This, how is this possible?

After listening to Liang Xiao tell her illness, Chen Ting can't help but stare big eyes, the whole person leng on the spot.

You know, her condition is very serious and extremely complicated. I didn't know how many traditional Chinese medicine doctors I had seen before. I knew my specific situation through their diagnosis.

But now, the young man in his twenties, who didn't seem to know anything about medicine, just took a look and said his illness was completely right.

Chen Ting doesn't know what to explain. Either the doctor Liang can tell fortune, or as Gao Ziling said, this man is really a doctor with great medical skills.

"Well, Miss Chen, I don't know what I said is wrong?" Chen Ting is in a daze. Liang Xiao asks.

Chen Ting quickly recovered, subconsciously nodded, then looked at Liang in surprise and said with a smile, "doctor Liang, I'm sorry just now. I, I didn't mean to doubt your skill. Just, you know I'm sick, so I've seen too many doctors. Among them, there are some people who call themselves miracle doctors but have no real ability and learning, so... "

"Miss Chen, you don't have to explain. I can understand your feelings." Liang Xiao waved his hand to interrupt her. He didn't mean to blame her. Because from her eyes, Liang Xiao did not see malicious, but saw a trace of helplessness from the heart. So I understood her mind very early.

"Thank you, Dr. Liang. As Gao Ziling said, you are not only skillful in medicine, but also profound in righteousness." Chen Ting finally smiled, and Gao Ziling on the side breathed a sigh of relief.

She brought Chen ting to Liang Xiao for medical treatment out of kindness, but never thought that Chen Ting would question and test Liang Xiao. If you don't get sick yet, but you offend Liang Xiao, it will make you want to cry.

Fortunately, the situation did not develop in the direction she was most worried about. At this moment, she quickly echoed on the side, "yes, I told you earlier that doctor Liang is not an ordinary person. Now you believe it!"

"Well!" Chen Ting looks at Gao Ziling and nods her head.

Gao Ziling immediately turned to Liang and said, "doctor Liang, since you have seen what ails Chen Ting, you must have a way to cure her!"

"Well, her illness seems very complicated, but fortunately it has not reached the most serious stage. Now the treatment is not very troublesome. " As soon as Gao Ziling's voice fell, Liang Xiao made a response without thinking.



When Gao Ziling and Chen Ting heard the speech, they were very excited. Chen Ting, in particular, was relieved. Because two days ago, when she went to the hospital for examination, the doctor gave her a verdict.

If, as Liang Xiao said, his illness can still be saved, and the treatment is not troublesome, it is a great blessing.

After a while, Gao Ziling came back and said timidly, "doctor Liang, would you like to ask if it costs a lot of money to treat my disease? Well, my family is not very good, and my salary is not too high. What's more, I've been seeing a doctor all these years, and I've been living in poverty for a long time. So, I, I may not be able to pay too much for medicine. "

From her eyes, Liang Xiao felt deeply helpless.

In this era, how many people are overwhelmed by the mountain of money. How many of them got seriously ill, but finally chose to give up their lives because of the high medical expenses?

Therefore, Liang Xiao has always adhered to a principle since he opened the hospital. In the face of such a serious illness, he will naturally help, but the payment varies from person to person.

Gao Ziling looked at Chen Ting sadly, then looked at Liang and smiled. The corners of his mouth moved, but he wanted to talk and stop.

"Don't worry, Miss Chen. As I said just now, it's not too troublesome to treat your illness. So it won't cost a lot of money. " At this time, Liang Xiao finally spoke, with a warm tone back to such a sentence.

Hearing him say this, Chen Ting's face flashed a trace of joy, but then she asked gravely, "Dr. Liang, this is not high, how much is it? To tell you the truth, all my savings add up to less than 20000 yuan. But don't worry, I can change the rest to you slowly. "

Hearing what she said, Liang Xiao couldn't help feeling again. I didn't think much about it. I put up a finger and said, "only 10000 yuan is enough."

"Ten thousand?" Hearing this, Chen Ting suddenly widens her eyes, and her face is full of incredible expressions. You know, she has spent millions of money on medical treatment over the years, and every time she sees a doctor, even if it's just to find a quack to prescribe some medicine, it's more than that.

Now, Liang Xiao says that she only needs ten thousand yuan, and that she can completely cure her illness.

When Chen Ting is out of her mind, Liang Xiao suddenly starts again and says with a smile, "if Miss Chen thinks the charge is too high, I can give you a discount here. But at most 10% off, no more. "

"No, no, no, doctor Liang, you misunderstood me." Hearing this, Chen Ting quickly regained her mind and shook her head, "I don't think the charge is high, but I think it's too little! I know how serious my illness is. I'm afraid I can't even pay for the medicine, let alone cure my illness. "

"Enough, enough." Liang Xiao waved his hand and said solemnly, "you can't do anything with the money if you look elsewhere, but it's enough for me to cure you."

"Dr. Liang, I..." hearing Liang Xiao's words, Chen Ting couldn't help but feel very excited. She was not stupid, so she soon saw that Liang Xiao had just heard about her own experience and situation, so she deliberately collected so little money. In this way, she can afford to see a doctor, and will not look very embarrassed.

"Dr. Liang, thank you. Gao Ziling is right. You are a living Bodhisattva After a moment's deliberation, she came back and expressed her thanks in her most sincere voice. When he spoke, his eyes were full of tears.

"Miss Chen, don't say that. We medical practitioners should take curing diseases and saving people as their own duty. Now, it happens that I can cure you. If I encounter a disease I can't cure, there's nothing I can do. " Liang Xiaojiao light Yang, said seriously.

Chen Ting subconsciously nodded and said thank you several times.

"Well, Miss Chen, it's not too late. Let's stop gossiping and start treatment right away." Liang Xiao got up and walked out of the outpatient room towards the ward.

Seeing this, Chen Ting quickly gets up and follows up.

Jiang ling'er and silver fox are familiar with each other. Without waiting for Liang Xiao's orders, they prepare alcohol lamps and begin to disinfect the silver needles.

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