"Why did so many people come to the door this morning? What's more, they are all sketching faces? " Li Dadou stared at the group of uninvited guests for a while, frowned slightly, and whispered softly.

In fact, the group is not others, it is Fang Chao and others. Standing at the head of the line, the young man who is regarded as Niang by Li Datou is Fang Chao. The middle-aged man beside him, who seems to be full of momentum, is boss Zhang who specially comes to compete with Liang Xiao.

His real name is Zhang Daohe. He's a native of Zhongzhou. He's a brute force and has a hot personality. He's a brave and invincible orphan. Therefore, he was once regarded as the first person in the underground world in Zhongzhou, and he became a valiant general.

It can be said that Zhang Daohe made a lot of contributions in his early days when he was able to go all the way smoothly to his present position.

However, Zhang Daohe was tired of fighting all day long, so he chose to quit the underground world and was obsessed with the martial arts he had loved since he was a child.

Thanks to his talent in martial arts, he was later accepted as an apprentice by an old master in Zhongzhou, and officially entered the journey of ancient martial arts cultivation. After more than ten years of hard work, the middle period of guwu was finally completed, and it was about to break through to the later period.

You know, today is the age when ancient martial arts are withered. Ordinary people need at least 20 to 30 years to reach this level, and some even stay in the middle of their life. Therefore, Zhang Daohe was very satisfied with his martial arts cultivation and full of self-confidence, and even gradually developed a character of aloofness and pride.

But I didn't know that what I came into contact with was not the real guwu world. Even the old man who taught him didn't even know what real guwu was.

Back to them, the two sneaky and thief like figures standing behind Fang Chao and Zhang Daohe are ye Chen and Ye Yang.

I don't know why, these two people are still full of joy and confidence from last night to today when they are going out. But when I arrived outside the boxing hall, I suddenly felt uneasy. I always feel that something bad may happen, so I look around and feel uneasy.

On the other hand, Li Datou looked at these uninvited guests secretly. Although we can see that the other side should have some strength, and it must be to find fault. But he was not at all flustered.

In fact, it's very simple to be so fearless. First, it's Jiangning's territory. Who dares to make trouble here. Secondly, the place itself is an underground boxing ground. There are only 20 or 30 boxers, and all of them are good fighters. In addition, there are dozens of gangsters in the market. In terms of both number and strength, Li Datou seems to have an absolute advantage.

A moment later, Li Datou returned to his senses, waved his hand, walked forward with his hands, crossed his hands on his chest, and asked coldly.

"I said, are you here this morning to practice boxing or to get into trouble?"

As soon as the voice fell, Fang Chao immediately said in his voice, "are you the person in charge of this boxing hall?"

"Yes, it is."

Fang Chao looked up and down at Li Datou, with a disdainful expression on his face. He didn't take him seriously and said, "that's just right. The young master requisitioned this broken place today. Please make a price!"

Land acquisition?

Li Datou narrowed his eyes when he heard the speech, and secretly observed a super. Although the boy looks like a bitch, he is covered with expensive famous brands. In particular, the watch in his hand is worth at least millions. He should be a dandy of a rich family.

"The boy seems to have a lot of money. If it's normal, he'll take the opportunity to knock him. But today, I'm afraid it won't work. " Li Dadou dragged his chin and began to whisper.

It turns out that the martial arts center is going to hold a very important competition today, and Jiangning will be there in person to watch it, and even many other big figures will be there. So he will start to decorate the venue right away, and wait for Jiangning to come and check it. Naturally, he can't give the boxing center to others.

However, he did not directly refuse Fang Chao, but asked with a smile, "do you want to rent our venue? Well, I'll have to ask you first what you use it for! "

"What else can we do if we want a boxing house? Of course, it's fighting!" Fang Chao didn't think about it. He directly breathed back.

"Fight, that's a success. I like to watch people fight most!"

"Then cut the crap, clear up and take your people away." Square super toe high Qi ang road.

However, Li shook his head, "don't worry, the price hasn't been discussed yet. It's going to cost a lot of money if you want to take care of our whole martial arts school. "

"Hum," Fang Chao said triumphantly as soon as he heard that Li Datou mentioned money, "I have plenty of money. You can make an offer."

"True or false." Big head Li pretended not to believe it.

Seeing this, Fang Chao immediately patted his chest and said, "how much does it cost? You say that."

"This number!" Big Li put up five fingers.

"Five thousand?"


"Fifty thousand?"

Li shook his head again and said no.

Fang Chao was quick eyed and said fiercely, "don't fucking tell me you want 500000?"

In this way, Li still shook his head.

"Shit, what do you mean, you fucking shake your head for 500000 in such a broken boxing hall?" Fang Chao yelled.

Li Datou explained with a smile, "don't underestimate our boxing house. Today we are going to hold a very important boxing match. We can earn at least five million yuan from this fight. Therefore, if you want to contract the boxing hall, you have to pay US $5 million in rent, otherwise you won't talk about it. "

"Five million?" Fang Chao was stunned when he heard the words. He thought that although he was rich, he was not a fool. Do you think you could kill him as a pig?

Before he recovered, Li Datou asked faintly, "how about the price? I've told you. Do you pack or not pack this boxing hall now? If you pack it, you'll pay for it. If you don't pack it, please leave immediately. Don't influence us here. "

Fang Chao looked back at Li's head. After a moment, he said, "son of a bitch, you're playing with me, aren't you? Five million. Why don't you rob the bank. In my opinion, you are a dog who is crazy about money

"Boy, who the hell are you calling?"

"Dare to scold our big brother, I think you are tired of living!"

Listen to Fang Chao there scold Li big head, behind the boxer and hitter all quit. One by one, they are eager to try and put on a posture of swallowing and stripping Fang Chaosheng.

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