
Liang Xiao dares to answer president Li, but Liu Ping's bodyguard suddenly yells at him.

Turning around, he found that it was Charlie who was flustered and wanted to run away secretly when he heard the old lady's examination results. But before he ran out for a few steps, he was caught by the bodyguard.

Hearing the rebuke coming from behind, Charlie shivered and sped up

The bodyguard was not stunned, and immediately caught up with him.

Although Charlie looks tall, he runs like a girl. Just ran to the door of the hospital, was overtaken by the bodyguard, fell to the ground.

"Dead foreigner, still want to run away?" Jiang ling'er angrily ran over and directly kicked his feet.

"Oh, I'm an overseas expert. You can't hit me." Charlie screamed in pain, but he didn't forget to report his identity.

"I Pooh!" Jiang ling'er didn't pay any attention to him at all. "Aunt, I don't care what bullshit experts you are. Tianhai is not the place where you can be arrogant!"

Then, the bodyguard dragged Charlie back and threw him in front of Liu Ping.

"Why, Dr. Charlie, forget our bet? Or can't afford to lose? " Liang Xiao squatted down and asked coldly.

"Boy, you, you'd better let me go at once, otherwise, otherwise..." Charlie still wanted to shout, but he didn't know what could threaten Liang Xiao for a long time.

Liang said with a smile, "doctor Charlie, what else? Can't say? If you can't say it, it's up to me. "

"There is an old saying in our country that a gentleman is hard to catch up with. Although you are not a gentleman, you are at least a man. You lost the bet between you and me, so you must keep your bet

"You, you want me to cash that bet, don't even think about it." Despite the current situation, but Charlie or refused, showing very proud.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you don't cash it now. I have many ways for you to cash it." Liang said with a smile.

Jiang ling'er said, "Liang Xiao, take this old thing to Jiangning. Let him have a hard time and know that in our country we have to follow the rules of our country! "

"Dr. Liang, Miss Jiang, you'd better give him to me." Jiang ling'er's voice just fell, and Liu Ping suddenly said, "after all, I found this man. Most of the things started because of me, and I should solve them."

"Don't worry, Dr. Liang. I will make him fulfill the bet he just made with you."

Liang Xiao thinks about it. It's really a good choice to give Charlie to Liu Ping, and he can save a lot of things. So he nodded his head and agreed.

"Take him back first." Liu Ping immediately ordered the bodyguard.

"Let me go, let me go, you have no right to restrict my personal freedom." Charlie, dragged away by the bodyguards, kept yelling.


The bodyguard gave him a big mouth without mercy.

"Better shut up or I'll kill you."

Charlie was so scared that he didn't dare to fart.

"Dr. Liang, to tell you the truth, I didn't expect that you could cure my aunt so soon." After Charlie is dragged away, Liu Ping looks at Liang with a moving smile on her face.

"Dr. Liang, I must thank you for saving my aunt's life. Go ahead, no matter how much you want, or anything else! "

"Ms. Liu, I just said that you could give me 100 yuan?" Liang said with a faint smile.

As soon as Liu Ping heard this, she shook her head. "Dr. Liang, I promised you just now because I was worried that if I didn't promise, you wouldn't treat my aunt. This is life-saving. How can I treat you badly. A hundred dollars is really too little. I can't do that. "

Liang Xiao gently shook his head, "Ms. Liu, you say so, before that, you promised to be my friend, but also perfunctory me?"

"No, no, no, of course it's true. It's my honor to be friends with Dr. Liang! "

"Well, since you treat me as a friend, don't worry about treating me badly. Just do what I say. Just give me a hundred dollars. Otherwise, I will not be my friend. " Liang said seriously with a smile.

"This..." Liu Ping frowned slightly, hesitated for a long time, and finally could only promise.

"Well, doctor Liang, since you have said that, I will listen to you. However, if you treat me as a friend, don't call me Ms. Liu any more. If you don't like it, you can call me sister Liu or my name. "

"Sister Liu, in that case, don't call me doctor Liang, just call me Xiao Liang." Liang Xiaoshun said with Liu Ping's meaning.

"Well, well, we'll be brothers and sisters in the future, my good brother." Liu Ping was overjoyed and held Liang Xiao's hand tightly.

"Sister Liu, there is another very important thing." Liu Ping is happy, Liang Xiao suddenly said such a serious face.

Liu Ping smell speech, quickly put away smile, "what's the matter?"

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