"... don't talk to me. I tell you, no one really knows whether the so-called god Buddha really exists, but there are some things that exist."

"Master, I feel a little strange when I hear you say this. It seems very mysterious and unreasonable."

Xu Wenlei took a white look at Zhou Tian. What is nonexistence? What is called existence is existence. Aren't the two contradictory?

"For the so-called god Buddha, we can't really touch it, unless you step into the fairy world, you can know what kind of existence it is. Therefore, we generally say that the so-called god Buddha doesn't really exist, but sometimes, those god Buddha will show miracles, so that they exist. You can also understand this when they want to When they don't exist, they don't exist. When they want to exist, they exist. "


Xu Wenlei felt confused. He didn't understand what Zhou Tian wanted to express, but he didn't know how fierce he was.

"Anyway, these things are still far away from you, and you don't need to know too much. Anyway, your things are just small things. This trip is a good fortune for you. I think if you communicate with that idea, your eloquence will enable that idea to transmit power to you, and even it will bring power to Buddhism The real cultivation method that will not be passed on to you. "Zhou Tian said softly.

This time, Zhou Tian didn't joke, but told the truth. With Xu Wenlei's eloquence, if he was allowed to talk directly with that idea, there might be some opportunities.

"This, this, don't worry. I'll talk to it after I finish my abdominal draft first. It's the legendary god Buddha. I have to think about how to knock down more things from it. Otherwise, it's always a pity. Moreover, it lives on my back and has to pay some accommodation fees."

Zhou Tian was speechless. Now he knows why he accepted Xu Wenlei. At this point, he is a little similar to Xu Wenlei.

If the immortal doctor is here, he will certainly shout. He is worthy of being a famous teacher and a good disciple. This character is simply carved out of his bones.

"Master, what are we going to do this trip? You must tell me first." Xu Wenlei asked.

"It's about the ten treasures..."

Zhou Tian didn't hide anything. After all, Xu Wenlei will go to the world of cultivation in the future. At that time, there are more magical things waiting for him. Now he just wants Xu Wenlei to improve his strength a little more, and then he can rest assured to let him go out.

Nangong, who was sitting on the co pilot's seat, sighed gently. During this time, the old man asked him to hand over all foreign industries to others and let him follow him all the time, although he knew that the old man was determined to cultivate him so that he could hand over the whole Nangong family business to him.

At first he might not want to, but now he wants to get closer to Zhou Tian and understand what the mysterious cultivation world is like? Speaking of it, he envies Xu Wenlei very much. He can have such an opportunity to worship under Zhou Tian's door. If he also has such an opportunity, it is estimated that he will not hesitate to get rid of all secular wealth and follow Zhou Tian.

Between the folds of the mountains, there is a dense forest. Deep in the dense forest, there is a thick fog, and there is no trace at all.

An old man, a middle-aged man and a young man stood outside the thick fog and kept looking inside. They looked very ugly and talked from time to time.

"Dad, when do you think the thick fog can disperse?" the middle-aged man asked.

"It's hard, where is the thick fog? It's obviously that grandpa Shanshen is angry! Alas, I told those people not to disturb grandpa Shanshen's sleep, otherwise it will cause harm, but they didn't listen at all. Instead, they said my old man's old ideas." the old man sighed lightly.

"Hum! They deserve to suffer! Grandpa, don't we have to pay attention to them? They deserve it!" the young man said in a bad tone.

"I can't say that. This time, Grandpa Mountain God was angry and directly attracted heavy fog to cover the whole mountain forest. The situation is very serious. There are more than 100 people in there, and that's a hundred lives! If they all die in there, it's a sin! Moreover, opening killing is also very unfavorable to the cultivation of Mountain God. I can't sit idly by."

"But Grandpa, we have no friendship with that mountain god Grandpa. What if it kills us? Isn't it looking for a dead end? I don't want to go in. If I get stuck in it, my life will be over." the young head shook like a wave drum.

"Fool, you don't even have a wife. You don't have your share if you want to go! Stay here and I'll go in with your grandpa." the middle-aged man knocked on the young man's skull.

The young man covered his head and said, "Dad, why are you stupid with Grandpa? Those people have nothing to do with us! Even if they die inside, it's none of our business! Why care about their life or death! What if something happens to you and grandpa?"

"Baby, you're right, but you can't do it like this. Watching more than 100 people die will lose their lives! This time, even if I work hard, I'll go in." the old man's tone was firm.

The middle-aged man sighed: "don't worry, your grandpa was saved by grandpa Shanshen when he was young. Grandpa Shanshen won't do anything to your grandpa. Moreover, our family has always revered grandpa Shanshen. It won't harm us."

In the puzzled and sad eyes of the young people, the old and middle-aged people slowly walked into the thick fog.

Outside the mountains, a plane landed.

Three people got off the plane on Sunday. Someone had already been waiting here outside, and there was an SUV at the same time.

"How long is it from here to that dense forest?" he felt the cold of mountain rain when he looked into the distance on Sunday.

"If there is no accident, it will take seven hours to drive three hours and walk four hours. If you take a break, it will basically take eight hours." Nangong asked.

Zhou Tian looks at the sky. At the moment, the sky is cloudy. It should be six o'clock. It was good news to arrive at noon eight hours later.

"Let's go."

Without delay on Sunday, he took Nangong Wen and Xu Wenlei to the SUV.

He is a man of cultivation. Even if he doesn't sleep for three days and nights, it won't have any impact. On the contrary, Nangong Wen is a little tired, and the dark circles under his eyes are obvious.

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