"Sister Liu, you agreed without asking me how to cooperate. Aren't you afraid that I'll pit you?" See Liu Ping promise so straightforward, Liang smile immediately half jokingly said.

Liu Ping heard the speech and shook her head. "Xiao Liang, you are my life-saving benefactor, and you have saved my two lives. I don't believe that anyone can't believe you!"

Without waiting for Liang Xiao to open her mouth, she said very readily, "you can make a price at will. I'll take all the orders for the raw materials."

"Sister Liu, you misunderstood. I'm not going to buy you the raw materials." As Liang Xiao expected, Liu Ping misunderstood what he meant, so she quickly opened her mouth to explain.

"What do you mean?" Liu Ping can't react all of a sudden. She looks at Liang with doubts and smiles.

Liu Yue guessed the meaning of Liang Xiao and quickly explained, "Mom, doctor Liang just said he wanted to cooperate with us. Naturally, he provided raw materials, we were responsible for production and sales, and then the profits were divided in proportion. I'm right, Dr. Liang. "

"Miss Liu is right." Liang Xiao nodded gently.

At the moment, he doesn't know what to call Liu Yue. Liu Ping regards herself as her brother. Liu Yue is her daughter again. You can't call her big niece.

"Oh, look at my brain. It's getting worse day by day." As soon as Liu Ping patted her forehead, she suddenly realized.

"This is good, this is the best. From now on, we will really be a family

For this kind of cooperation, Liu Ping can be said to be eager.

Then he said, "in this case, it's a deal. Xiao Liang, you will provide the raw materials, and we will be responsible for the production and sales. Don't worry, sister Liu. I've been doing cosmetics for decades, and I'm well-known in the industry. I'm sure you won't make less money. "

"I believe in Sister Liu."

"Well, since that's all. Let's strike while the iron is hot and discuss it all at once. " Liu Ping paused for a moment, then put away her smile and became very serious.

The reason why this happened suddenly was not that she wanted to play tricks, but out of her habit for many years. As long as she starts to talk about business, especially big business, she will become very serious.

"If you have anything, just say it." Liang Xiao was also very cheerful and didn't think much.

Liu Ping opened the door and said, "there's nothing else. I just want to talk to you about sharing. We are all happy people, and you are my benefactor, so you can't suffer. In this way, you can take 70% of the profits of the cosmetics produced with the raw materials you provide, and we can take 30%

Seven three?

Liang Xiao smell speech, can't help but stare big eyes. Then he shook his head and refused.

"Sister Liu, this can't be done."

"No, you take 80% and I take 20%!" When Liu Ping heard this, she increased her chips before Liang Xiao finished.

"Sister Liu, you misunderstood me. I don't think it's too little, but I think it's too much." Liang can't laugh or cry.

"Too much?"

"Well, sister Liu. You see, I only provide some raw materials, but you have to be responsible for the rest of the work. How can you make a small contribution? If you really want 73 points, I should get 30 percent. " The explanation of Liang Xiaoyi's Zhengyan.

Liu Ping shook her head hurriedly when she heard the speech, "no, no, how can I let you take a small head. Xiaoliang, you are in the technology stock, and you are my life-saving benefactor. Let you take 30%, sister Liu, I can't do such a thing. "

"Well, if not, why don't you give it five or five?" See them deadlocked, Jiang Ling son suddenly open mouth to propose a way.

"No way!" Liu Ping still refused, "at least six to four points, Xiao Liang, you take 60%, we take 40%. If you refuse again, I'd rather not make this money than let you suffer. "

"Dr. Liang, it's really reasonable for you to take 60% out of consideration. Please don't refuse any more." Voice just fell, Liu Yue also quickly began to persuade Liang Xiao.

Of course, compared with Liu Ping just to repay Liang Xiao's life-saving kindness, Liu Yue is more considering for their company.

Although their company seems to be the leader of cosmetics in Tianhai city and even in Jiangnan area, it is actually just superficial scenery, and has reached the bottleneck and even started to go downhill.

If we go on like this, we will encounter big problems sooner or later.

If Liang Xiao's prescription is really as magical as Liu Pinggang said, once this product exits, it will become a popular model all over the world. At that time, the company will be able to turn losses into profits, and even become a world-famous brand.

Therefore, even if Liang Xiao is given 60% of the profits, it is also a good business for them.

"Xiao Liang, sister, I'll wait for you today." Liu Ping said, and he poured two cups of Baijiu on one side.

"If you agree, we'll dry up the wine. It doesn't matter if you don't agree, just as my sister didn't mention it. You are my good brother

Liang xiaolue pondered, and finally picked up Liu Ping to pour him a good wine.

Liu Ping was immediately overjoyed. Without saying a word, she directly picked up the wine and drank it.

At the end of lunch, Liu Ping forced Liang Xiao and Jiang ling'er to visit her factory.

"Liang Xiao, what do you think of this factory? If I can, I'll spare it in three days to produce the new products we cooperate with. " After a turn in the huge industrial park, Liu Ping reached out to a medium-sized branch factory in front of her and asked.

Liang Xiao observed carefully, then nodded gently, "it's still enough for the moment, but when our products sell well at home and abroad, I'm afraid the whole industrial park is not enough."

It can be seen from his words that he is full of confidence in his own prescription.

"Ha ha ha, if you say that again, sister Liu will be relieved. As long as we can make money, not to mention one industrial park, we can build another 10 industrial parks and even build our own factories all over the world. " Liu Ping extremely longed to say, as if back to decades ago, she just started a business passion.

Liang said with a smile, "Sister Liu, the factory has also been visited. If nothing happens, I'll go back and prepare first and try to give you the first batch of raw materials within three days. "

"Well, well, I'll take you back." When Liu Ping heard that Liang Xiao was going back to prepare raw materials, she didn't keep them.

"Don't bother. We drive our own car." Liang Xiao refuses her kindness, then leaves the industrial park with Jiang ling'er and returns to the hospital.

Unexpectedly, there is no patient waiting to open the door.

But that's good. Liang Xiao can take a breath and make time for other things.

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