Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 979: The mother can only have one

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I wish the empty mountain nod, she can understand the meaning of Xuantian ink, recharge her batteries, and one day she will lift her eyebrows and salt fish to turn over. The people she wants to protect can get the best protection. The festival in Pengzhou will also be Everything will be taken care of by her.

Xuantian Mo stepped forward to lift people from the ground and further said: "Everything is done, there is something to be done, and you can learn to be forbearth, in order to achieve future plans. Your future is incalculable, so you can be a little father." What have you got? You are now humiliated and not afraid. Write down those people and things. One day, one report will be reported, and no one can run. You forgot the thing about Miss Fengjia II that I told you? ”

The Feng Jia Er, who he mentioned, is naturally Feng Yu. I wish the empty mountain to think of it. When I came there for a few days, Xuan Tianmo told her about Feng Yu’s return to Beijing and started a series of revenge plans in Fengjia. At that time, she was simply fascinated, as if Xuan Tianmo was only talking about things in the story, but she understood that those were true. A child who was sent to Dashan from an early age had an adventure. After returning home, he killed the killer who had persecuted himself and continued to persecute himself. Eventually, the Feng family was completely scattered, and it was a legend!

When she thought of Feng Yu's deeds, she also had some boring and hateful Feng Yu's phoenix family. She made a fist with both hands and took a deep breath. She finally nodded and said, "Cousin, I understand, you can rest assured, I will not be impulsive again. I will wait patiently, waiting for one day to turn into the cloud, that seat. I wish the government will cry at my feet."

"Good! Good!" Xuantian Mohaha laughed. "This is my cousin of Xuantian Mo, and only this cousin is standing next to my Xuantian ink!"

Zhukongshan was persuaded by Xuantianmo to leave the government and continue to work in the north of the city. The eight emperors in the study were watching her back on the back of the field.

Is there one day? Queen? No, he said that he had really thought about letting this cousin be his queen, but after he knew the importance of the sound, he had such a thing, and I wish the empty mountain is completely out of his consideration. His future queen must not have any stains. He wants to establish a pure fairy sitting on the back position, and this fairy can not be just a fairy, her identity background must be pure and innocent. Liu destroyed the empty mountain, then he must find the next goal.

I wish the empty mountain completely missed that he had been abandoned by his cousin. On the contrary, after Xuan Tianmo’s “brainwashing”, she re-entered the passion of one hundred and twenty cents and provoked two gimmicks. I am very puzzled.

And I wish the family, under the majesty of the big lady, I wish Xinjie has written a letter to Liu, and said that he wants to rest.

According to the saying, it is not necessary to take a break. I don’t want to go directly to the house, or to send it to the next person, or to make such a big mistake like Liu’s. It is normal to kill. I wish Xinjie is disgusting Liu Jia, he wants to rest, but also to send Liu back to Liu Fu, which is a great shame for Liu Jia.

What can be humiliated again? The thing about Liu’s work was soaring, and I wished Xinjie to be raped in bed. It’s impossible for Liu’s family to think about it. When the letter was sent to Liufu, Liu Jia immediately carried out a public relations crisis. First, he sent people to Zhujia to stabilize the mood of Zhu Xinjie. At the same time, he immediately sent people to quietly go to Beijing to explain the matter to the Eight Emperors.

Of course, the Liu family knows that Zhu Kongshan went to the capital, and also clearly understands the minds of the Chu Yuan and the Eight Emperors. They are very concerned about this matter. Once the Eight Emperors became a thing, then the Liu family could be the existence of one person under the 10,000 people. Which family can be compared to the whole Dashun? In this section of the festival, Liu must not have an accident, must protect himself, and it is equivalent to retaining the empty mountain.

The people who sent to Zhufu came to talk to Zhukongshan for a few shots. Finally, they understood the meaning of Zhukongshan—there was no end to it, but the Liu family must come up with sincerity. As for this sincerity, nature is of great benefit to the family.

As a result, the people who sent the Liu family to the capital city had a letter, and immediately proposed to the Eight Emperors to use the official position to block the mouth of the family, so that this matter would be calmed down first.

It is a pity that after seeing this incident, the Eight Emperor Xuantian Mo was more annoyed about the wishing family. He told his relatives sent by Liu Jia that: "I wish you a good fit, and such people will become cumbersome in the future."

Liu Wannian sighed: "Whoever understands this, but if you don't calm down the anger of Xinjie, she will take the niece back, and Liu Jia can not afford this person!"

"Hugh?" Xuantian ink sneered, "Hey, that Liu is just a prostitute, it is your sister and mother-in-law, no deep feelings?"

Liu Wannian nodded: "This is nature. I have been in the door of Zhufu from her, and we have nothing to do with it. I am almost forgotten even with her."

"That's it." Xuantian ink waved his hand. "What kind of use does this kind of person keep? I wish Zhu Xinjie a chance to go to rest? Losing him wants to come up with this trick. Hey, in the future, the king wants to recognize the mother. It’s a Liu family, but it’s not a family. This is something that the ancestors must understand.”

