Bad old man said so, mu bingyue immediately turned back, a double eye pupil looked at the bad old man, a bright smile: "old man, you are serious?"

Bad old man's face slightly black, despised mu bingyue one eye, flashed in the eyes a touch of dissatisfaction, angry way: "you cheat me again!"

"I didn't lie to you, old man. If you don't make it clear to me today, I swear, I'll never talk to you again!" Mu bingyue looks at the bad old man with a more serious look in his eyes.

But the more he said, the more mu bingyue felt something was wrong.

"Bingyue, the book she gave you is very useful to you. You should keep it well. In this way, you will be promoted faster. This book It's the method that our school doesn't spread to the outside world, and it's in her hands. For thousands of years, there hasn't been a magician who has just flowed into your hand. You're also lucky. If you're a single root magician, you don't have such a good book for you! " Bad old man said.

What else can she say? Can you refute it? This It seems that we can't do it!

Mu bingyue was silent, and could not say a word.

"Bingyue, I I made a slip of the tongue at that time. She asked a few questions, and I couldn't help saying it. I didn't mean anything else, and I'm sure she won't harm you. If someone in the whole world has any idea about your all element magician's constitution, she won't, so I'll be on guard in front of others and in front of old man Lin. but in front of her, I can't control myself and say it out of my mind. " Bad old man's eyes with helpless, it seems that he really did not mean, just a slip of the tongue.

"You old man Tell me Looking at the bad old man like this, mu bingyue is a bit anxious.

Bad old man several times to stop, looking at mu bingyue's eyes become particularly tangled, seems to always want to say something, but can't say it.

"What's the matter, old man?" Sorry, the old man mobing doesn't speak.

Looking at mu bingyue, the bad old man seems to be in a dilemma. He hesitates, but he can't say a word for a long time.

"Old man, why did you tell her? Is there any reason? At that time What is the situation? " Mu bingyue can't wait to ask.

Bad old man looked at mu bingyue, sighed, but said: "I admit, I burst out, I told her!"

Mu bingyue is not forcing him. She just doesn't know how to solve the problem without finding out the reason. This is not the way.

Therefore, she felt that the bad old man was the only suspect, but he did not mean to say it. He must have made a slip of the tongue or something else.

Just look at the embarrassment of meeting when they eat hot pot in Mu bingyue's yard at night, mu bingyue can want to meet one or two.

Moreover, mu bingyue believes that if Mrs. Jun is really familiar with the bad old man, according to the bad old man's character, she will deceive him a little, and he will be cheated and will speak out unconsciously.

In Mu bingyue's opinion, the bad old man is a very smart man and knows how to adapt. However, this is all for learning magic. As for other aspects, mu bingyue thinks that he really doesn't know anything about human nature!

Mu bingyue seldom sees such a serious and serious look on the old man, but she is a bit unaccustomed to it. Looking at the old man, she can't help but smile and say, "it's not that you betrayed me, it's just You are the only one who may say it. Maybe it's your slip of the tongue. Maybe you have to suffer from it. Maybe Have you been deceived, too? "

"So Come and go, only I will betray you, right? " Bad old man had no choice but to smile bitterly.

Mu bingyue's face was dignified. She shook her head at the old man, and said seriously: "Lao Zao, as far as you and the king of Qingling know, he is my fiance, and our feelings are very stable. Naturally, it is impossible for him to burst out!"

The bad old man frowned and looked at mu bingyue discontentedly. He wondered, "how can you be sure it's me? Don't you doubt that someone else blew it up? "

Mu bingyue looks at him, smiles but does not speak, that meaning seems to have been very obvious.

The bad old man's eyebrows slowly narrowed, puzzled at mu bingyue and said: "girl, why do you say that? Are you sure it's me? "

Mu bingyue saw him ready to confess to himself, and said with a heavy complexion: "you first tell me about my all element magician's constitution, did you tell that gentleman's wife?"

Bad old man sat down, looked at mu bingyue and nodded: "say it, what do you want to ask?"

Does the old man think much of it, or How about the old man's identity?

Bad old man sat down beside mu bingyue with a dignified face. For the first time, mu bingyue seldom saw such a serious look on him. She could not help being a bit surprised.

Mu bingyue was happy in her heart. Although she was eager and surprised in her heart, she finally suppressed her own pace. She was very reserved and slow. She went to the old man and sat down on the bench where the old man was sleeping and said, "can you say it now?"Bad old man a Leng, immediately sigh a, to Mu bingyue wave a way: "OK, you come over!"

When he finished speaking, mu bingyue looked at him with a dignified face and said in a deep voice: "bad old man, what did you mean by that remark just now? You said School? Your school? Do you mean that you and your wife are the same school? This What's going on? Is this the origin of your wife? Your Younger martial sister? " Mu bingyue understood the bad old man's words, understood his meaning, and could not help asking.

The bad old man nodded, but said: "well, she is my little sister, and also my master's favorite apprentice! Our master is a great man. We haven't seen him for decades. It is said that the master has changed his mind. Little younger martial sister is the master's favorite and loving disciple. Although her talent is not as good as mine, she is the master's favorite. Therefore, the master gave her that precious but useless book. I didn't expect that she would give it to you. Maybe It's your destiny

It turns out that Mrs. Jun is the younger martial sister of the bad old man. In this way, Mrs. Jun's magic power is not low. When I first saw her, I thought she had a magic weapon to hide the magic level. So mu bingyue felt that her magic was not high!

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