The next day, Liang Xiao took Yinhu to the hospital early in the morning. Not many people came in the morning. Jiang ling'er, who had nothing to do, pestered silver fox and asked her to teach her how to practice ancient martial arts.

Silver Fox also didn't break his promise. After getting Liang Xiao's consent, he took Jiang linger to the open space in the backyard for some simple contact.

Towards noon, there were more and more patients in the hospital. After a while, there was a long line again.

"Jishitang, this is it!" Just when Liang Xiao was seriously treating the patient, two black Mercedes Benz business cars were parked in front of the door. A group of people in black came down from the car. They came to the door of the hospital and looked up at the sign.

"Are you going to see a doctor? There are so many people now. We have to queue up." Jiang ling'er was the first to see it and mistakenly thought it was some rich family who sent someone to invite Liang Xiao to see a doctor, so he greeted it with a warm greeting.

The man in black who took the lead took a look at her, then picked up his mobile phone and turned out a photo for comparison. Finally, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice, "that's the woman. Catch her first."

After hearing the words, the man in black immediately swarmed up and grabbed Jiang ling'er's left and right hands to pull out the door. At the same time, the leading man in black also rushed into the hospital with others, frightening the patients in line to flee one after another.

Liang Xiao had already stood up, glanced and found that these people in black were all ancient warriors. Most of them are in the early stage of paleowu and a small part in the middle stage. The strongest one, that is, the one who took the lead, has reached the late period of guwu.

This battle is obviously a bad one. Moreover, Liang Xiao also guessed who sent these people. It's not the Shura hall, because the Shura hall has suffered losses in its own hands. It's certainly impossible to send this kind of shrimp and crab to scare the snake in the future. So these people must have been sent by summer's sister.

Hum, it seems that the strength of the Chen family in Shucheng is really not low. However, you still overestimate yourself.

Liang Xiaoxin said in secret, and then said, "I don't care who you sent me, let go of my friend immediately, and then go away."

"Boy, you are so crazy. It should be Liang Xiao." Hearing Liang Xiao's words, the man in black who took the lead immediately asked a vicious question.

Liang Xiao didn't pay any attention to him, but gave silver fox a wink.

Silver fox heart God will, the next second body flash directly disappeared in front of everyone. In a flash, he appeared in front of the hospital and stopped the man in black.

"I don't want to fight with you mole ants. Count three. Let her go as I say. There's still time." Liang Xiaowang said to the leader of the man in black in a tone that he could not refuse.

The leader of the man in black looks at Liang Xiao, and sees that he has no air engine all over. He mistakenly thinks that he is just an ordinary man, and his face immediately shows disdain. He doesn't pay attention to Liang Xiao at all.

"Three, two, one..."

Liang Xiao didn't pay any attention to him, so he started the countdown directly.

When he counted to one, silver fox suddenly shot, blink of an eye will pull Jiang Ling er's man in black directly knocked over to the ground.


The rest of the people in black and the leader of the people in black were stunned. Before they calmed down, Liang Xiao also flashed out and attacked.

"Bang bang ~"

There was a sound of fists and kicks in the hospital. Almost in an instant, all the people in black fell to the ground. However, Liang Xiao didn't play hard, so they were not seriously injured.

"Well, how is that possible?" The head in black fell to the ground, covered his chest with one hand, and looked at Liang with an incredible smile. "You, you have no sign of air flow. How can you be so strong?"

"How can you, mole ants, know the vastness of the sky?" Liang smiled and said so faintly.

"Are you, are you strong at the peak?" The leader of the man in black stares at Liang and laughs. After a while, he says with fear.

Liang Xiao is too lazy to pay attention to it. He says in a cold voice, "go back and tell your master that it's not enough to fight me with this ability. If you have any other moves, just let it go. "

The man in black still fell on the ground, looking at Liang Xiao with surprise and fear in his eyes.

Silver fox see turn, immediately open mouth, with more icy voice scold a way, "beam divine doctor let you, roll, didn't hear?"

With this remark, the whole hospital was full of murderous spirit. The head in black couldn't help being smart. How could he dare to stay? He quickly got up from the ground and escaped from the hospital with his men in a panic.

"Liang Xiao, who are these people?" As soon as the man in black left, Jiang ling'er ran to Liang Xiao and asked suspiciously.

Silver fox then came, light said a sentence, "should not be the people of Shura hall."

"Of course not." Liang shook his head with a smile. "If they are from Shura hall, do you think I will let them go today?"

"Then who are they! Why did good people come to our hospital to make trouble? " Jiang ling'er is more and more puzzled.

Liang Xiao also didn't hide ye, directly open the door to the mountain road, "remember Mr. Chen last night?"

"Chen Xun?" Jiang ling'er was stunned for a moment and said indignantly, "yesterday, Mr. Xia said it was OK. Why did they send people to trouble again?"

"It has nothing to do with the Xia family. Chen Xun's mother found it." Liang Xiaoshen said.

"What the hell?" Jiang ling'er widened his eyes and frowned again. "You, you knew they would come for trouble?"


"How do you know? Are you still good at divination?" Jiang ling'er looks at Liang with a curious smile.

Liang Xiao shook his head. "Summer told me that."

"Mr. Xia?" As soon as Jiang linger heard this, he was even more confused. "Isn't Chen Xun's mother his sister? Why did he tell you in advance that his sister would send someone to find trouble?"

"Probably, he didn't dare to offend me or his sister." Liang Xiao casually replied, but he didn't care too much. Then he changed the topic and said, "OK, don't worry about trivial matters. Let the patients come in and continue to see the doctor."

"Oh." Listen to him say so, Jiang ling'er naturally no longer tangled, quickly according to what he said turned to walk outside the store, just wanted to run, but still wait outside the door of the patients are called back.

"Doctor Liang, who were those people just now? Won't they come back?"

"Yes, I have relatives who work in the Bureau. Would you like me to help you and ask him to send someone over?"

When the patients came back, they immediately turned on the care mode.

Liang Xiao waved his hand and said with a smile, "thank you for your concern. It's just a few hooligans who don't know the superiority of heaven and earth. It's been solved."

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