Liu Wannian glanced, and immediately understood the meaning of Xuantian ink. Yes! Once in the future, I wish the empty mountain not to sit in the back position, but once she sat in the back position, then there is another one wishing the family to fight for this world! How can Liu family wish to let the family cross the bar? "His Royal Highness is right." Liu Wannian took a deep breath. "What is it like to be a family? Let's definitely not share this glory with the family. The despicable prostitute can't keep it anymore. This kind of insatiable relatives can no longer be asked. Hey! Speaking of it, Liu’s niece was a sultry child. If she had broken her body with her, Liu Jia would not marry her to her. concubine."

"So--" Xuantian ink spread his hands. "Which kind of niece is what kind of niece, this Wang thought that the empty mountain is a good one. Now, if you look at it, you can’t do it. Hey, this is handed over to But you did, the king did not intervene, but Liu Jia himself cleared the portal. But remember, to be unconscious, can not let the family see any flaws, people must die to wish home, it is best to make an illusion Let her commit suicide to prove innocence."

Liu Wannian understood his meaning and nodded again and again. People did not stay in the capital. They returned to Pengzhou on the same day.

At this time, Liu, who was locked up in Zhujiachai’s house, still looked at his daughter and the prince’s nephew to give himself a master, but I don’t know. One night after three days, a black man sneaked into the Zhufu firewood house. First, a palm of the hand stunned the person in the back of the neck, and then found a ready-made rope from the wood house, hit a knot on the beam, and placed a broken chair below. To do all this, he bite Liu’s finger and write a big “冤” on the ground, and then suspend Liu’s hanging on the beam until he sees the other party’s death. Going quietly.

All of the black people seem to be silent, but all fall into the eyes of the Forgotten. Only she did not care, only after the black man walked silently followed a paragraph, valued that the black man entered Liufu, and reported the situation with the Liu family before leaving.

Forgetting Sichuan did not return to the palace, and now I have no value for her. She rushed to the Herbs Church overnight and hid.

And for all this, I don’t know anyone else. Until the next morning, some people came in and gave Liu a meal, which shouted.

Liu’s death made the family unprepared, and the only thing that could be done was to block the news, and then suffocate in the government to seize the time to find a solution.

But before they can come up with a way to deal with it, the Liu family will come to the door and bluntly accept the rest, but first see Liu, and ask things clearly.

I wished the family where to pay the people, the two have been deadlocked for many days, and finally in order to influence the re-distribution, the two sides decided to take a step back, and Liu’s serious illness was not cured.

I wish my wife and Missy, I wish you a very dissatisfied with this, but I dare not be too arrogant in front of the Liu family. After all, it is the real mother of Lili and Nianggui. If they don’t care, they wish It is very likely that the family will disappear overnight. What makes them most puzzled is that Liu’s kind of greedy and fearful deaths are actually tainted with the housekeeper. Why do you have the courage to hang? Also wrote a big slogan, is she nervous?

However, no one can trace the real reasons. Of course, no one is going to check. I wish the family a mourning, and this matter will end with this funeral. But the big lady and the big lady couldn't swallow this breath, especially when they thought that the empty mountain was still in the capital, and they were still beside the eight emperors, and they always felt that they were in the back, and they could not live in peace.

I wish the empty moon and her mother said: "If you wish the empty mountain, the girl won the momentum in Beijing, one day, one day, it is necessary to retaliate. Even if there is no revenge, we wish her family no mother, and we will definitely put them all in the future. Left behind."

"Hey!" The big lady snorted. "Is it still worth the future? Now she hasn't put them in her eyes."

"So the mother has to find a way." Zhu Yunyue reminded the big lady, "You can no longer let the little monk be mixed with the nobles in the capital. If you get mixed up, but we have a hard time. Mother, not as good as By taking this opportunity of mourning, she will get her back. After returning, she will be married again. She will marry him directly. Anyway, Liu is a beggar. Miss Fuzhong does not have to be a shackle, even her mother. No. As long as she marries, she will never be able to go to the capital. If they are too big, they will still be in the past, but they will not be threatened by the power of Beijing."

The big lady thinks that her daughter is right. It is indeed a once-and-for-all way to transfer Zhuhaishan back and marry it again. So Babadi took this matter to Zhu Xinjie, and Zhu Xinjie immediately nodded: "Yes! You go to do this, immediately send a letter to the capital. This hair is lost and dragged back for a few days, around winter, There is no carbon pot in the hall, and the body will not change. It is time to make a knot with the Liu family!"

I wished my family a decision here. A family book was immediately sent to Beijing, and the people of Liu family were avoided. No one knew. Until Zhu Kongshan received a book, and learned that Liu’s death was reported, the brain was washed by the Eight Emperors for a few days and finally collapsed again...

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