"Jiajia, mom knows you're in pain, but if you don't see the doctor, you'll never speak." Holding back tears, Lin Yueqiang squats down to comfort her daughter.

Jiajia shook her head and wrote on the board, "Jiajia, don't see a doctor. Jiajia doesn't want to talk."

See this sentence, Lin Yue's tears immediately fell down.

[disease: aphasia, etiology: throat pressure caused by evil Qi...]

Liang Xiao secretly observed Jiajia with Jishi's eyes, and soon got feedback. As Lu Deming said before, she does not have any obvious problems, vocal cords and other vocal organs are intact.

However, at the moment of Jishi, there is a faint shadow in her throat, which is the so-called evil. It was because the evil pressure that could not be detected by medical equipment blocked her throat that she was unable to speak or even make any sound.

"Ms. Lin, let me have a try." Thinking for a moment, Liang Xiao suddenly opens his mouth.

Lin Yue looked back at him for a while, nodded gently, got up and pushed aside.

Liang Xiaoxuan squatted in front of Jiajia and said to her as gently as possible, "Jiajia, you look so good and your voice must be very nice."

"Uncle is a very good doctor. He can cure your disease and let you hear your voice. Don't worry, my uncle won't make you feel any pain. "

"Yes, Jiajia, this uncle is sure to cure you!" Lu Deming spoke quickly and echoed.

Jiajia pursed her mouth and looked at Liang Xiaokan for a long time. Finally, for some unknown reason, she nodded.


See daughter agree to let Liang Xiao see a doctor, Lin Yue overjoyed.

"Dr. Liang, please give my daughter a check. We will try our best to cooperate with you."

"No, just start the treatment." Liang Xiao is determined that he has obtained the treatment plan through jishiyan.

"Start treatment directly?" Lin Yue was very surprised, and Lu Deming also widened his eyes.

"Xiao Liang, don't you want to check the cause?"

"I've just seen it." Liang Xiaobu thinks about the ropeway.

Have you seen it?

Can he know the cause of the disease by just looking at it?

It's, it's not possible!

Lin Yue doubts again and thinks Liang Xiao is a little unreliable.

Lu Deming thought about it for a moment, and then quickly said, "Xiaoyue, you may not know that before Xiao Liang treated my old man, he found out his illness just at a glance."

"Ms. Lin, I can assure you that as long as you believe me, you will be able to cure your daughter's illness. Of course, if you don't trust me, I can leave right away. "

"I..." Lin Yue frowned and fell into contradiction.

He looked down at his poor daughter and finally decided to gamble.

"Well, I believe you and President Lu. Come on, what are you going to do with my daughter? "

"Acupuncture." Liang Xiao spat out two words.

"Acupuncture?" Lin Yue was a little surprised. Her daughter had also received acupuncture treatment before, and she was a famous old Chinese medicine doctor, but she still had no effect.

Now, Liang Xiaoxiao says that he can cure his daughter with acupuncture, which is a little impractical. Can he be younger and better than that old TCM doctor?

"Yes, only three needles are needed. I can guarantee that your daughter will speak immediately!" Liang Xiao saw that she still didn't believe in herself, so she just said the most.

"Three, three stitches? Are you sure you're not kidding me? " Lin Yue was shocked.

"I don't have to, and I don't make fun of other people's health and life!" Liang Xiao narrowed his eyes and spoke confidently.

"Xiaoyue, let Xiaoliang have a try. I believe that since he said so, he will be able to do it!" Lu Deming remembers sweating all over his head, and he quickly began to persuade him.

Lin Yue hesitated for a moment and nodded again.

"Mr. Lu, I didn't bring any silver needles. Please go and buy one for me. Remember to use the smallest needle. " Liang Xiao also does not ink, immediately said to Lu Deming.

"Well, I'll let someone buy it." Lu Deming rushed downstairs.

Soon, the bodyguard breathlessly bought back a pair of silver needles. Liang Xiao took a look and didn't buy it wrong. He immediately began to treat Jiajia.

"Jiajia, lie still and close your eyes. Uncle promised, there will be no pain, and it will be better soon

The little girl nodded gently and lay on the bed, closing her eyes.

Lin Yue stood to one side, sweating, holding Lu Deming's arm in her hands, praying silently in her heart.

Liang Xiao quickly took out the three thinnest silver needles, disinfected them and injected real Qi. Then he slowly inserted the two long needles into the middle of the girl's throat on the left and right sides, and they were very deep, at least three centimeters into her throat.

Finally, the short needle was inserted slowly from the front. It was strange that the little girl didn't respond at all, as if she didn't feel any pain at all.

Lin Yue was very distressed, as if the silver needle was stabbed at her.

At the same time, she was curious. The last time that old Chinese medicine doctor gave her daughter acupuncture, her daughter was rolling with pain. Why didn't she have any reaction today?

After needling, Liang Xiao went to the head of the bed as usual, gathered Qi in the palm of his hand, and gently pressed it on the top of the little girl's head.

The real Qi is slowly injected from the Tianling acupoint and transferred to the throat at a very fast speed, directly wrapping the evil Qi.

Then, the evil Qi will be purified and eliminated at the speed of visible to the naked eye. Finally, one is divided into three parts, which are separated from the throat along the three silver needles.

Look at the three silver needles again, they turn black instantly.

Liang Xiao took back his hand and carefully took down the three silver needles from the little girl's throat. After checking carefully with Jishi's eyes and confirming that there was no evil spirit at all, he took a long breath.

"All right."

"What, these are good?" Lin Yue was very surprised. She thought Liang Xiaogang had just said that the three injections were exaggerations. Who ever thought that the treatment would end with only three injections.

"Jiajia, you can open your eyes." Liang Xiao did not answer, but quietly called the little girl.

The little girl immediately opened her eyes and sat up.

"Jiajia, try now to see if you can make a sound." Liang Xiao continued.

The little girl looks at Liang and smiles at her mother.

"Jiajia, try it!" Lin Yue pinched a sweat, and her eyes were full of expectation.

Lu Deming also stares at the little girl, uneasy.

Liang Xiao was the only one standing there as steady as a mountain, with a clear mind.

The little girl subconsciously clenched her fist, opened her mouth and tried. It can be seen from the mouth shape that she is calling her mother, but she doesn't make any sound.

"Jiajia, don't be nervous. Try again." Lin Yue is more and more nervous.

The little girl tried again, but she didn't make a sound.

"Dr. Liang, what's going on?" Lin Yue immediately looks at Liang Xiao, and there is a trace of doubt and anger in her eyes.

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