"No hurry!"

Listen to the man said to go back to destroy the antique, Liang Xiao quickly waved to stop him. One of the reasons why he asked about this was to eliminate the source of evil, so as to prevent it from continuing to harm people. Secondly, we can get some information about this evil, that is, the ancient tomb.

If we just destroy the antiques, not only can we not eliminate the evil spirit, but also our hope will be lost.

"Well, what shall we do?" The man immediately frowned and said, "doctor, you have great medical skills and great powers. You must have a way. Please raise your hand and help us again! "

"Since I asked about this, I naturally have a solution. However, it is not sure whether the antique you mentioned is the source of evil. So, it's better to check in your home. If it is really the source of evil Qi, I will eliminate it immediately. If not, then we have to find out the real source to get rid of the future trouble. " Liang Xiao didn't sell the key and made a direct response.

The man nodded like a chicken in a hurry, "yes, the doctor is right. Then please come home with me! Otherwise, I, our whole family is just like living in hell, and we may lose our lives at any time! "

"You wait for a moment. There are still some patients outside. After I have treated them, I will follow you home to find out."

"Well, well, you'll be busy first. I'll wait here." The man agreed.

Liang Xiao doesn't talk nonsense. He immediately leaves the ward and goes back to the hall of the hospital.

"What's the matter with Dr. Liang? Has the little boy survived?" As soon as I got to the hall, someone asked.

As soon as the voice fell, someone said in a high voice, "you didn't ask this question. Who is Dr. Liang? That's the reincarnation of a living Bodhisattva. How can he have a disease that can't be cured when he does it

"Yes, Dr. Liang is good at medicine. There must be no problem. When I didn't ask, when I didn't ask, hahaha... "Holding Wen Yan, he quickly started to fight awkwardly.

Just then, the man came out of the ward with his son in his arms and put the little boy on the ground. Looking at the little boy skipping, his mouth is still humming children's songs, a lively look, obviously nothing has happened.

When people saw this, they were filled with shock and emotion. Secret way, this beam divine doctor exactly what origin, should not really be which road immortal descend to earth? The little boy was so ill just now that he was about to die. How long has it been? It's all right.

"All right, everyone, line up according to the order of the line just now. I'll see you later, and I'll have to go out for some urgent business Everyone is in a trance, and Liang Xiao, who has returned to the clinic, says hello.

Everyone quickly back to God, obediently in accordance with the order before the line. In less than 20 minutes, Liang Xiao cured all the remaining patients.

Then, he took Jiang ling'er and Yinhu to leave the hospital, and followed the man to his home.

On the road, Liang Xiao chatted with the man while driving. I know the man's name is Li Bin and the son's name is Li Ze. Li Bin's ancestral home is in the north. When he was young, he worked as a local husband with a group of friends and made a fortune by stealing tombs. Until a few years ago, his wife died of childbirth. He felt that it was his own business to repay his wife, so he washed his hands and stopped going to the grave. Moreover, he sold all his family property and left his hometown with his children to live in Tianhai city.

He thought that he would never go down to the grave, but just be a middleman and resell some antiques for a living. For the rest of his life, he and his son should be able to live in peace, and will not encounter any more disasters. But who ever thought that such a thing happened today.

He told Liang Xiao to find out the source of evil today. If it really had something to do with the antique he just collected, he would never touch anything brought out of the tomb in his life.

"Dr. Liang is the community in front of him." As they spoke, they arrived at their destination.

Liang took a look with a smile, Li Bin living in this community should be Tianhai city housing prices ranked in the forefront of high-end community. Being able to live here shows that Li Bin still has some money in his pocket.

After entering the community, according to Li Bin's guidance, they drove directly to the villa area on the east side of the community. It turns out that the villa they live in is the largest one in the community.

"Doctor Liang, two beauties, please come inside." Li Bin respectfully led Liang Xiao and his party into the house. After giving his son to the nanny, he personally poured a cup of tea for the three.

Liang Xiao was not in a hurry to drink tea. He scanned the room with Jishi's eyes. After confirming that there was no evil in the room, he said directly, "brother Li, the antique you just mentioned to me is no longer in the house, is it?"

"You, how did you know?" Li Bin smell speech can't help but be stunned, a long time just tentatively asked a sentence.

"I just saw it. There is no evil spirit in your house. If the source of evil is the antique, it means that the antique is not in the house at this time. " Liang Xiao casually replied, "on the contrary, if the antique is no longer in the house, it means that the source of evil is the antique."

Li Bin was around a little dizzy, do not know whether they understand, subconsciously nodded. After a while, he reacted and said, "doctor Liang, wait a moment. I've hidden the things in the cellar behind me. I'll take them out and show them to you."

"I'll go with you." Liang Xiao stood up directly, "in case the source of evil is really in that antique, you'd better contact it less."

"Well, well, thank you, Dr. Liang." Li Bin was already full of worries. Of course, it's very desirable to hear Liang Xiao say so.

No nonsense, directly with Liang Xiao left the villa, quickly walked to the warehouse behind the yard, and entered the cellar under the warehouse.

Just walked into the cellar, Liang Xiao clearly felt the existence of evil. This evil spirit is as like as two peas on the little boy's body and the old brick.

It's in the right place.

Liang Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly and became interested.

"Dr. Liang, it's in the box in the left corner. You, you... "

"I'll do it." Seeing Li Bin's face in fear, Liang Xiao walked directly towards the wooden box he pointed to.

As he moved forward, he looked at the whole cellar quietly. There are almost more than 100 wooden boxes in the cellar. If you guessed correctly, these wooden boxes should be filled with antiques. At the same time, he also found that there was no evil spirit in other boxes except the box in the corner.

That is to say, the source of evil is in that wooden box.

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