Liang Xiao didn't go back to the company directly, but let Lu Deming find a place to put him down.

Then I found a large bank and was ready to cash the check.

There were a lot of people in the bank. After standing in line for half an hour, it was his turn. Just walked to the counter, not waiting for the opening, a fat middle-aged man with a big gold chain suddenly rushed over and pushed him away.

"Go away, go away, I'll do it first!"

"But now it's my turn." Liang said with patience.

"It's your turn. What's the matter? I'm the VIP of this bank. Does the VIP know?" The man was very angry and said that he took out a golden bank card and patted it on the counter.

"Even if you're a VIP, it's my turn now." Liang Xiao dismisses it and thinks it's good to show off your broken gold card?

In those days, there were two black cards for your master Liang!

"Don't be a fool, boy. How dare a smelly take out man compete with me? Do you know that I spend hundreds of thousands of minutes, can you afford to pay for the delay? " The man's face was stiff and said fiercely.

"That's to say, what kind of money can a delivery man have? This gentleman is doing big business and delaying other people's work. Can you afford it?"

"Let's get out of the way and do it first. It's a shame!"

At this time, several fathers and daughters nearby suddenly opened their mouths and pointed the spearhead at Liang Xiao. Most of the others looked at him with a disdainful face.

It's the victim, but now it's like doing something wrong. It's ridiculous.

"I said, you'd better give way. Our bank has regulations that VIP customers are given priority." Haven't come back, the staff in the counter suddenly said coldly.

Liang Xiao came back, frowned slightly, and didn't bother to care with them, so he quietly stepped aside.

"Hum!" The man was so proud that he deliberately threw the gold chain around his neck and sat down.

After waiting for a few minutes, it was Liang Xiao's turn.

"What kind of business?" The staff glanced at him with a slight indifference.

"Please cash this check for me."

"Check? What, thousands of dollars are paid by check now? Are you full? " The staff taunted and snatched the check.

When she saw the amount above, she couldn't help shaking all over.

One, ten, one hundred... Ten million!

A check for ten million?

She rubbed her eyes hard, made sure she was right, and looked at Liang and laughed.

"Is this check really yours?"

"Yes." Liang Xiao looks at her with doubts in her eyes and understands what she is thinking.

"Wait a minute!" The staff hesitated for a moment and suddenly got up and left.

Come here for a moment and come back with a man in his fifties. And, go straight to Liang Xiao.

"Young man, my name is Chen Shan. I'm the president of this bank. I have a few questions for you. Come with me." The man looked at Liang Xiao and said in a deep voice.

"If you have any questions, just ask them here!" Liang Xiao came back coldly.

"Hum, that's good." Chen Shan snorted coldly, "I ask you, where did this check come from?"

"President Lu of Lu's group gave it to me. Isn't his name written on it?"

"Mr. Lu? Do you know the identity of someone who will write you a check for 10 million? " Chen Shan's tone is contemptuous, and obviously feels that Liang Xiao is lying.

"What do you mean, suspecting me of making fake checks?" Liang Xiao frowned slightly.

"That's right. Now I suspect that you forged cheques to defraud our bank. Security, come here and catch this boy for me! "

When this remark came out, there was an uproar.

"I said just now that this boy must not be someone, right?"

"It's crazy to think of money to forge a check!"

Meanwhile, several security guards came and surrounded Liang Xiaotuan.

"Wait a minute, you said this check was false. Have you checked it? If it's not checked, how can you tell it's fake? " Liang Xiaoyi asked honestly.

This ~

Chen Shan was stunned for a moment. He didn't check it.

Asked by Liang Xiao, he picked up the check and checked it carefully.

As a result, it turned out that the check was true!

"Well, is it true?" Liang Xiao drew a conclusion from his reaction and asked coldly.

"Well, what if the check is true? Who knows what kind of shady means you have got it from? " Chen Shan's eyes turned a few times and continued to confuse black and white.


What's wrong with me? I don't deserve 10 million?

To be honest with you, if you are still in Huajing, I really don't pay attention to this money!

Liang smiled coldly and shook his head.

Being distracted, the security guard is ready to arrest people under Chen Shan's instructions.

"As I said, this check was given to me by President Lu himself. If you don't believe it, you can ask him!" Liang Xiaoyi pushes away the security guard and says in a deep voice.

"Why, do you think I dare not ask?" Chen Shan looks sulky.

"I tell you, Lu and I have always been good friends for many years. Now I'll call him and let you get it! "

Chen Shan said and took out his cell phone to make a phone call.

All the people in the bank gathered around to watch the excitement, whispering and pointing, as if they were waiting to see Liang Xiao be arrested and sent to prison.

"Hello, Mr. Lu, I'm sorry to disturb." Chen Shan calls.

"What's the matter, President Chen?" Lu Deming was polite.

"Mr. Lu, it's like this. A boy came to our bank to cash your check, and I caught him." Chen Shanyi said as if he had caught a thief.

Lu Deming was stunned for a moment. "Is the check you mentioned worth 10 million?"


"Is that man Liang Xiao?" Lu Deming asked.

Chen Shan quickly put down the phone and roared at Liang, "boy, what's your name?"

"Liang Xiao!"

"Mr. Lu, what's the boy's name really? Liang Xiao. Whether he got this check by improper means or not, you can rest assured that I will take good care of him for you. "

Chen Shan didn't realize that the situation was not right, so he took this opportunity to please Lu Deming.

"Fart!" What he didn't expect was that Lu Deming actually yelled at him.

"Chen, listen to me. Xiao Liang is my friend and my noble man! I gave him that check myself. If you dare to offend him, I won't kill you! "


Chen Shanru was struck by lightning, and his mind was buzzing and blank.

After a while, he said, "Mr. Lu, don't be impatient. This is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!"

"I tell you, you'd better settle the matter for me, or you'll have to wait to eat and go!" Lu Deming became more and more angry and hung up.

Chen Shan's face was livid. He stared at Liang and smiled for a long time. Finally, he squeezed out a considerate smile.

"Go away, go away, all go away, who made you so rude to Mr. Liang!"

The security guards looked confused and thought that it wasn't you who ordered them?

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Liang. What happened just now is a misunderstanding. You have a lot of it. Don't take it to heart." Chen Shan goes to Liang Xiao and apologizes.


As a result, the whole bank became lively again.

"What's the matter? How did President Chen suddenly change his attitude?"

"I don't think so. Is the check really given to the boy by Mr. Lu?"

"What's the origin of that boy? How could a delivery man have something to do with President Lu and give him 10 million?"

"If he really knew President Lu, would it not be bad luck for President Chen to treat him like that just now?"

Hearing these words, Chen Shan's face became more and more ugly. Standing there quietly waiting for Liang Xiao to talk, he didn't dare to fart.

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