"Master." Liu Yong returns to Fang Quan.

Fang Quan immediately turned around and asked coldly, "what's the matter? What did the boy say?"

Liu Yonglian attached himself to his ear and told him about the situation.

"Well, it's not easy!" Fang Quan squints his eyes and says coldly after listening, then gets up to go to see Fang Chao.

Originally, he didn't want to see it, but when Liu Yong said that Fang Chao was beaten and his face was swollen, his heart suddenly became angry. He secretly said that he was so bold as to beat his son.

At the same time, he also had some worries. He thought that Fang Chao would not be the big men who provoked him.

"I'm sorry, everyone. Fang has something to solve. Let's leave for a moment." Fang Quan regained his mind and explained to the guests on the table.

The identity of the other people on the table is not as high as he is. Naturally, he can't say anything. The wife sitting next to him quickly asked, "husband, where are you going?"

"I don't know what trouble your son has caused me. I'll go out and meet him. Don't worry. Stay here and entertain for me Fang Quan a little unhappy back, and then directly leave with Liu Yong out of the restaurant.

"Dad, I've seen you! You, I don't know. I'm afraid I'll die and come back to see you! " Standing outside the restaurant, Fang Chao anxiously waited. As soon as he saw Fang Quan, he immediately put on a runny nose and said with tears.

"Don't pretend to be with me here. Just tell me what you want." Fang Quan pushed Fang Chao away and said solemnly.

Seeing this, Fang Chao cried even worse, "Dad, I'm not pretending! I, I've been called. Look what it's like for me! If I hadn't been clever and fast, I'm afraid I would have been killed by him! "

Fang Quan looked down at Fang Chao's face, which was swollen and still had a palm print. He could not help but get angry, "who's going to fight?"


"Oh, my son, tell mom it's the one who doesn't have eyes who dares to beat my baby son like this!" Fang Chaogang wanted to answer Fang Quan, his mother Liu Ping suddenly rushed up and hugged her, crying with heartache on her face.

It turns out that Liu Ping was very worried after Fang Chao made trouble. She always felt that something bad had happened, so she didn't stay to entertain the guests as Fang Quan told her. Instead, she secretly followed her. As a result, as soon as he went out, he heard Daofang Chao crying and saying that he had been beaten.

Most of the reasons why Fang Chao is now virtuous are given by Liu Ping. Now I heard that my son was beaten seriously. How can I swallow this breath.

As soon as Fang Chao saw his own mother coming, he cried even more miserably. It seemed that he was not slapped, but that he had some organs cut off.

"Son, tell mom quickly, who beat you and who is so brave!" After crying for a while with Fang Chao, Liu Ping asks viciously.

Without waiting for Fang Chao's answer, Fang Quan asked coldly, "you shouldn't annoy those heads above?"

"I, I didn't!" Fang Chao smell speech, explain hastily, "I am not a fool, how can go to provoke those a few!"

"Oh, who else has the courage to move our son?" Fang Quan had some doubts and more anger. Because in addition to those on his head, other people dare to understand his son, which is simply not to pay attention to the power of others.

"Yes, a visiting son-in-law who sees a doctor!" Fang Chao hesitated and said.

"What are you talking about?" Fang Quan suddenly widened his eyes when he heard the speech.

Liu Ping also looked at Fang Chao suspiciously, "son, are you sure the person who hit you is a doctor or a door-to-door son-in-law?"

"It's true Fang Chao nodded busily.

"So you, didn't you tell him who your father was?" Liu Ping asked again.

Fang Chao quickly nodded like a chicken pounding rice, "said, of course, I reported my father's name. However, it's not so bad. As soon as I say who my father is, that son of a bitch will beat me even harder. What's more, no matter who my father is, even if I come here, I will beat me. Still say, still say... "

He wanted to add something to win sympathy, but he couldn't think of what to say for a while.

"What else did you say?" At this time, Fang Quan is already very angry, and even someone dares not to pay attention to himself.

"He also said, if you have the ability, please call my father to have a try. He wants to fight with you too!" Fang Chao turned his eyes a few times and made up the road at random.

"What are you talking about?" Fang Quan was furious when he heard the speech.

"Dad, I'm telling the truth! It doesn't matter if he hits me, but he dares to ignore you like this. How can I bear it? I rushed up to argue with him right now. As a result, he beat him up again. " Fang Chao said pitifully.

"Dad, you must make the decision for me!"

"Hum, there is such a bold madman." Fang Quan snorted coldly, "well, since he doesn't pay attention to someone on our side, I'll let him know who our Quan is."

Speaking of this, he turned his head and looked at Liu Yong, "ah Yong, go to find the man with the young master. Don't kill him. Bring him back and let me see who he is."

"I see." Liu Yong didn't talk nonsense either. He agreed directly.

But Fang Chao immediately shook his head and said, "no, Dad, it's useless for brother Yong to go!"

"What do you mean?" Fang Quan asked suspiciously.

Fang Chao quickly explained, "that guy is not in Zhongzhou, but in Tianhai. I wanted to solve it by myself, so I called boss Zhang of the martial arts school to Tianhai, but even boss Zhang is not the opponent of that guy. "

"Boss Zhang? You mean Zhang Daohe? " Fang Quan asked tentatively

"Yes, it's Zhang Daohe." Fang Chao nodded.

Fang Quan squints and ponders for a moment. He looks at Liu Yong. Liu Yong knows what he wants to ask and shakes his head.

"Zhang Daohe's strength is much higher than me. If he is not an opponent, then I am definitely not an opponent."

Hearing this, Fang Quan subconsciously frowned, and then asked Fang Chao with a serious face, "are you sure that what you provoked is really a visiting son-in-law?"

"I'm sure, 100% sure!"

As a result, Fang Quan became more and more confused. Thought, a door-to-door son-in-law to see a doctor, and yes, in a small city like Tianhai. How can it be so powerful that Zhang Daohe is not even an opponent.

After a while, he came back to Liu Yongdao and said, "ah Yong, call elder brother Zhang Daohe and ask what's going on."

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