Yinzhu is here to observe emperor Jiuling, and Emperor Jiuling is also staring at him. A while ago, he had a little baby. Now he has just gone a few days, and he has another uncle. He is also a gentle and considerate loyal uncle. His strength is quite good. It's much more difficult to do than that lengshaoyan. No wonder the man who buried the Yin family is so outstanding, The talent is so high.

Looking at a calm face, in the face of his insincere Yin Zhuo, Emperor Jiuling picked Mo Mei. This girl is not only a troublemaker, but also a peach blossom. It seems that he can't leave for too long. Otherwise, there will be no place for him to stand beside this girl. If there is no place, he will kick it one by one, which is the most troublesome.

Well, di Jiuling doesn't know yet. There is a potential bigger enemy in the area that hasn't appeared yet.

"She's the one who caught us!" Seeing that Yin Zhuo has captured the assassin in his own house, shangguanxiong clenches his teeth and whispers. He immediately knows that yunsuye already knows the existence of this group of people. When the other party came to these people, they just wanted to accuse them, but what surprised him most was that he hid them very tightly. How did Yin Zhuo bring them out in such a short time.

"Dad, you don't have to worry. If those people don't want to die, they don't dare to say that we are here. Anyway, they all point out that yunsuye poisoned them, which can prove that yunsuye did it." Shangguan rou'er whispered that seeing emperor Jiuling holding Yunsu night in her arms as a treasure, she felt a burst of jealousy.

This man, even she never dare to think about it, even think about it, all think it is a kind of blasphemy, now looking at yunsuye standing beside emperor Jiuling, Shangguan rouer feels that her God is polluted by blasphemy, she wants to drive yunsuye away from emperor Jiuling.

"Yunsuye, what do you want to do when you arrest our superior officials? Do you want to tell the public that we have sent people to hunt you down, or do you want to tell the public that they are just like this because of your poisoning?" Know the identity of these killers can not be hidden, shangguanxiong preemptive opening.

Although Shangguan Xiong's words are somewhat surprising, they can also understand that Shangguan lie and Shangguan rou'er are both cut off by yunsuye. They will also want to send killers to kill yunsuye for revenge, but what they don't know is that some people in Shangguan have been poisoned.

"Yinzhu, give one of them the antidote." Cloud element night don't bother to argue with Guan Xiong, they just direct command Yin chase.

"Antidote, I want antidote, give me antidote, please, please..." Wen Yan, the first move is not Yin Zhuo, but that group of killers, they recognized that Yin Zhuo was the person who was poisoned and festered on that day, so they know that this antidote can detoxify them, but only one, they have more than ten people.

However, Yinzhu doesn't pay attention to these crazy people. He just selects a killer with a better mental state and feeds him an antidote. He immediately infuses a aura into him to lead the antidote to the whole body.

"You meditate and regulate your breath. After time, the antidote will fail." At the end of the day, Yin Zhuo made up a sentence and then returned to Yunsu night.

And over there, the killer who got the antidote immediately acted according to the command of Yin Zhuo, meditating and adjusting his breath.

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