"Ye Qingwen?"

"It's none of her business. Didn't she resign?"

Hearing Ye Chen mention Ye Qingwen, people are more and more confused.

"The notice said that there was an additional item when signing the contract, that is, the person in charge of the project must be ye Qingwen, that bitch woman. If the person in charge is changed, the cooperation will be terminated. " Yechen gritted his teeth.

"What, how can there be such an add-on that we don't know?" All the people were confused.

Ye Chen Leng for a long time, just vicious way, "in order to win this project, we chose to compromise. But now it's ignored. "

"What should we do now! Is this the only way to get a project that is not easy to get? "

"If this project is lost, I'm afraid Ye's group will follow us to the end!"

People are like ants in a hot pot.

"Damn it, I said how could ye Qingwen leave so easily. It turned out that he had dug such a big hole for us!" Ye Daorong was so angry that he wanted to eat Ye Qing.

"Yechen, you have a lot of ideas. Let's find a way! We can't lose this project! " Many directors of Ye's group are crying and pleading.

Ye Chen frowned and hesitated for a long time before returning to his senses. "There's no other way now, but tomorrow I'll go to Lu's group with my contract to find Lu Deming and explain to him that it's Ye Qingwen who left by himself and we didn't drive her away. In this way, we will not be in breach of the contract. Maybe there is still a chance for us to survive. "

"Well, that's the only way." The crowd sighed helplessly.

"Are you finished? With that, let's go to the construction site! " Ye Daoqing waited for a while. Seeing that no one spoke again, he quickly turned the topic back.

"When is it? Whether the project can be saved or not is a problem. Why do you go to the construction site?"

"Yes, go yourself, we won't go!"

They didn't want to refuse directly, and then left the private room bitterly. After a while, only Ye Daoqing and ye Daorong were left in the private room.

"A bunch of bastards!" Ye Daoqing scolded fiercely, and then looked back at ye Daorong: "brother, if they don't go, you have to go with me?"

"Ye Yang is your nephew. He is still in the other party's hands!"

"Daoqing, it's not that big brother doesn't accompany you. However, you can see what is happening now. As the chairman of Ye's group, I still have a lot to do. "

"You..." Ye Daoqing gnashed his teeth and turned directly to Ye Chen without nonsense.

But before he spoke, ye Chen shook his head directly, "uncle, I have to go back and think about how to say when I go to Lu's group tomorrow. I can't go, you can find someone else to accompany you

"You, you! OK, OK, I'll go by myself if you like Knowing that these people were unreliable, ye Daoqing turned around and left angrily after a scolding.

After leaving the imperial club, he drove directly to the construction site. On the way, he made several calls to move rescue soldiers, but no one was willing to help.

Unconsciously, the car has been driven near the construction site. Thinking of himself alone, he was flustered and did not dare to rush in.

After thinking about it, I finally started to call Ye Yang.

"Hey, are you here? Don't you want your dog son?" Answer the phone or last time that person, didn't wait for ye Daoqing mouth directly ferocious asked.

Ye Daoqing swallowed his saliva subconsciously, then pretended to be calm and said, "you, what do you want? How can I let my son go? I'll let you know what I want

"Hehe, you have a big voice. Can you afford what I want?" The other party coldly replied, and then said in a deep voice, "OK, your dog son is not worth money. Now go to the gate of the construction site and take him away for me, so as not to contaminate our place. "

"You, are you sure you don't want anything?" Hearing what the other party said, ye Daoqing couldn't believe it.

"Don't talk nonsense. I'll leave your dog son at the door now. Do you like it or not?" The other party finished this sentence and hung up directly.

"Really or not, just let me take people away? Is there any trap? " Ye Daoqing looked unbelievable and whispered in his hand.

"Oh, forget it, just die. Who made him my son?" After thinking about it, he decided to gamble, so he quickly started the car and rushed to the construction site.

When I got to the gate of the construction site, I saw a man lying on the ground. When I got close to him, I found that it was none other than his son Ye Yang who was lying there.

"Xiao Yang!" Ye Daoqing was shocked all over. He got out of the car and ran to find that Ye Yang was beaten black and blue, and his consciousness was a little fuzzy.

"Xiao Yang, are you ok? Don't scare Dad!" Ye Daoqing pushed a few. Seeing that Ye Yang didn't respond at all, he was so scared that he quickly dragged him to the car and hurried to the nearest third hospital.


The next morning, ye Chen packed himself up like a dog, feeling that the Lu group was waiting in front of the door. As soon as it was time to go to work, I ran in.

"You stop!"

As soon as I entered the door, I was stopped by a girl. No one else. It was the internship receptionist, Lu Deming's niece, whom ye Chen offended last time. However, she is no longer the front desk, but the vice president here.

"Lu, Miss Lu, it's a coincidence that we meet again." This time, ye Chen learned a lot and quickly nodded and bowed to say hello.

"Don't make up to me here. I'm not familiar with you. I said last time that you are not allowed to step into the gate of our Lu group. Why are you here again? " The girl asked coldly with a straight face.

"I," Ye Chen was stunned for a moment and quickly explained, "Miss Lu, I really have something very important to see Mr. Lu today. Please forgive me and let me go in and meet Mr. Lu."

"It's very important. Do you have an appointment? If so, President Lu agrees with you, then you can go in. If not, please leave at once The girl returned without thinking.


Ye Chen of course did not make an appointment, so Leng in situ.

"Hum, you know that. Hurry, or I'll let the security guard drive you out. " Seeing that he didn't speak for a long time, the girl immediately saw through and ordered her to leave.

Ye Chen quickly returned to his senses and said in a sad voice, "Miss Lu, don't do that. You, please pass it on for me! "

"Security The girl was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. She waved to the security guard.

"Get out of here!" The bodyguard encircles to come over, also no nonsense, direct ferocious Chong Ye Chen roars a way.

Ye Chen was so frightened that he burst into a cold sweat, but he was unwilling to leave.

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