"What are you going to do?" Ye Qingwen stared at the two of them warily.

"Qingwen, we're not kidding you. The board of directors decided to let you go back to the company." Ye Chen tries to control his temper and speak calmly.

Ye Qingwen is even more surprised to see that they are not making fun of themselves.

However, if she goes back like this, what is the grievance in front of her? She can't expose it in such a way, or there will be more and more such things in the future.

Besides, does this matter have anything to do with Liang Xiao?

She hesitated for a moment, or decided to follow Liang Xiao's advice, replied: "sorry, I'm not your tool. If you want me to go away, I'll go back. Let's go. "

"You cheap..." Ye Yang began to scold and was stopped by Ye Chen.

"Ye Qingwen, tell me, how can I go back to the company?" Ye Chen's face was gloomy, and he seemed to endure very hard. "We are a family. Even if there are misunderstandings and contradictions, there is no need to make it like this."

whole family?


This is the most shameless thing she has ever heard!

"Sorry, I'm already looking for a new job. I don't think ye is suitable for me. I won't go back. Please go back."

"Don't be shameless!" Ye Yang finally can't help but kick over the stool beside him.

Ye Chen didn't stop him this time. He stared at Ye Qingwen, "you are also ye's family! Do you really want to see the Ye family go bankrupt? "

"You just remembered that I'm the Ye family?" Ye Qingwen asked back and did not give in at all.

Li Yuee was stunned. She didn't expect that ye Chen and Ye Yang really came to invite her daughter back to the company. Moreover, her daughter refused!

It's totally different from what she expected.

"All these years in the company, I have done my utmost for the sake of the company, but what have you done to me?"

Ye Qingwen has the courage to say so, and she does.

"For the sake of the company? I Pooh Ye Yang burst out again, "don't think we don't know your dirty means. You know how to sign a contract with President Lu!"


The door opened.

Liang Xiao strode in from the outside, wrapped in a cold.

"That's how you invited my wife back?" As soon as he entered the door, he heard Ye Yang scold, and suddenly he was cold.

"Well, you loser dare to bully me. I won't kill you!"

You can't be rude to Ye Qingwen's mother and daughter. It's another matter to laugh at Liang. Ye Yang rushed up and started with anger.

Ye Chen thinks of Liang Xiao's skill that night, and it's too late to stop it. He says it's not good.

Ye Qingwen is also startled, worried about Liang Xiao's loss.

Only Li yue'e, with a murderous eye, Liang Xiao, thought that this dead waste just came back to stir up the situation at this time. It's really a killer!

Seeing ye Yang all fall on Liang's smiling face, the next second, Liang smiles and punches, and then comes first.


Ye Yang goes back and falls heavily on the ground. He can't speak with his stomach ache.


Seeing this, everyone was shocked.

No one expected that Liang Xiao would dare to fight Ye Yang here. What's more, he didn't expect that he would bring down Ye Yang who was brave and fierce since he was a child.

Except ye Chen, who has witnessed this situation once.

"It's up to you to dare to fight with me. Save it!" Liang smiled as if there were no one else, lowered his head and glanced at Ye Yang coldly.

And then also ignore, stride toward Ye Chen walked in the past.

"Liang Xiao, what do you want to do?"

Ye Chen was frightened by his fierce eyes, hurriedly stepped back two steps and asked warily.

"If you're right, you should come to invite my wife back to take charge of the Lu group project again, right?" Liang Xiao goes straight to the subject and asks.

Ye Chen was surprised. How did Liang Xiao know?

"It's some people on the board who want her back. I'm just here to send a message."

"It doesn't matter who means it." Liang smile calm way, "you just attitude, is to invite people?"? I don't know. I think it's a debt collector! "

Ye Chen swallowed saliva, pretending to be calm, "this is our Ye group's business, it's not up to you, an outsider, to get involved."

"Yes, it's your Ye's business, but it's also my wife's business! My wife's business is my business, and I have the right to intervene! "

Liang Xiaoyi is right.

"Fart! You are a door-to-door son-in-law. You are a loser at home and a dead loser outside. What qualifications do you have to intervene? "

Ye Chen opens a few steps distance, one face disdains.

Liang smiled and the corners of his mouth lifted gently.

"I have to ask my wife if I'm qualified!"

With that, he looked at Ye Qingwen, who was shocked.

"You're not in charge of my daughter's business. Get out of here!" Before ye Qingwen opened her mouth, Li Yuee scolded her and worried about Liang Xiao.

"Shut up, I'm talking to Qingwen!" Liang Xiao turned around and gave her a murderous look.


Li Yuee's heart trembled with fear. She had never seen Liang Xiao show such a frightening expression, and she couldn't say anything.

Even ye Chen was stunned. He didn't expect that Liang Xiao dared to be so hard in front of Li Yuee.

It is said that he is like a mouse meeting a cat in front of his mother-in-law. Is it wrong?

"Wife, you say, I'm not qualified to ask about this?"

"You are my husband, of course you are!" Ye Qingwen nodded. She saw that Liang Xiao had something to do with it.

"Ye Chen, I listen to my husband. If my husband doesn't want me to go, I won't go."

When this was said, everyone was struck by lightning.

She said she wanted to listen to this rubbish!

"Daughter, are you crazy?" Li Yuee was very upset. She wanted to wake her up with two slaps, but she was not willing to give up.

"Do you hear me? My wife said," listen to me. "

Liang Xiao looks back at Ye Chen, and his mouth is filled with pride.

Son of a bitch!

Ye Chen in the heart secretly scolds, then ferociously asks a way, "what do you want?"

"Over the years, even if you bully my wife, the project she managed to win has been robbed by you, and she has been expelled. Now there's something wrong with the company and I want her to go back. Don't you think it's funny? "

"What are you talking about?"

Ye Chen explained that he was more and more shocked. Liang Xiao even knew that the company had a problem.

There's no doubt about this. If there's something wrong with the project, it must have something to do with Ye Qingwen. Their husband and wife work together to make trouble behind the scenes.

Although he couldn't swallow the breath, he still pressed his temper.

After all, it's wrong, but you can't do it.

"Cut the crap. What do you want?"

"Let my wife help you, but..." Liang Xiao looked at him seriously, "I want you to kneel down and kowtow to my wife and apologize!"

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