"Sister Liu, don't get me wrong. I don't mean to cross the river and demolish the bridge." Liang Xiao saw the doubts in Liu Ping's heart, so he quickly began to explain.

"And you?" Liu Ping frowned slightly and looked at Liang with doubts and worries.

With a smile, Liang said in a relaxed tone, "as I said just now, the stall of my wife's new company is a little big. She bought a whole two-story office. However, there are not many resources and businesses on hand at present. That's why I want to set up a cosmetics brand as part of the new company's business. In this way, we can enrich the business scope of our company, and at the same time, we can get a better start. "

"Of course, you can rest assured, sister Liu. No matter how many new products I launch or how big the cosmetics business will be in the future, the equity and profit distribution methods we discussed before will never change. "

"You, you mean to give your new company a face, don't you?" Liu Ping probably understood Liang Xiao's meaning and asked tentatively.

"Yes, you can understand that." Liang Xiao didn't even think about it and nodded directly.


At this moment, Liu Ping finally breathed a sigh of relief and had no worries. Of course, Liang Xiao said that she would believe it so easily. If it's someone else, even if she doesn't reject it immediately, she will have to think about it for a while before deciding whether to believe it or not.

"Xiao Liang, our family doesn't talk at home. Since you have said that, sister Liu can't be unkind. What do you want to do? Just go according to your own idea. Sister, I will support you 100 percent! " After pondering for a moment, Liu Ping made such a response.

"Well, I'm relieved to have sister Liu." Liang Xiao's mouth is light, everything is expected.

Liu Ping thought about it and then asked, "Xiao Liang, you just said that your wife is going to open a company. I don't know when the company will open?"

"It's still in the planning stage. It should be some time before it can be officially opened."

"Well, please let me know when it's time to open. At that time, my sister will go there in person and give you a big gift to support the scene! " Liu Ping vowed.

"Don't worry, I can't leave you alone without informing anyone!" Liang said half jokingly.

Listening to her saying this, Liu Ping is more and more happy and feels that she still has a certain position in Liang Xiao's heart.

After laughing for a while, Liu Ping turned to the topic and asked, "Xiao Liang, I don't know when you plan to launch other new products?"

"This is not urgent at the moment. There are still some deficiencies in those formulas. I have to go back and study them and improve them. At present, this product has been sold in two or three batches, and accumulated a certain profit. After gaining a firm foothold in the market, we will launch new products one by one. In this way, the risk will be less Liang Xiao pondered for a moment and made such an answer.

"You're right. I'm in a hurry. This kind of thing can't be urgent, it has to be done step by step. Xiao Liang, I thought you were just good at medicine, but I didn't expect you to have such an idea in business. Elder sister, I really admire you Liu Ping immediately agreed and gave Liang a big thumbs up.

"Well, now that everything has been settled, let's leave first. We won't affect your work here." Liang Xiao didn't talk nonsense. He directly stood up and prepared to leave.

Jiangling son and silver fox see turn, quickly also followed to stand up.

"Then I won't keep you. Let's have another meal some other day. " Liu Ping was thinking about the raw materials in her heart, and without any nonsense, she just let Liang Xiao and others go downstairs.

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