking of it, this palace feast is really not like this."

The face of Li Wei is a bit hanged, but the words of Yuangui are still going on: "Are you afraid that the silver flower will be finished and you will be tight? Hey, you! If you have no flowers, you will tell your sister, even if the sister sells iron, it is also I want to help you! You know, we are both sisters."

"Hey!" Li Wei finally opened his mouth and said with a sarcasm: "Yes! If you have no money in this palace, you will want it because you have money than the palace. You have the help of your mother's family, but this palace does not." So I never dare to be big-handed. You also know that we are sisters, then the palace does not understand, it is a child of the birth, how can the Liu family help the sister to help one-on-one, but this daughter can Don't you care?"

Yuangui people laughed. "My sister said this, how can the family not remember my sister? Every time I write a greeting, my family will ask my sister in the reply. The mother also said that the sister has entered the palace since. I haven’t had any contact with my family anymore, and I don’t know what you think in your heart. I’m afraid that the mother will drag you down, so I won’t dare to go to the front.”

When this is said, a fact has to be confirmed by Li Wei. She did not contact her family when she entered the palace. Even when her father and mother entered the palace to visit relatives in the early years, she deliberately avoided it. She did not intend to do this, but she was courageous when she first entered the palace. She did not dare to go with her family. Later, her character was more lonely, and she didn't want to see people all the time. This gradually became unfamiliar. But in any case, it is caused by her fault. At this time, it is blamed on the mother. It is really impossible to say.

Yuan Guiren’s words were clearly heard by everyone in the flower hall. For a time, many people talked about Li Wei in private. The accusations in the language were her inhumanity, but now they blame others. Even Zhu Yunshan understood the reason why Li Wei gave her face today, and the problem was actually in Yuangui.

"Auntie." Xuantian song also joined Feng Yu's ear and said: "Do you know? The former Yuan Yuanren sent a troupe to Li Wei, and he took Li Xi to ask the emperor later. Listening to the play. Li Wei stupidly felt that her sister was kind, so Baba had invited the Queen to come over. As a result, guess what? The troupe actually sang a play of the mother and the little fight, but the master also lost. You said that you are not laughing?"

Ren Xifeng listened straight to his mouth. "In the palace, the queen is naturally the master of the house. Although we are distinguished, it is just a small singer. In the face of the queen, the queen is offended by Li Wei. It hurts."

"So Lishao today is the attitude of the people on the Yuangui side?" Feng Yu nodded. "To say so, it is time to give them some look." She reached for her sleeves. The silver ticket that was ready to be given to Li Wei was still in the inside! "Although I don't want to see Li Wei, but compared with Yuan Guiren... I am still willing to add some plug to the mother of the Eight Emperors."

She cocked her lips and stood up, and the money went to the end of Li Wei.

Xuantian song does not know how she wants to add a block, but when did Feng Yu’s disappointment? Among these emperors, the most disliked by Xuan Tiange is Lao Ba, even worse than the original third. The reason is very simple. More than two years ago, Lao Ba once asked Tian Wudi to let her go to the ancients and kissed him. It was rejected by Tianwu Emperor, but this thing went around and passed into her ears. From then on. I hate the starling, and I can’t let it go until today.

When Feng Yuqi walked to the front of Li Wei, he just heard the Yuan Guiren and said aloud: "I sent a million tickets to the day. I was thinking about my sister going to the palace feast. I can be anxious. This is not, today I brought another 10,000 silver tickets, I was afraid that my sister would spend all the money in the palace banquet, and her hands were tight." She said that she actually handed a silver ticket. In front of Li Wei, a pair of eyes stared at Li Wei, filled with "not good intentions."

Some people were uncomfortable on the spot: "Why do you have to give money to the people? How can I pay 10,000 yuan for this palace feast today? I am afraid that it will not be used until the end of the day. Since the previous ones are useless, the nobles need not give this money today. "Let's not be on the countertop, so that the ladies underneath are not respected, even if there is a squatting, at the moment they also feel that Li Wei is not as good as a noble man."

"You are unreasonable!" Yuan Guiren pretending to be angry, "Isn't you swearing in front of Lily's maiden?

Under the swearing of Yuangui, the young lady who just spoke up reluctantly stood up and yelled at Lily: "Please ask the goddess to forgive sins, and the woman's mouth is fast, and it won't be next time."

Li Lan was cold and screamed, and she said to Yuan Yuan: "She said nothing. The gift was given before. Since the gift has been delivered, the ticket will not have to be given to me today."

"How can I do that, I took it specially, my sister..."

After waiting for the words of the nobles, Feng Yuxi couldn’t wait any longer, and he coughed a bit: "Two, Auntie inserted a sentence. Today is the palace feast of Lili's maiden, regardless of whether the banquet is decent or not, but It is to give everyone a chance to get together in the palace. Forms only, there is no need to study the details." When she spoke, she looked at the lady who was still half-baked and waiting for Li, and said clearly to her. Listening. "This lady looked at her face. The former palace feast should never have been attended? That is the daughter of the official of the following four. The four-product female of the district, who dared to let go in Changning Palace, this Wang Hao really wants to know. Who is your father? If you are fortunate enough to see the Japanese, you have to ask his daughter how to teach in the family."

