"What happened?" Ye Qingwen saw them like this and asked with concern.

"The jade knife I gave to my cousin yesterday is gone." Liang Xiao didn't hide and tuck in. He directly said the matter frankly. At the same time, he got up and looked around.

"What, the jade knife is gone? Put it at home, how can it be good and disappear? " Yesterday Liang Xiao already told ye Qingwen that she gave the Xuanyu sword to Yinhu, so she was not surprised. But she couldn't understand that things were missing at home.

First of all, the security measures of my house are first-class. In addition, Li yue'e and ye Daoming stay at home almost all day. How can things be lost for no reason.

"Is dad home?" Liang Xiao glanced around, turned his head, narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Dad?" Ye Qingwen was stunned and understood what he meant. "You mean, the jade knife was taken away by dad?"

"Who but him is there?" Liang Xiao coldly returns a way.

Ye Qingwen could not help frowning. According to the family situation and ye Daoming's morality, his suspicion is indeed the greatest. Think of here, she also didn't Leng, directly went upstairs to call out Ye Daoming from the bedroom.

"What's the matter, daughter? She doesn't look very happy." Ye Daoming doesn't know where he is, but in turn he cares about ye Qingwen.

"You come downstairs with me." Ye Qingwen doesn't talk nonsense either. He leads him downstairs to the living room.

Ye Daoming saw that Liang Xiao and Yinhu were there, and their faces were gloomy. He was vaguely aware of something, and began to beat drums in his heart.

"Why are you all staring at me?"

"Where's the knife?" Liang Xiao doesn't talk nonsense. He asks coldly.

"Dao, what Dao?" Ye Daoming, with a thump in his heart, pretends to be calm on the surface and asks a rhetorical question pretending to be confused.

"Xuanyu ancient knife!" Liang smiled word by word, and his tone became colder and colder.

Ye Daoming swallowed his saliva subconsciously and continued to pretend to be a fool, "what Xuanyu ancient Dao, I, I really don't know what you're talking about."

"Dad, yesterday Liang Xiao gave his jade knife to his cousin, who left it in the room, but just now he found it missing." Ye Qingwen couldn't help but cut in and said it again.

"Ah, put it, how can it disappear at home?" Ye Daoming was a little flustered.


Liang laughs coldly to hum a, "that must ask you."

"Ask, ask me? Why, ask me Ye Daoming is more and more nervous, and his voice is trembling.

Liang Xiao just looked at him coldly and didn't answer.

"Why, you don't think I took it!" Ye Daoming hesitated for a moment and decided to strike first, so he immediately put on a straight face and pretended to be unhappy.

"That's right." But Liang Xiao actually spits out these two words directly from his teeth.

What's more irritating is that even ye Qingwen said to him, "Dad, I know you like antiques. But it was Liang Xiao who gave it to his cousin, which is what belonged to her. If you do take it, take it out quickly! We can regard it as a joke. "

"It's not your daughter. Why do you think so. In your eyes, that's your father? " See his daughter said so, ye Daoming wrongly asked.

"Cut the crap and get it out." Liang xiaomatchless anger, also don't want to be polite with him, direct ferocious scold a.

"Brother in law, how can you talk to dad like that?" At this time, it happened that ye Qingxue came down from the upstairs and saw Liang Xiao yelling at Ye Daoming. She rushed to protect Ye Daoming immediately.

"Qingxue, you still love dad!" Ye Daoming seems to see the rescue soldiers, and quickly hide behind ye Qingxue. Wei qubaba says, "your brother-in-law slanders me for taking his cousin's things, and your sister doesn't trust me. You have to make decisions for me!"

"What Ye Qingxue immediately glared angrily, "elder sister, brother-in-law, how can you so wronged Dad! He said, "how could he not do such immoral things?"

"That's it." With ye Qingxue to support himself, ye Daoming has the courage to show his teeth in the back.

"Qingxue, you don't know what happened. Don't get involved. Now the most suspected one is really Dad!" Ye Qingxue's return to justice.

Ye Daoming was not happy to hear that, "Qingwen, do you really don't believe your father? Well, since you say so, you can go to my room and search to see if there is anything you said

At this time, ye Daoming showed great confidence. Because he did take the knife, and sold it to the antique shop while no one was at home. At this moment, the knife is not in his hand, so he is full of confidence.

"Good!" Liang Xiao was too lazy to be polite. He replied heavily, and then went upstairs directly into Ye Daoming's room and searched everywhere.

"It's not my brother-in-law. You're really searching!" Ye Qingxue immediately catches up. Ye Qingwen hesitates and follows up. At this moment, ye Daoming became fearless, sitting on the sofa and smoking leisurely.

Silver fox stood aside, staring at him with cold eyes, very angry in the heart. If he was not Liang Xiao's father-in-law, she would have taught the thief a lesson.

As for Jiang ling'er, who came to be a guest, he looked at Ye Daoming subconsciously and said in his heart, who are these people!

She thinks Liang Xiao won't wronged others casually. What's more, even ye Qingwen thinks that ye Daoming took the things. That should be eight or nine.

After a while, Liang Xiao angrily came down from upstairs. Ye Daoming immediately stood up and asked with a proud face, "what's the matter, have you found it? Now, can I prove my innocence? "

Liang Xiao just squints at him without making any response.

"Brother in law, you've gone too far this time! I not only wish my father to steal, but also run to his room to search. Should you give me an explanation and apologize to my father? " Ye Qingxue mixed it up again.

Liang Xiao still has no response. At this time, he has realized that ye Daoming must have transferred Xuanyu ancient Dao from his home. Moreover, according to Ye Daoming's urine nature, the biggest possibility is that he has bought the knife.

Son of a bitch!

The more he thought about it, the more angry he was. Subconsciously, he bit his teeth, then suddenly took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, do you have time now?"

"Dr. Liang, I'm not busy. If you have anything to do, please tell me."

It was not someone else, but Mr. Lin, the president of Tianhai antiques Association. Since he came back from Zhongzhou after participating in the treasure appraisal contest, he and Liang Xiao have hardly seen each other. At this moment, I suddenly received a call from Liang Xiao. How dare I neglect him.

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