Zhang Xun completely flustered, he did not understand the mad dog took his own money, how suddenly turned to help Liang smile. But now the knife rest is around the neck, so I don't care about it.

"Brother dog, no, brother mad dog! I don't know what this kid told you. You can't believe him! He's a loser

"Brother mad dog, if you let me go now, I'll give you another 20000, no! Fifty thousand more! "

"Where are the beggars?" Mad dog squatted down and patted Zhang Xun's face, "and finally, don't call me brother!"

The words fell, Zhang Xun's arm had been cut, and the red blood flowed out.

"Ah! No, don't cut my hand! I beg you, spare me The pain in his arm made Zhang Xun cry when he was a spoiled child.

"Please, I'm not. I'm only at the command of Mr. Liang!" The mad dog said with no expression on his face, looking at Liang beside him and smiling.

Zhang Xun confused, Leng for a long time to react, mad dog said Mr. Liang is Liang Xiao.

But isn't this boy a waste who is bullied by his mother-in-law every day and doesn't have any skills? Why is the mad dog so respectful to him?

Just in a trance, Liang Xiao suddenly spits out three words from his teeth.

"Do it."

Zhang Xun's whole body is smart, cold sweat DC, also don't care about other, quickly ask for mercy.

"Brother Liang, grandpa! I know I'm wrong. I'm sorry! Please let me go this time. I did it in a muddle. "

Liang Xiao just gave a cold hum and didn't make any response.

The mad dog had raised his knife high and aimed it at Zhang Xun's arm.

"Wait a minute!" Zhang Xun screamed and his face was more ugly than the dead.

"What else do you want to say?" Liang Xiao asked coldly.

Zhang Xun gasped, "Liang Xiao, you can't cut my hand! If you do that, Qingwen won't forgive you and auntie won't let you go! "

Even moved out his wife and mother-in-law to pressure himself, Liang Xiao can not help but feel ridiculous.

However, what he said is also true. Today he really cut off his hand. Ye Qingwen doesn't know what will happen, but his mother-in-law will never give up.

Liang Xiao didn't really want to cut off his hand, just to scare him and give him some punishment.

"Why, afraid?"

Seeing Liang Xiao hesitating, Zhang Xun immediately became elated again, as if he had forgotten that he was scared to pee his pants half a minute ago.

"Well, I'm afraid of your blood splashing on my clothes."

Liang Xiao smiled softly and didn't care at all.

Zhang Xun was stunned and said in his heart that it was wrong!

This dead trash usually hears three words from his mother-in-law, just like a mouse sees a cat. How dare he be so arrogant today? Did he eat bear heart and leopard gall?

"Mr. Liang, don't talk nonsense with him. I'll cut off his hand and let's finish work and leave!"

Just in a trance, the mad dog suddenly said something like this. The sharp blade reflected cold light. Zhang Xun was so scared that his soul was scattered.

"No, don't chop me. Brother Liang, grandfather, I beg you. As long as you let me go, I promise that I will never trouble you again, and I will never pester Qingwen again. "

"Are you sure?" Liang smiled and asked in a deep voice.

"I'm sure, ten thousand are sure!"

Seeing that Zhang Xun had been scared to death, and that the play was badly performed, Liang nodded with a smile.

"OK, I'll spare you this time." Stand up, stare down at him, "can clean up you once, can clean up you for the second time, next time, I will make you regret too late!"

"No! Never again

Zhang Xun is relieved, at the same time the secret way this trash is good to fool. As long as you dare to let me out, I will kill you and avenge today!

"Let him go."

Liang Xiao gives the mad dog a look.

The mad dog was a little confused and thought how to let people go. However, he didn't dare to say anything more. Liang Xiaogang's shadow has not disappeared.

"Lucky for you, boy!"

He vomited at Zhang Xun, and then motioned to his men to let him go.

Zhang Xun quickly got up from the ground. He didn't dare to stay for a moment. He was about to run away from the ground.

"Wait a minute."

Before he ran to the door, Liang Xiao's voice came from behind.

He was stunned subconsciously. Before he could recover, the mad dog had rushed up and grabbed his hair and dragged him back to Liang Xiao.

"Brother Liang, what do you mean?"

"I don't think you can just walk." Liang Xiao narrowed his eyes, "but since I promise to let you go, I won't cut your hand again."

"What do you want to do?" Zhang Xun was so nervous that his forehead was sweating.

"No hand, but you have to leave a finger. Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll forget what you just said when you walk out of the door! "

Leave a finger!

As soon as Zhang Xun heard this, he felt a thump in his heart.

The mad dog stepped forward, "Mr. Liang, which finger? Do as you please

"Do it yourself." Liang Xiao returns without thinking.

"No! Brother Liang, don't Zhang Xun quickly cried out, "didn't you promise to let me go just now?"

But Liang Xiao didn't seem to hear it at all. He turned around.

"Don't shout, boy, just bear it for a while and you'll pass!"

The mad dog showed a bad smile and said that he started to cut.

With a click, Zhang Xun's right index finger fell to the ground and blood gushed out.

"Ah! It's killing me! Liang Xiao! I will not let you go, you dead trash... "Zhang Xun screamed, and did not forget to shout.

"Stop yelling. You'd better save your strength to go to the hospital. If you delay any more, it's not as simple as a finger." Liang Xiao back cold reminder.

"Throw him out!" Said the mad dog to his men.

The two men responded, directly pulled Zhang Xun up from the ground, dragged him out of the nightclub like a dead dog and threw him next to the trash can.

"Liang Xiao, you wait! I won't let you have a good time! "

Zhang Xun got up from the ground and yelled as he ran.

In the private room.

"Mad dog, you did a good job just now. Don't worry. I said that if you can get benefits, you will not be lost!"

The mad dog waved his hand quickly.

"No, no, no, Mr. Liang, I'd be grateful if you didn't pursue what I had in mind before."

He didn't dare to expect any good. He just hoped that the murderer would not settle his account in the future, and would find trouble for himself again.

"You don't believe me?" Liang Xiao looked up and asked.

"No, no, no!" The mad dog rattled in his heart and quickly shook his head, "how can I not believe Mr. Liang. I believe, totally believe! "

Liang Xiao didn't want to talk nonsense. He said solemnly, "I can't catch up with Liang Xiao's words. As long as you are honest in the future, I promise you more or less!"

"Yes, yes!" Mad dog nodded cleverly.

Liang chuckled out of the private room. The mad dog was relieved and sat down on the sofa, thinking that he had finally sent the evil star away.

Before he could breathe, Liang Xiao came back.

He was so surprised that he got up from the sofa

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