The next day, Liang Xiao asked for another day off and rode to antique street.

Previously, he inherited the skills of jade carving in addition to the medical skills, treasure identification and martial arts cultivation from the ghost eye God. Therefore, I plan to buy a set of tools to process the white jade I got from Lujia swimming pool into several jade pendants.

One for ye Qingwen's birthday present, and the rest for the lucky ones.

After a random turn, he soon got what he wanted. On the way back, I saw an antique shop surrounded by a sea of people. I don't know what happened.

Out of curiosity, he stopped and looked, and the purple pupil of his right eye suddenly beat a few times.

How does purple pupil suddenly flash? Is there any treasure in it?

Curious, he pushed forward.

"Boss, I beg you, 300000. I only want 300000." A simple looking man knelt on the ground and begged, holding a vase with a slightly yellow surface in his hand.

"I said, you're worth 100000. If you want to sell it, you can sell it. If you don't want to sell it, get out of here. Don't hinder my business here!" In front of a paunchy middle-aged man, coldly looking at the man kneeling on the ground, ferocious reprimand.

His name is Hong Tao, the owner of this antique shop.

"Boss, this vase is a treasure handed down from my ancestors. My father says he's worth at least 500000. I only need 300000 now. Please, my wife is ill and needs 300000 lives urgently. I can't lose a share of money! " Men in urgent need of entreaties, tears pattered down.

[qingdou color peony bottle: authentic; It is worth 3 million yuan

Liang Xiaozheng is in a trance. In the next second, the feedback of Zitong in his right eye suddenly comes to his mind.

As a result, he made a guess at once.

It must be the man who is in a hurry to sell his family heirloom with money. The owner of the antique shop saw that he was in a hurry, so he deliberately kept the price very low, trying to cheat him out of the treasure.

"Don't talk nonsense to me. I've been in this business for more than 20 years. Don't you understand? I say he's worth 100000, it's 100000. If you don't have one more, go away! "

The boss spoke again with a worse attitude than before.

"I tell you, if you don't sell the vase to me, even if you ask the whole Antique Street and the whole Tianhai City, you can't get a better price!"

The man subconsciously bit, and after a while he continued to plead, "please, please, boss. Without 300000, my wife would really die. "

"It's none of my business whether your wife will die or not. Get out if you don't sell!" The boss scolded and kicked the man.

The man fell back and the vase in his hand nearly broke.

"If you don't buy other people's things, there's no need to humiliate them." Liang Xiao strode out and said as he pulled the man up from the ground.

"Boy, who the hell do you dare to meddle in my business here?" The boss looked up and down and asked coldly.


Liang said with a smile, "I don't mind my own business. I just want to buy this big brother's vase."

"Young man, do you really want to buy my vase? I only need 300000. You can rest assured that this vase is really a treasure handed down by my ancestors. If I were not desperate, I would not sell it! "

When the man heard it, he saw hope again.

"I know it's a treasure, or I wouldn't want to buy it."

"Boy, do you know anything about it? This broken vase, do you really take it as a treasure? Buy it back for three hundred thousand, and you'll lose everything. I've given him 100000. I've seen him throw up his pity. " The boss suddenly interrupted, trying to stop Liang Xiao.

"Nonsense, it's my ancestral treasure. How could it be a broken vase?" Men are very excited.

Liang Xiao also turned his head and squinted at the boss.

"You just said you've been in this business for more than 20 years?"

"Yes, I'm in the top five of antique street in this street at least!" The boss held his head high.

"Well, since you are so old, tell me, is this vase true?"

"It's true."

"Since it is believed to be true, why is it a broken vase worth only 100000?" Liang Xiao's tone suddenly became contemptuous.

Boss Leng for a while, continue to sophistry way, "even if it is true, it is not a treasure, the top day is 100000!"


Liang xiaoleng hummed and shook his head.

"It's such a perfect genuine Qing Dou color peony vase. How can you say it's a worthless broken vase? Should I say that you've been fooling around for 20 years, or do you just want to take advantage of the fire to see this big brother's urgent need of money and deliberately lower the price? "


This remark made the antique shop lively.

Someone specially checked on the Internet, the lowest transaction price of this vase is more than one million!

Is this shop really a black shop?

"Boy, you, you talk nonsense!" The boss was sweating and pointed to Liang to laugh and scold.

"I'm talking nonsense? Well, you give us a reasonable explanation. Are you blind and wrong, or do you have another plan? " Liang Xiao's tone became colder and colder, and then he scanned the crowd.

"Yes, boss Hong, you have to explain clearly. Otherwise, who dares to do business with you in the future! " Some people in the crowd yelled, others echoed.

The boss's face was blue and purple. He couldn't speak for a long time.

At this time, he has been difficult to ride a tiger, whether it is to admit that he is clumsy or deliberately underpricing, it is a fatal blow to his business.

"Brother, your vase is really a treasure. I don't want to take advantage of the danger. I'll take the vase for a million. " Liang Xiao turned to the man who sold the vase and said.

"One, a million?" When the man heard this, his eyes were wide open.

"Oh, young man, you are really a living Bodhisattva!"

"I'm serious. Your vase is worth the price." Liang Xiao waved his hand, "come with me, I'll get money for you."

Then he turned directly to leave.

The man followed closely and shouted to the onlookers: "everyone, you have seen everything. You'd better try not to come to such a place in the future, so as not to be deceived."

"Yes, let's go. We'll never come to this black shop again!"

"Resolutely resist the black shop, Hong Tao get out of antique street!"

There were bursts of shouts as the crowd burst out.

"Son of a bitch, dare to do me a bad job! Today, neither of you want to leave! " The boss became angry and cursed, then clapped his hands.

Soon, seven or eight tall gangsters rushed down from the antique shop. Several people who had mixed in in advance jumped out of the crowd and surrounded Liang Xiao and the man.

"What do you mean, Hong? Do you want to be tough?" Someone in the crowd asked with righteous words.

The boss immediately glared at him, "I just want to be tough. What can you do? Don't ask about the hall. Whose territory is this antique street! Get out of here, or I'll beat you all together

By his such a roar, the onlookers immediately counseled. Look at me, I'll look at you. After a while, all the birds and animals scattered.

These days, fashion has nothing to do with itself. No one wants to cause me unnecessary trouble.

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