"If you have anything, just say it and leave." Ye Qingwen was disgusted with the man, so he didn't talk to him politely.

"Smelly woman, how do you talk to our elder brother?" A little gangster in the back immediately yelled.

"Why, be gentle with beautiful women." The man glared at him, then looked at Ye Qingwen with a smile.

"Beauty, I heard that your demolition project will start soon, right?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Ye Qingwen was a little curious and had a bad feeling.

The man then said, "it's such a beautiful woman. Brother, I'm also in the demolition business. I have nothing else to do today. I just want you to contract this project to me. "

"Don't worry, as long as the money is in place, I promise to do things for you!"

It turned out to be the attention of the demolition project.

Ye Qingwen frowned slightly. At first glance, these people are not good people. If they contract the demolition project to them, they don't know what trouble they will cause.

Moreover, Lu Deming has already arranged the candidates, and she can't give them to others casually.

"Sorry, our demolition project has been taken charge, so we can't give it to you. Please go back."

"What are you talking about?" The man tilted his head and squinted at her.

"I said, the project can't be given to you, please go back!" Ye Qingwen repeated word by word, his tone was extremely firm, and he was not afraid at all.

The man didn't get angry immediately, but said with a smile, "beauty, it doesn't matter if you give this project to others, just give it to me. Women can remarry, not to mention a project, right? "

"What I said is very clear. The project can't be given to you. Please go!" Ye Qingwen was a little impatient, but he didn't dare to use too heavy tone. After all, it's not good to provoke such people.

"I don't think you understand!" The man's face suddenly changed and he was furious.

"I'm going to decide this project. You have to promise it or not!"

"You, you are making a fuss. Please go at once, security guard. Get them out of here Ye Qingwen lost patience and called the security guard directly.

"Just you security guards?" The man sneered and followed the thug.

The little gangsters behind them swarmed on and directly knocked them all to the ground.

"I ask again, can I have this project?" The man stares at Ye Qingwen fiercely.

Ye Qingwen frowned and made no response.

"Well, I'll see if your bones are hard, or my fists are hard!" The man became angry. "Give it to me and smash this broken place for me!"

"You stop!" Ye Qingwen stopped him in a loud voice, but he was pushed far away by the man and fell heavily on the ground.

Little gangsters wulala rushed into the company and began to smash it. All the employees panicked and hid in the corner.

"Stop it, stop it Ye Qingwen tried his best to stop him, but he could do nothing. Finally, he was so anxious that he was about to cry.

"Zhao Tiezhu, how dare you do things in my territory!" Just then, a group of people burst in outside the door.

It was not others who took the lead. It was the mad dog who came under the direction of Liang Xiao, and the younger brother behind him was more than 20 people.

"Dog, brother dog!" When the man who took the lead in making trouble saw the mad dog, he suddenly clapped in his heart, and his face was blue with fear.

I thought to myself, what's the matter with them? I came here to say that the company has no support!

"Dog, your mother's head, I call mad dog!" Mad dog hates the name "dog brother" most. He immediately became angry and didn't bother to talk nonsense. He directly asked his men to teach others a lesson, and he rushed to Zhao Tiezhu himself.


A hard blow made Zhao Tiezhu's nose bleed.


Another blow, Zhao Tiezhu fell to the ground with his stomach in his arms.

"What is this?"

"Why is there a group of people here again? Should they also come to make trouble?"

Looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, ye Qingwen was confused.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the uproar to come to an end.

The mad dog knocked down all Zhao Tiezhu's people, dragged them to the hall and threw them together like garbage.

"Bah, a bunch of dog things that don't have eyes!"

Mad dog spat on them, then looked at Ye Qingwen and said with a smile, "are you ye Qingwen, Miss ye?"

"I, I am. Who's calling, please?" Although mad dog seems very polite and doesn't like to make trouble, ye Qingwen still has some worries, afraid that he is hiding a knife in a smile.

"Don't be afraid. I'm the person arranged by Mr. Lu to take charge of the demolition project." Mad dog quickly explained.

Ye Qingwen is Mr. Liang's woman. How dare he be disrespectful.

"You are the person arranged by President Lu?" Ye Qingwen still didn't fully believe it.

"Miss ye, if you don't believe me, you can call Mr. Lu to check it now." Said the mad dog.

Ye Qingwen hesitated and called Lu Deming.

"Hello, Mr. Lu, someone here said that you arranged to take charge of the demolition project. But now the situation is a little complicated, so we can't be sure whether it's true or false, so I want to check with you. "

"Ask him if he's a mad dog." Lu Deming does not think about the ropeway.

"Excuse me, are you a mad dog?" Ye Qingwen asked in a low voice, wondering how someone could give him such a nickname.

Mad dog busily nodded, "yes, I am mad dog."

"Mr. Lu, he is really called mad dog." Ye Qingwen was stunned and picked up the phone again.

"That's right." Lu Deming said in a deep voice, "Miss ye, you just said that the situation is complex. Is something wrong? Do you need my help?"

"It's nothing. It's settled." Ye Qingwen shakes his head in a hurry. Lu Deming has to solve this small matter. How can he believe that he can do such a big project.

"Well, if you need anything, just speak." Lu Deming swore that for the reason of Liang Xiao, he did not regard Ye Qingwen as an outsider.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu."

After thinking for a while, she hurriedly said, "Mr. Lu, I'll make a mistake for Liang Xiao about last night. He's just confused because he's in a hurry. In fact, he's very nice. "

"What happened last night?" Suddenly heard also Qingwen apologized to himself, but also said it was because of last night, Lu Deming confused.

I didn't have any contact with you yesterday. Why did she suddenly say that?

Although he couldn't understand it, in order not to cause trouble for Liang Xiao, he finally said with a smile, "Oh, what happened last night! It's just a small matter. Don't care too much. Xiao Liang is a very good young man indeed. It's a blessing for you to marry him. "

Hearing this reply, ye Qingwen was relieved, but also very curious. How did Liang Xiao make Lu Deming feel so good about him.

However, she still has a little worry, after all, this kind of rich people's mind is difficult to guess, and usually very smooth. Although he said he didn't mind, it can't prove that he really didn't mind.

"Miss ye, if there's nothing wrong, let's do it first. I have a meeting to hold."


Ye Qingwen quickly recovered himself. After hanging up the phone, he strode back to the mad dog.

"Well, thanks to you this time, otherwise I don't know what these people will do!" She didn't know what to call her. It seemed impolite to call a mad dog directly.

"Oh, Miss ye, you're so kind! Liang, oh no, Mr. Lu sent me to fight for you. If you have anything, just tell me! " Mad dog almost let out liang, but he felt guilty.

Fortunately, ye Qingwen did not seem to hear anything, just nodded gently.

"Miss, how to solve these things without eyes? Is it a waste of a hand or a waste of a foot? " Said the mad dog, looking back at the people.

"No, no! We, we are also paid to do things! " Zhao Tiezhu was so scared that he cried out for mercy.

"Who made you do that?" Ye Qingwen asked.

"Yes, it's yechen."

"Who do you say?" Ye Qingwen was stunned.

"Yes, yechen. He asked us to come."

Yechen! It's you again.

Why don't you let me go? No matter how much this project has an interest relationship with Ye group, do you have to go back to it to make you happy?

Ye Qingwen brows locked, angry and helpless.

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