"I need a set of silver needles." Liang Xiao said back.

Zhang Changfa listen, subconsciously back to the corner.

It's a pity that the disaster could not be avoided. Without thinking about it, Jiangning turned around and yelled at him: "you, go and get a set of silver needles!"


Jiangning furious, "is not you, is it me? Why don't you get it? It's delaying my sister's treatment time. I'll kill you! "

Zhang Changfa's face turned blue and white, and he went to the TCM department to get the silver needle. He kept cursing and laughing all the way.

The silver needle came soon.

Liang Xiao detoxified the silver needle. He turned back and said in a deep voice, "I want to give the injured a needle. You all avoid it and wait outside the ward."

"Don't you hear me? Get out of here." Jiangning heard the speech and immediately turned around to drive everyone away, but he stood there without moving.

"You should avoid it, too." Jiangning glanced at him and kindly reminded him.

"She's my sister. Why should I avoid it?"

Liang said with a smile, "if you want to stay, stay."

Words fall, pick up next to the operation scissors, began to cut Jiangling son's clothes.

"Boy, what are you doing?" Jiangning looked at it with angry eyes.

"Her internal organs are seriously damaged, and there are more than a dozen fractures on her body. How to apply the needle without removing her clothes?" Liang Xiao looks at him seriously.

"No, you can't cut clothes!" Jiangning seized Liang Xiao's hand and said, "you treat him through clothes!"

Liang Xiao knew he couldn't beat him. I'm afraid Jiang linger would really be hopeless if he dragged on like this. As a result, also lazy entanglement.

"Yes, I'll try. However, it's not easy to grasp the acupoints across the clothes, and the possibility of saving your sister will be greatly reduced. "

Jiangning frowned and hesitated.

After a while, I was still cruel.

"Cut your clothes, but listen to me. Be honest with your eyes and hands. Don't move! If you can't save my sister, I want you to look good! "

"If I can't save her, you can kill me!" Liang Xiao narrowed his eyes and said, "but now, don't disturb me any more."

"Well, if my sister can't live, you can wait to be buried with him."

Jiangning spoke fiercely, then turned out of the ward, closed the door, stood in front of the door like a bodyguard, and listened to the movement in the ward.

"I offend you, Miss Jiang." Liang Xiao apologizes to Jiang ling'er and quickly cuts off all her clothes with surgical scissors.

Her skin is very white and her figure is excellent. She was wrapped in sportswear before. I can see that she is so material.

Gudu, Liang Xiao swallowed his saliva subconsciously.

If Jiangning at the door saw him, he would wring his neck on the spot.

Sleep on the floor as a blood driven man full of sap has been on the floor for 3 years, even the woman's body has never met.

Cold not Ding see such a perfect body, presented in front of me, suddenly some blood pressure rise, tiger almost out of the gate.

Liang Xiao took a deep breath and began the acupuncture treatment without strabismus.

He first took three detoxified silver needles, lined up, and then stuck them in the center of Jiang ling'er's eyebrows and above the temples on both sides to open her soul palace.

Next, gather the original Qi in the right hand, and gently point the index finger to see the shadow on the edge.

The phantom turned into a faint white light, hovering at his fingertips.

"Go back!"

Liang Xiao presses his index finger on Jiang ling'er's forehead.

White light immediately into the forehead, return to the soul palace.

After a while, he picked up two silver needles and wrapped them with aura, and stabbed them into the acupoints connected with Jiang ling'er's severely damaged heart and spleen.

Then, he picked up thirteen silver needles, injected the same aura, and slowly stabbed them into the 13 positions where her bones were broken.

When the needle is finished, Liang Xiao turns and walks back to the head of the bed. He presses his palm on Jiang ling'er's head and slowly merges a stream of Qi.

In just a few seconds, this genuine Qi swam all over the body and echoed with the 15 silver needles below Jiang ling'er's head. For a moment, her whole body was covered with a faint white air, which was very wonderful.

At the moment, Liang Xiao clearly sees that Zhenqi can repair Jiang ling'er's damaged organs and bones at the speed visible to the naked eye.

It took less than three minutes to repair her heart, spleen and 13 fractured parts, as if she had never been injured.

Seeing such a situation, Liang Xiao himself felt a little incredible.

It's amazing!

A moment later, he began to say that the silver needles were taken down one by one, and the white gas wrapped around Jiang ling'er also faded until it disappeared.

In addition to the scars on her skin, her internal injuries have been completely repaired. However, there are still no vital signs such as heartbeat and pulse.

"Come in!"

Liang Xiao covered Jiang linger's body with a quilt and said to the door.

As soon as the words fell, Jiangning rushed in.

But when he saw that the ECG was still in a straight line, he was full of expectations and lost his body.

"Boy, didn't you just say that you could save my sister?" Jiangning grabbed Liang Xiao's collar and glared at him.

Zhang Changfa stood at the door and didn't get close. He fanned the flames in his mouth and said, "Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry. It's a pity that your sister will be tossed about by this boy after her death. It's a great disrespect to the dead."

Liang Xiao sneered in his heart. Zhang Changfa's medical skills are not very good. His skills of planting blame and provoking discord are good.

There was no time to explain. Jiangning had already raised his fist and was about to fall on his face.

"Take another look." Liang Xiao could understand Jiangning's mood and didn't get angry. He just reminded him calmly.

"What are you looking at?" Jiangning roared.

"Look at this!" Liang Xiao pointed his hand to the instrument at the head of the bed.

Jiangning subconsciously looking back, the instrument is still a straight line.




Liang Xiaosan fell, suddenly heard a "Di".

The straight line of the electrocardiograph began to fluctuate, and soon all the data on the instrument returned to normal, except for a little weak.

"Yes! There it is Jiangning Leng for a long time to react, and then the joy such as crazy rushed to the bed of Jiangling son.

"Sister! younger sister! Can you hear me?! "

It's, it's not possible!

At the door of the ward, Zhang Changfa looked at the data on the instrument, and the whole person was stunned in the same place, and his eyes were almost startled.

Jiang ling'er has no vital signs just now. It can be said that he is already a corpse. How can he suddenly recover? Moreover, all the data are just like a normal person!

He refused to believe it. "No way, there must be something wrong with the instrument."


At this time, Jiang ling'er on the bed coughed a few times.

Zhang Changfa was stunned again and looked at Jiang ling'er in the eye.

"How can that be? She's dead!"

"Son of a bitch, you've been cursing my sister to death from beginning to end. What's the point?" Jiangning suddenly turned around and stared at him. He had already been unhappy with the doctor.

"Mr. Jiang, you have to believe in science! Your sister, she must have been tricked by this boy. She'll shine back. If we don't wait, maybe she will... "

"Your mother again! I think you are looking for death! "

Zhang Changfa tried to defend and point the spearhead at Liang Xiao, but before he finished, Jiangning directly interrupted and rushed up to catch Zhang Changfa, almost lifting him up.

"What do you want to do? This is the hospital

Zhang Changfa's face turned white with fear.

"What do I want? I want to fucking hit you! "

Jiangning got angry and gave him a punch in the face.

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