"The blood has stopped, the surface injuries have been cured, and it will take some time for the deeper injuries to be cured. We can't stay on the mountain all the time. Let's get rid of these bodies and go back to the hospital. "

After about ten minutes of treatment, Liang Xiao stopped and said in a deep voice to Yinhu.

Silver fox subconsciously nodded, but immediately shook his head after opening his eyes.

"Doctor Liang, go back first. I'll deal with these bodies so as not to dirty your hands. I'll leave Tianhai as soon as I've dealt with it. "

"Out of the sky?" Liang Xiao smell speech, immediately frown, "why leave, leave where?"

"Yinhu knows that Dr. Liang is just a doctor and has his own family. He doesn't want to get involved in anything unrelated to himself. If I stay, the Shura hall will send someone to trouble again. At that time, it will disturb your life, even your family. " Silver fox pause for a while, tone heavy return way.

"So I have to leave. In this way, it won't cause you any trouble. "

Liang Xiao knows that she won't do those twists and turns. She must be sincere in saying this. But he couldn't bear to watch her go.

First of all, she is injured all over now, and her strength is not strong enough. Secondly, it's estimated that people from Shura hall are everywhere. As long as she leaves Tianhai, it is estimated that someone will come to her soon.

At that time, without her own side, she would have to die.

Liang Xiaoben is a person who attaches great importance to love and righteousness. In addition to his kindness as a doctor, he feels that he can never let her go, because that is tantamount to watching her die.

"Silver fox girl, I know your consideration. You are always alone and don't want to hurt others. But I just let it out. You are my patient, and I have promised to help you break through and become stronger. If I give up and let you leave at this time, I will break my promise and violate my principle. So you can't leave yet. "

"But..." hearing Liang Xiao's words, silver fox was very moved, but his heart was still full of concerns.

"Doctor Liang, you are a good man and an expert. But what if the people in Shura hall are coming to the door? "

"With them, who can help me?" Liang Xiaojiao raised a confident smile. "What's your so-called elder, or the leader of Shura Hall who looks at others' lives like weeds?"

Silver fox thought for a while, gently shook his head, "with the strength of doctor Liang, no one in Shura hall is your opponent."

Then he said, "but after all, Shura hall is the largest killer organization in the territory. It has a large audience, and all of them are experts. If they attack together, I'm afraid you can't do it on your own... "

Silver fox didn't finish, but the meaning has been expressed almost.

"I don't have you here. We're not alone." Liang half joked, "don't worry, Liang is stronger than you think. They can go together. As long as I'm here, no one will kill you! "

Although these words are light and vague, every word is full of confidence and domineering.

When he said this, Yinhu was even more moved.

"Dr. Liang, what if they attack your family and use them to coerce you?" After a while, silver fox has a new concern.

"You may not know about Shura hall, but I grew up there and worked for that man for so long. I know him well. He is a beast. In order to achieve his own goal, he can do whatever he wants. "

Hearing this, Liang Xiao frowned subconsciously.

I did ignore this at the beginning, but when I thought about it carefully, I was indifferent.

For him, the only important person in Tianhai city is Ye Qingwen. Therefore, he just needs to protect Ye Qingwen.

Thinking of this, he regained his mind, looked slightly into the distance, and then said in a deep voice, "if they dare to put their hands on my family, there is no need for them to come to me, I will find them and kill them all!"

As soon as the words came out, silver soul was shocked and nodded heavily after a long time.

From small to large, for so many years, she never thought whether she would one day fall in love with someone. But looking at Liang Xiao in front of her, she wavered and fell into a deep contradiction.

"Well, silver fox girl, let's move without gossip. If you don't go back down the mountain, it will be dark. " Liang Xiao didn't say much, but directly changed the topic.

Silver fox hears the speech and gets up quickly. They took the shortest time to dig a hole and throw the body in.

"Dr. Liang, will it be found here? If found, it may cause you unnecessary trouble. " Silver fox looked down, slightly worried asked.

After all, she is an unidentified killer, even if the body is found, she will not be affected. But Liang Xiao is different. He is a man with a serious status. If so many lives are found on his head, it's not a joke.

"Don't worry, there won't be any hidden dangers." Liang Xiao confidently replied that he had thought of this for a long time.

While talking, he directly attached himself to pick up some dry branches and leaves from the ground, injected the real Qi into the branches and leaves, took out a lighter to light it, and then threw it on the body.


It's like pouring gasoline. Moreover, the flame was a white flame never seen before.

It lasted about a minute and the flame went out. Looking down into the pit, there was no body left but a pile of white ashes.

"Done." Liang Xiao clapped his hands and began to fill the pit. Silver fox Leng for a moment, busy back to God to help.

Soon, the ground was filled up, Liang Xiao stood up and chopped a few feet, and covered the ground with some dead leaves. It looked as if nothing had happened.

"All right, let's go back." All the dust settled, and they went down the mountain slowly. Halfway up the mountain, I saw a farmer coming down the mountain with a hoe.

Liang Xiao stopped, meditated for a moment, and decided not to let others see him. So, quickly took the silver fox's arm, whispered, "silver fox girl, ready."

Silver fox understand, gently nodded.

The next second, the two bodies flash, directly disappeared in place.

"Gee, it's strange. I just saw that there was a figure on it. How could I disappear in the blink of an eye?" At the foot of the mountain, the farmer was shocked. He rubbed his eyes and looked around.

However, the mountain is still empty, not to mention the shadow, even the insects have not been seen.

"This, this is really evil!" The farmer swallowed his saliva and looked around. He always felt strange. The more he thought about it, the more afraid he was. He dared to go up the mountain. He quickly turned around and ran down the mountain with a hoe.

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