See silver fox slightly strange behavior, Jiang Ling son can't help but is a Leng.

After a while, he returned with a smile, "Hello, what's your name?"

"Silver fox." Silver fox responded directly and cleanly.

"Silver fox?" Jiang ling'er immediately stares big eyes, full face doubts, "still have surname silver?"

"You may not believe that silver fox girl is a killer. This is her code name." Liang Xiao suddenly said such a sentence.

"What, kill, killer?" Jiang ling'er was startled, and then said, "Liang Xiao, don't scare me. Silver fox girl is so beautiful and looks so quiet. How could she be a killer? "

"I didn't scare you. She's really a killer. You can ask her if you don't believe it." Liang said with a shrug.

Jiangling son a listen, hurriedly look to silver fox, "silver fox girl, he is in nonsense."

However, the silver fox didn't even think about it and shook his head directly.

"Miss Jiang, Dr. Liang doesn't talk nonsense. I'm really a killer. To be exact, I used to be a top killer. "


She's a real killer, and a top killer?

Jiang ling'er narrowed his eyes and muttered in his heart.

Although silver fox looks indifferent and doesn't look like a joke, she still doesn't believe it. On the contrary, she thinks they are working together to fool themselves.

"Miss Jiang doesn't believe it?" Silver fox asked coldly.

Jiang linger paused and nodded subconsciously.


The next second, silver fox suddenly flash, Jiangling son didn't respond to what happened, silver fox has stood behind her, and a knife back against her neck.

"What's the situation?" Jiang ling'er was shocked and swallowed subconsciously.

"Well, Miss Jiang, do you believe it now?" Behind him, the silver fox asked coldly.

"Yes, yes, I do." Jiang ling'er said with a smile.

Silver fox put the knife away and walked slowly back to the opposite side of Jiang ling'er.

"Well, you haven't told me what happened." Jiang ling'er quickly turned back to the right track and asked the question just now.

"That, the thing is actually like this..." Liang Xiao didn't want to hide, directly said the thing between himself and silver fox.

"You, are you sure you're not fooling me. How can I listen, like the plot in some novel? " Jiang ling'er was stunned. She couldn't believe what Liang Xiao said was true.

"It's true." This time, without waiting for Liang Xiao to speak, silver fox directly spat out so four words.

Seeing her saying so, Jiang ling'er knew that it should be true.

Leng for a long time then asked, "so, you don't let me come to the hospital these days, is to give silver fox girl healing, and help her breakthrough?"

"Well." Liang smiles and nods heavily.

Jiang ling'er thought about it and asked, "yesterday, someone really came to kill the silver fox girl?"

"Yes, Miss Jiang, I would have been dead if Dr. Liang hadn't helped me yesterday." Silver fox back to the river Ling son's problem, and then turned to beam smile.

"Doctor Liang saved my life three times. I owe you three lives. When my great revenge is avenged, I will come back here and give you my life back!"

"Now, I think I should go!"

Silver fox said to Liang Xiao, and then ready to leave.

Jiang ling'er hurriedly took her and asked, "silver fox girl, where are you going? Don't you want to avenge your enemy now?"

"Well." Silver fox nodded directly.

Jiang ling'er asked, "silver fox girl, do you know where your enemy is. And that, I know you are very powerful, but Liang Xiaogang also said that your enemy is more powerful than you. You're going to take revenge now. Isn't that going to die? "

"Silver fox is not afraid of death, just afraid that he can't get revenge before he dies!" Silver fox thought, tone heavy return such a sentence.

Jiang ling'er immediately shook his head and said, "well, then you can't take revenge now."

"Right, Liang Xiao, say a word!"

See her say so, Silver Fox also subconsciously hope to beam smile.

"Silver fox girl, ling'er is right. You can't go now. Stay." Liang Xiao just opened his mouth and said firmly.

"Stay?" Silver fox Leng for a while, slightly show is, "but, I this kind of person stay will cause you a lot of unnecessary trouble."

"Not afraid, Liang Xiao is the most warm-hearted person. He is not afraid of trouble, is he?" Jiang ling'er grabs to say.

Liang Xiao blinked his eyes and finally nodded.

Jiang ling'er said, "silver fox girl, to tell you the truth, I like you very much. Don't refuse, just stay. I don't have to stay in the hospital all the time. Anyway, I live alone and the house is big enough. You can move to my house directly. Our medical school has a good business. If you don't mind, you can help in the medical school. So I don't have to be so busy every day. "


"She can't live in your house."

Silver fox just wanted to speak, Liang Xiao suddenly interrupted her.

"Why?" Jiang ling'er asked curiously.

"You probably know the situation of Miss Yinhu now. His enemies may come back to trouble at any time. What if she lives with you and someone comes to her? At that time, your lives will be in danger for both of you. " Liang asked with a serious smile.

"This..." Jiang ling'er can't help frowning. Liang Xiao said that she didn't think about it just now.

For a moment, she came back and asked, "what should I do then?"

"She had to be with me to make sure everyone was safe." Liang Xiao does not think about the cableway. After thinking last night, he has actually thought of the way to arrange the silver fox.

"With you?" Jiang ling'er blinked.

Liang Xiao worried about her misunderstanding, quickly explained, "you don't want to skew, I said with me, refers to stay with me."

"I'm not that boring." Jiang Ling Er Du Du mouth way.

Then he asked, "what you said is right. Those people who stay with experts like you can't get into trouble with Yinhu girl. But you, a married man, can't take her back and let her live in your house? "

"You're right. I'm going to take her back and live in my house." Liang Xiao replied straightforwardly, and a meaningful smile came up at the corners of his mouth.

"You, you're not crazy, are you? Are you not afraid of your sister-in-law and your father-in-law and mother-in-law's opinions about taking such a beautiful woman home? " Jiang ling'er didn't wrinkle more tightly when he heard the words.

Silver fox hastily also said, "doctor Liang, I'm afraid it's not right to do so?"

Liang smiled and shook his head. "Don't worry, I have a way to solve it."

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