
Liang Xiao turned around and gave her a smile, "I still want to guard you and protect you all my life. How can I want to divorce you?"

Ye Qingwen shakes his head.

"Liang Xiao, I don't want to hear your irrelevant words. I want you to tell me the truth. What exactly did you mean just now?"

Why should we praise Haikou in front of the whole family.

"You think I'm bragging, too?" Liang Xiao still asked.

"What else?" Ye Qingwen was annoyed by his indifferent attitude. "You're a delivery man. What's your ability to let Ye Chen come to me and apologize? Why do you say that in front of your parents? "

Liang Xiao was still calm. "Don't worry, I'm not bragging. Since I said it, I'll do it."

"You are really unreasonable!" Listening to him, ye Qingwen is more and more disappointed with her.

"I thought you didn't have any skills, but at least you were down-to-earth. But none of what you just said is reliable. I never thought that you should be such a person. If you have no ability, you are not afraid. If you are not willing to admit the reality, and if you have no self-knowledge, you are the most terrible! "

Liang Xiao doesn't know how to respond.

After a long time, he said solemnly, "Qingwen, believe me once, I won't let you down again."

"I've never hoped for you, so I'm not disappointed." Ye Qingwen said, directly turned around and didn't want to look at him again.

How can it be said that there is no hope?

That woman doesn't want her husband to be an indomitable man?

Liang Xiaomei locked, and then, or serious advice.

"Qingwen, in these three days, if the people of Ye family call you, you don't answer, wait for them to come. At that time, don't say anything. Call me right away. I'll take care of it. "

Totally crazy!

Ye Qingwen ignored him and thought Liang Xiao must be crazy and talking nonsense again.

The next day.

In the morning, Liang Xiao delivered the takeout, which happened to be near the hospital where Zhu Chao filled his mother's medicine.

If it wasn't for ye Qingwen, he would have come to understand the so-called old immortal. Now that he is passing by, let's have a look.

The hospital was crowded with people, and a long line lined up in front of the door. It seemed that business was very hot.

Liang Xiao is a little surprised. Even this kind of hospital that prescribes harmful prescriptions can make money. Should we blame the patients for being too easy to cheat or the regular hospitals for being too difficult to see a doctor.

I believe many patients, like Zhu Chao, come here to spend less money.

"What's the squeeze? Line up behind you. "

Liang Xiao subconsciously through the crowd, want to squeeze to the front to find out, but was pushed.

"I'm not here to see a doctor, I'm just looking at it."

"I don't care what you're doing here. Line up in the back!"

Being pushed to the door, Liang Xiao had to stand on tiptoe and look inside.

The hospital covers an area of about 40-50 square meters. In the middle sits an old man with white hair. He looks like he is 70-80 years old and is feeling the pulse of the patient.

It should be the miracle doctor that Zhu Chao said.

I should have studied traditional Chinese medicine, but I'm sure I'm not an old fairy. At most, I've read several medical books.

Liang Xiao opened Jishi's eyes and glanced around. He found that dozens of people lined up inside and outside the hospital were all small problems with colds.

"He can definitely cure these small problems. If he can't grasp the handle, he can't get rid of them." Liang Xiao whispered softly, dragging his chin to think about countermeasures.

"Excuse me, excuse me. My wife is seriously ill. Please let us in first."

After a while, a voice of anxiety came from behind.

Liang Xiao looked back, only to see a middle-aged man is constantly begging people, followed by two young people carrying a homemade simple stretcher.

On the stretcher lay a pale woman in her thirties. The woman covered her stomach tightly with her hands, her expression was very painful, and her forehead was covered with sweat.

The next second, Jishi's eyes flashed.

[symptom: acute appendicitis...]

At the same time, Liang Xiao also learned that the woman was pregnant with a three month old fetus.

"Let's all be accommodating. Let's show them first, and then we'll wait." Someone said in a loud voice.

These people were rude to Liang Xiao just now. Now they have become reasonable and somewhat human.

Liang Xiao takes advantage of the public's inattention and sneaks into the hospital behind him.

"Old fairy, please save my wife." The man went to Li Xiu, fell on his knees and begged.

The white haired old man glanced at the woman on the stretcher.

"You get up first, carry the patient to the hospital bed and tell me what the symptoms are."

The man quickly stood up, several companions helped to carry his wife to the hospital bed, and then told the old man the specific situation.

The old man frowned, checked the woman's pupils and tongue coating, and casually asked a few words, but there was no harvest.

"Doctor, what's wrong with my wife? You must save her! "

The man became more and more anxious.

"Don't panic. Your wife's condition is not serious. She has a stomachache." The old man finally opened his mouth, but what he said made Liang smile and didn't know what to say.


How can you tell that she has a stomachache? Even the position she covers with her hand is not her stomach.

"Just a stomachache?" The man looked puzzled and didn't seem to believe it.

"Yes, it's a stomachache." Li Xiu has a clear mind.

The man frowned, "but my wife has never had stomach trouble."

"You mean I'm lying to you?" The old man was not happy. "If you don't believe me, please go to another place to see a doctor."

The old doctors in his hospital are all people who can't afford to see the disease. These people are definitely not willing to go to the hospital for examination.

So no one knows if he's right.

Liang Xiao is so angry outside that he stares at him. He is old and never die. He has little ability and temper.

However, the patient's husband panicked and was obviously frightened.

Plus worry about his wife's illness, he did not think much, "no, no, no, how can I not believe you, I believe! You must save my wife

The old man snorted, "your wife is acute gastritis, a bit serious."

"What about that?" Man a face panic, "you quickly give some medicine."

The other patients around them didn't know what they had been indoctrinated, and they didn't start to treat the disease. They praised the old man and boasted too much.

The old man became more and more proud.

Liang Xiao wants to laugh more and more.

He wanted to see how the old man could find a way to save people later, even though he didn't know his illness.

The old man picked up the brush and wrote a few lines, which looked like the names of medicinal materials. He ordered people to take the medicine and grind it into powder.

In a short time, someone will bring it to me. "Sir, the medicine is ready!"

So fast?

"The medicine is ready, sir." Soon, the prescription man came out with a white porcelain bowl.

Is Chinese medicine ready so soon?

Liang xiaoxinsheng was puzzled. He checked it with jishiyan. The ingredients of the medicine had nothing to do with the prescription he had just prescribed. It was just an ordinary analgesic!

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