"Here comes sister Feixue!"

"Feixue, who is this gentleman?"

Seeing Liu Feixue, those beautiful girls immediately gathered around. While asking questions, he looked at Liang with a smile and a curious look, as if he wanted to see through all his bones.

"Sisters, let me introduce you. This is doctor Liang Xiaoliang. " Liu Feixue also does not sell the key, immediately solemnly introduces the way.

"He is the great doctor Liang!"

The girls were all wide eyed. The doubts on his face were swept away in an instant, and he turned to show his reverence.

"Dr. Liang, your medical skills are really so brilliant. Can you really bring back the dead and the dead?"

After staring at Liang for a while, a girl suddenly asked.

Liang Xiao couldn't laugh or cry, and he didn't know how to respond.

Liu Feixue rushed to reply, "I've not told you all, but Dr. Liang's medical skills are superb. Why, can't I cheat you? "

"No, sister Feixue, don't get me wrong. How can we think so?" The girl shook her head and explained.

Other girls quickly followed suit and said, "Dr. Liang, you are so skillful. Please help us to feel our pulse and see if we are healthy."

"Yes, show us all. Recently, I always feel tired. I don't know if I'm sick. "

All of a sudden, the girls all gathered around and reached out their right hands, waiting for Liang Xiao to feel their pulse.

"Doctor Liang, you see everyone is looking forward to it. Just give them a pulse." Liu Feixue thought about it and said with a smile.

"Good." Words all say this up, beam smile also not good refuse, can only promise down.

"Doctor Liang, show me first."

"No, I'm not feeling well. Show me first."

See Liang Xiao agreed, the girls scramble to reach out to Liang Xiao.

"Don't worry, line up one by one, or doctor Liang won't show you." Liu Fei snow see shape, hurriedly a face serious say.

When the girls listen to it, they dare not grab it. They quickly line up and wait for Liang Xiao to feel their pulse.

Liang Xiao moved a chair and sat down. Then he took the girls' pulse seriously.

These girls have some minor problems because they are busy filming and have irregular work and rest. Liang Xiao thought that he had shown them all anyway, so he just helped others to the end, so he took out the silver needle and solved everyone's problems.

"Doctor Liang, your skill is really amazing! Just one shot, and all my uncomfortable feelings disappeared immediately. "

"Me too, me too. I'm really fresh and fresh now. I'm more comfortable than ever before."

The girls looked shocked and thanked Liang with a smile.

"Well, I didn't lie to you, did I?" Liu Feixue looks proud, as if Liang Xiao is her.

The girls nodded again and again, "the person recognized by sister Feixue is certainly not wrong."

Just as the girls surrounded Liang Xiao, several bright dandies also entered the hall. Seeing the scene in front of me, I couldn't help being stunned on the spot.

"Who is that boy? Why is he so popular with girls?"

"I don't know. These women are all popular female stars. Even Liu Feixue revolves around him, lying in the trough!"

While talking, a dandy who had been in the corner of the living room suddenly came up and whispered:

"Li Shao, this boy seems to be a doctor. I heard that they call him" doctor Liang. "

"Miracle doctor?" The young man, called Li Shao, looked at Liang and smiled with contempt. "There's no sound in the world. I think he's a liar. That's why these stupid women with big breasts and no brains believe such nonsense

Jealousy makes people beyond recognition, this sentence is reflected in him incisively and vividly.

"Li Shao, we can't watch him draw all the girls' attention away! Otherwise, what are we going to do here? " A young man with Li Shao frowned and said with dissatisfaction.

"That's right. We have to find a way to make this boy shriveled!" The rest echoed.

Li Shao thought about it and said in a deep voice, "hum, isn't he a miracle doctor? Then let's go through his little trick in front of the girls and see if anyone cares about him

"What do you mean, Li Shao?"

"Come here." Li Shao called a companion in front of him and whispered a few words in his ear.

The companion hears speech, immediately a face bad smile, thumbs up a way, "Li Shao, your this idea is wonderful!"

"Well, you don't know who I am." Li Shao looked proud, and then hurried, "hurry and hurry to drive the boy away."

"Good!" The companion agreed, and immediately walked toward Liang Xiao.

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