Mu bingyue's voice with a trace of trembling, full of disbelief and strange asked star dark, voice, even with a touch of fear.

If even she and star dark are ignored and cheated, then the plan to re leave, how hidden and terrifying? She didn't know, but she was very upset!

"I'm afraid it's not. He has calculated everything. We can't escape so quickly and easily, so..."

Star dark words, let mu bingyue's face instantly become ugly, what does star dark mean?

He reached out and held mu bingyue's hand tightly. His voice became more and more indifferent: "yue'er, don't worry. No matter what, I will guarantee the safety of you and 14. Does he think that's going to get me down? Then he is too careless. He is not worth being the enemy of starlight

Star dark did not open his eyes, I do not know is tired or thinking.

Mu bingyue didn't speak, frowned and said slowly: "if it's really him What can I do? "

"Well, if I guess right, it should be." Star dark continued to say in a cold voice.

"Re departure?" Mu bingyue is surprised.

"Well, it's human." Star dark calm face, could not see him, simply closed his eyes, as if thinking, after a long time, then slowly leisurely way: "and, it's him."

"People?" After all, mu bingyue didn't adapt to the role of a magician for a long time. She couldn't feel it at the moment.

The star murmured, "no, it's human."

Mu bingyue nodded: "what kind of beast have you made? Or Here comes the lethal wasp

"I didn't find anything, but I felt different. It was so quiet around, don't you think?" The star's dark voice is indifferent.

All the way, he didn't say much. Suddenly he said such a thing. Mu bingyue was a little surprised. He lowered his voice and said, "what did you find?"

"I feel something is wrong around me," the star said

People took things out of the storage space and set up tents. Some people went hunting and others stayed to make a fire. Mu bingyue and Xingdan, as well as fourteen or three people, worked side by side. Mu bingyue looked at this and then looked at that, and there was a trace of worry in his eyes. He said, "the person who left again has not appeared, and we have not encountered any danger. Can this be Are we safe? "

They walked slowly. After about an hour, they came to a lake with beautiful scenery. Mu bingyue looked good. She walked on foot. She couldn't get spiritual power. She was very tired. Anyway, they were not in a hurry. The key was to recover the spiritual power quickly. Mu bingyue suggested that she stay here for a rest, and the star dark always paid attention to it Meaning around the movement, listen to Mu bingyue so said, is also no refutation, nodded: "good, rest for a moment."

Mu bingyue thinks, since you can't escape, you can take your time. I hope that Chongli smart people don't think they will take this road back to Yancheng. They haven't prepared too scary projects to meet them

If Mu bingyue doesn't receive the stars, he knows better than anyone else. If he can manage such a large villa, he is not a simple person. What they can think of, they can think of it, and He is obviously very angry this time, so he must be more careful in preparation and will not give them a chance.

Star dark slightly stopped sneering and said, "besides, sooner or later, we'd better go the way we've already taken."

"I think No matter which way we go, he can find us. Maybe this way, they can't think of it? "

After walking for a while, mu bingyue asked xingdark, "we are going this way. Are you not afraid to leave again and wait for us in front?"

Now their spiritual recovery is very slow, and people are exhausted, so it is not bad to walk slowly and wait for their physical strength to recover slowly.

Star dark ordered a few words at night, several people found a way back to the direction of Yancheng.

Listen to 14 guilty and uneasy tone, star dark can not help a sigh, helpless way: "forget it, let's go."

See star dark face so ugly, 14 also dare not say more, hang down his head, helpless way: "fourth brother, I'm sorry, I will not say."

"Enough!" Star dark coldly interrupted him, way: "don't mention this matter again in the future."

Fourteen's face was not good-looking. After a moment's silence, he sighed faintly and said helplessly, "brother, don't comfort me, but I think, no matter how we say it, he should not want our lives. Anyway, it is my big... "

Star dark said such a thing, his heart has no bottom, let alone persuade 14.

He stopped a little, relaxed and said, "and Maybe it's just that I worry too much. Maybe this is his big move? "

"Fourteen, don't try to be brave, or you will just increase the burden on the fourth brother, you know? When you are well, practice magic and protect the fourth brother, OK? Now Just protect yourself, and... "

Star dark and mu bingyue hear 14 words, become silent, feel more moved in the heart.Mu bingyue's face is not good. Fourteen has been listening to them carefully. When mu bingyue and Xingdan are silent, 14 immediately says, "four elder brothers and sisters, I can protect you. Just now you have been protecting me. Your spiritual power has been exhausted, but I'm ok. My spiritual power is still full, so I can protect you

To separate their people, to disperse their power, all these are about the plan that he had planned for a long time!

Now there are mu bingyue and 14 around, and their people are gone. What can we do?

He was careful, but when he didn't pay attention, he was in danger.

Star dark face more and more dignified, hands can not help holding mu bingyue's hand, is worried and uneasy.

"Yes." Star dark nodded, and his face became more and more ugly. He said coldly and helplessly, "it has consumed our spiritual power and consumed all the Yiqi Pills on you, so No matter what big moves he has next, it will be very difficult for us to welcome him again! "

Mu bingyue asked, his face immediately showed a clear, turned to look at the star dark: "you mean, he..."

Mu bingyue's eyes are cool and confused.

"Consume us? Why consume us? "

Star dark's face is not very good-looking, frowning at the star dark, after a long time, can't stop sighing, helpless way: "if I'm not wrong, these wild dogs may just be separated to consume our means..."

"So, what? What did you think of? Star dark, tell me quickly Mu bingyue looked at the star dark with anxiety, and her eyes were full of urgency.

Is Does he have any dangerous ways?

Mu bingyue's face suddenly turned cold: "star dark, you..."

"Don't ask." Star dark holds mu bingyue's hand more tightly, and his voice is also cold and abnormal, saying: "at this time, you don't ask anything, I will certainly protect you, this is my responsibility as a man! No matter what you say, you can't change my mind. "

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