The woman was not afraid of Li Wei, because the family told her that Li Zi’s temper was bullied, and she also said that they were heading to the Eight Emperors and Yuan Guiren. The reason why she couldn't help but say something in her heart was because Yuangui was sitting there, and she felt that she had a dependence. But I did not expect that, in the middle, a Feng Yuyu was inserted in the middle.

She is not afraid of Li Wei, but it does not mean that she is not afraid of Feng Yu, and now she listens to Feng Yu, saying that she couldn’t help but have a leg. The original half-bowed posture became a trip, and the voices trembled: Wang Hao, the woman is wrong, and the woman is wrong."

Feng Yuxi did not care about her, but just said to Li Wei: "When I came, I went to talk to my mother, and I forgot the big things." Going forward, "The niece has regained the position, and the aunt does not know what to use as a gift, just to discuss a lightheartedness. This one million two silver ticket maidens are good, it is a little bit of my intentions with the nine."

This "one million two" one exit, but stunned the lady under the lady, even the empty mountain can not help but swear.

One million two! This is not a small amount, and the generosity of Yu Wang’s shot makes everyone unexpected. Even more people have guessed why Yu Wangyu sent such a heavy gift. However, I think that the Six Emperors are now living in the middle of Ji’an County. I heard that I was a teacher there. It is good to want to come to Yu Wang’s private relationship. This silver is afraid to be sent to the Six Emperors.

But no matter who is facing it, the silver is the hand of Li Wei, Li Lan has a flower on his face, and the first time he will not forget to squeeze the Yuangui: "Not a relative is so generous."

Yuangui people also have a few points, but they are hard-pressed: "Why isn't it a relative? Yu Wangxi is the righteous priest of the nine princes, and the nine princes and the six princes are brothers." The words are said, but my heart has already I gave Feng Yu a thousand times.

Her intention today is not purely a runny, but just wants to let Li Yan see the fact that even if she climbs back to the position, she has no pulse, no gold and silver, and wants to stand in this house. It is impossible to rely on one position alone. She wants to let Li Yan see the strength of her side, whether it is in the palace or outside the palace, whether it is the eight emperors or her, this is what Li Wei can't compare. I also want to let Li Yan understand the gap between the Six Emperors and the Eight Emperors. I want to help my son get the throne. Li Wei’s footsteps have fallen behind too much, and the chasing can’t catch up.

However, I did not expect Feng Yuzhen to support Li Wei, which destroyed the pattern of her original cloth. The scene could not be suppressed for a while, but became the group with the lowest status in this flower hall.

Yuangui’s face has no place to put it, and the ladies underneath are even more embarrassed. It was a good enthusiasm for Li Wei to pull Feng Yu, and Yuan Guiren felt that he could not stay here, so he quickly found a reason to retire.

When she left, Feng Yuxi did not intend to do anything with Li Wei, and she returned to her position. Many people want to follow the example of Yuangui, but they are also interested in Li, and they are still drinking tea, laughing and talking to a few ladies, which makes people a little bit more Children can’t walk away, and they can’t get away from it.

In fact, these ladies who are present today also have their own minds. Even many people are not completely rushing to the empty mountains, but because they themselves belong to the hearts of the six emperors. They came to the palace and prepared a gift for Li Wei, hoping to get the favor of Li Wei, but they couldn't help but stand on the side of the Eight Emperors, making it difficult on both sides. At this time, when the Yuan and the nobles were defeated, their original thoughts were also a little bit eager to move. So some people took the initiative to turn the wind and said: "In fact, such a palace feast is better, it will be less restrictive, let us still Being able to speak to the Lily maiden in such a close distance is like being at home with the elders. It is very kind!"

"Yes, yes!" This was echoed by a small number of people. Someone went on to say: "I heard that in the past, the palace banquets were all far away, and there were songs and dances in the middle. It was very noisy and not particularly restrictive. Today, in Changning Palace, it is different. I want to come, Lizang Niangniang really has a heart."

This time together, Li Xin’s heart is also bright. Yes! Although today is a little small and not happy, but Feng Yu and Xuan Tiange gave her a face, and that one hundred and two silver tickets flashed the eyes of Yuan Guiren. She only feels very happy when she thinks about the way the Yuangui people leave.

I couldn't help but sigh at the goodness of Feng Yu's sigh. The eyes passed over and I saw what Feng Yuzhen was talking to with a few little sisters. She was smiling, playful and beautiful, and it seemed like a young woman who had become married. The more she saw, the more she felt that this girl was as good as her son, and she could not help but sigh: "If the wind is a pro-aunt, how good it is!"

The left child was so scared that she quickly pulled her sleeve and lowered her voice: "The girl must not say this today!"

Li Wei also knew that she had lost her voice, and slammed her voice, and then looked around, and no one noticed that it was relieved. But this gaze swept away, but I saw that Fengfen, who was sitting at the most door position, got up and smiled and walked over to her side...

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