It was not until the three bears, who were slightly bulky and disappeared, came back from their shock and looked at the pots that had been eaten by the three bears with only a little soup seasoning left. Then they could believe that this was a fact.

There are really three bears, and the three bears He also asked mu bingyue to make a fish feast for them, and then left without taking a trace of clouds

People are very surprised, you look at me, I look at you, but no one dare say more.

"How strange?" Mu bingyue asked.

"I The dream of that place, only feel the white fog lingering, the house towering, decorated magnificently, teach people not to look at She seemed to be remembering, and after a brief pause, she added, "in that huge house, there was a group of people, strange people."

"Oh? What strange scene is that? What strange dream Looking at one month, Mu Bing looks more and more strange.

"I I dream of you, or I sit in a strange dream, a strange scene, some strange things, and in that dream, in the scene, there are you. " Mu Shu Jiao way, when she spoke, her eyebrows tightly twisted, seemed very worried and sad, as if she did not know how to open her mouth.

Mu bingyue nodded: "nature wants to know."

Mu Shu Jiao face dignified a few minutes, ask mu bingyue: "do you really want to know?"

Looking at mu shujiao's angry and righteous appearance, mu bingyue had no choice but to smile bitterly and said, "well, it's all my fault. I shouldn't talk nonsense. Then tell me quickly, what did you dream of me?"

Mu shujiao is also uneasy with a bitter smile. She turns her head and looks at mu bingyue and says, "sorry, I'm so excited. But You can't talk nonsense, bingyue. If you know that I care about this kind of things and your safety more, you should not say such words

"Five elder sister, you are too excited." When no one else pays attention to their side, mu bingyue just lowered her voice and said a word to Mu shujiao.

Mu shujiao's behavior, he still believe.

Mu Qingyang looked at them strangely and didn't care too much.

Mu bingyue struggled, and mu shujiao was embarrassed to let go of her hand. Mu bingyue laughed at everyone and said, "it's OK. You can continue to rest. I have a heart to heart talk with five elder sister."

Mu shujiao a face nervous, busy hand over mu bingyue's mouth, surprised and exaggerated appearance, but let a few people in the room all react to it, looking at them in dismay.

"Bingyue, what are you talking about?"

Looking at her like this, mu bingyue couldn't help but jump her eyebrows and smile bitterly. She asked, "no Did you dream that I died so miserably

Mu shujiao's smile is helpless and bitter, with sadness in her eyes. She looks at mu bingyue with strong worry and uneasiness, as if she is worried about something for mu bingyue.

Mu Shu Jiao bitter smile, helpless way: "dream of you, dream that you are in danger."

"Dream?" Mu bingyue frowned, she knew that with the character of Mu shujiao, if it was not a dream of strange things, she would not say nonsense, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "tell me, what did you dream of?"

She thought, mu shujiao will say so, who knows, mu shujiao's face became ugly, then shook her head, helpless way: "ice moon, this period of time, I have a dream every day."

In the 21st century, many women always like to say something, such as only feeling, sixth sense, and deeply believe in it. However, mu bingyue feels that all these things are ridiculous to the point that they are totally groundless and logical. In short, on her body, she absolutely does not believe it.

Said, she can't help but burst out a burst of laughter, looking at mu shujiao: "five elder sister, you can't tell me, this is your woman's only feeling!"

Mu bingyue was stunned and then laughed and said, "why do you have such a saying?"

"What can I know?" Mu shujiao had no choice but to smile bitterly and said, "you don't think about it. What else can you know, but I don't know?"

"Big trouble? What's the big trouble Mu bingyue turns back and stares at mu shujiao in dismay. To her, she is obviously a little surprised, but also very puzzled: "five elder sister, do you know what?"

"Why do you say that?" Looking at mu shujiao, mu bingyue's eyes flashed a little surprised.

"Bingyue, you say Should we not come to this misty forest? " Mu shujiao and mu bingyue sit on each other's backs, and their voices seem to have a trace of decadence and distress. After a moment, she sighed. There was also a little helplessness in her voice. They said, "there are so many dangers. I feel that every time I come here by luck. Now I'm more and more scared. What's wrong with you? You're afraid that we can't get out, and I always felt that we would be in big trouble near the innermost end of the misty forest. "

The snow outside has not stopped, let in the sparse falling, mu shujiao and mu bingyue lean together, outside gradually quiet down, first experienced the lizard, can be said to be the line of life and death, and then rushed to the road, and then met those black bears, now it is not easy to calm down, not only the two of them, believe that the people present, will have a kind of tired to It's a great feeling.This is the smallest cave that mu shujiao found. The hole is small, and the space inside is not large. It can accommodate a small number of people. It is just enough for their group to sleep. Fortunately, the cave is very high and wide, and it is not too crowded.

After the formation of the Dudu pill, mu bingyue asked Xue Hu Qiuju to distribute to the public one by one, and went back to their cave to have a rest.

Mu bingyue is finally completely relieved, and his heart is also completely relaxed.

The bad old man told everyone to pack up their things one by one and find a good place to rest early.

If there are still people lurking among them, mu bingyue has to say that Gong Xinxian, or the relationship of the palace family, is also too good. Fortunately, it is not.

Here mu bingyue is finally relieved. As long as it's not Gong Xinxian, there are people here who want to kill her, and make mischief.

Finally, the owners of several pots cleaned up their own pots and quietly put them away.

Mu shujiao stopped for a moment, and then slightly frowned: "it's not strange to say that it's strange, but this group of people, they It seems that they are not the same as us. They are not the same in temperament and dress. "

She said, her eyes suddenly fell on mu bingyue's face and said, "ah, yes, their clothes are very similar to yours."

"Mine?" Mu bingyue looks down at the light blue lake on her body and asks in doubt.

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