"Gee, it's strange. It's just there!"

Seeing that the office was empty, the staff were a little curious.

"Mr. Liang, would you like to wait a moment while I make you a cup of tea? Mr. Lin and Mr. Lu should have something to leave for a while."

"Well, please."

Liang Xiao went straight in and stopped at the table where the blue and white pots were placed.

[blue and white large pot, fake, medium quality, imitation of the Republic of China. Value: 3000.]

[blue and white pot, fake, high quality, modern imitation. Value: 50000]

Yuan blue and white pot, genuine, top quality, worth 5 million

Soon, Zitong of the right eye gave the feedback of the three blue and white cans, in the order of left to right.

Two fakes and one genuine are obviously testing my eyes!

Liang Xiao said in his heart.

At the same time, he looked up from left to right and soon saw a camera facing him.

"Mr. Lu and Mr. Lin, are you over there?" He went directly under the camera and asked in a deep voice.

Just as he expected, Lu Deming and Lin were staring at him in the monitoring room. The reason for this is to see what Liang Xiao's reaction will be when he sees the three blue and white pots.

Because Lu Deming told Mr. Lin that Liang Xiao just looked at it, and even didn't touch it, he could tell the truth of his family's painting of stepping on snow to find spring.

Although he saw Liang Xiao's accomplishments in treasure identification in a restaurant last time, he was still puzzled about it, so he deliberately set up this bureau to see if Liang Xiao was really so magical.

"I've confirmed the authenticity of these three vases. You can come back." Liang Xiao continued, then turned and walked over, sat in a chair and waited quietly.

"Oh, Xiao Liang, I'm really sorry!" Not long after, Lu Deming and Lin Lao returned to the office.

"Mr. Lin doesn't believe that you can tell the truth of my painting just by looking at it. You have to use this method to test it. In fact, I disagree. "

"You, ha ha ha..." Lin Lao Leng for a while, and then wry smile.

Unexpectedly, Lu Deming betrayed himself.

"That's understandable." Liang Xiao also didn't pay attention to it. "Then Lin Laogang should have seen clearly. I really haven't touched these three blue and white pots, have I?"

"Well." Lin nodded gently, "Xiao Liang, just now you said you have seen the authenticity of these three cans?"

"That's right."

"Can you tell me what you think?" Old Lin's eyes widened.

These three things were picked out by him. It's hard to believe that someone can tell the true from the false just by looking at them with his eyes.

"Fake, imitation of the Republic of China, medium quality, can fool newcomers."

"This is also a fake. It's a modern imitation, but it's of high quality. If you don't confuse the real with the fake, you can at least cheat a lot of people."

"As for the last one, it's the genuine yuan blue and white pot. Moreover, the appearance is good and the preservation is perfect. Conservatively, it should be worth about five million. "

Liang Xiao didn't hide it, so he went straight over and pointed to three blue and white pots, one by one.


Old Lin was stunned, and the whole person was in the same place.

How is it possible to tell the truth from the falsehood at a glance, and to say it in such detail that it is accurate?

It's amazing!

"Well, Mr. Lin, is Xiao Liang right?" Lu Deming asked expectantly.

Liang Xiao was introduced by Lin Lao, and he certainly hoped that what Liang Xiao said was right.

"Yes, he's absolutely right! Xiao Liang, you are so amazing. How did you do it Lin is very excited.

Lu Deming a listen to immediately smile, "how old Lin, I said Xiao Liang is a rare talent, did not cheat you!"

"You two flattered me. I'm not a genius. I just learned something from an old man before." Liang Xiao said modestly.


You can see it so accurately at a glance. If it's also called fur, isn't it useless for you to be a shareholder for most of your life?

Lin Lao's face was stunned and he couldn't help laughing bitterly.

After a while, he asked, "Xiao Liang, I don't know if it's convenient for you to talk about it. What's the name of the old man who taught you?"

It's true that Liang Xiao is a genius. But if he can teach such a young generation to this degree, the old man must be extraordinary. He may even exist like a leader in antique street.

"Sorry, that old man has been in seclusion for many years and doesn't want to be disturbed, so I can't say his name." Liang Xiao refused.

He can't tell Mr. Lin that he has got the inheritance of the ghost eye God, can he?

This kind of words can have a few people to believe, will only feel that they are crazy, or playing with them.

"I see. In that case, I won't ask much." On hearing this, Mr. Lin nodded.

"Mr. Lin, you should not just look at these three blue and white pots when you bring me here today?" Liang Xiao suddenly asked.

In his opinion, there must be other reasons for the other party to waste so much effort to find out their own strength.

"That's right," Lin didn't hide. "I asked Mr. Lu to invite you today. I really want you to help me."

"Help?" Liang said with a smile, "Mr. Lin is joking with me. If it's about antiques, you are the authority of Tianhai city. How dare I teach a lesson?"

"No, no, no!" Lin shook his head vigorously.

"I did have some concerns at first, but now I'm sure you can help me. Besides, you are the only one who can help me in the whole city of Tianhai and even the whole Jiangnan area! "

Liang Xiao was a little flattered by what Lin said.

"Mr. Lin is very serious. Now that you have said that, you may as well tell me what it is. If you can do it, I will not refuse."

"It's Xiaoliang..." Mr. Lin said something about it.

It turned out that a few days ago, on behalf of the antiques Association, he bought a number of treasures from other provinces. At that time, he and several other experts have always concluded that these treasures are genuine.

But who knows, after coming back, the other party sent a message saying that there were three fakes in these goods.

He also said that if they can't find out the three fakes within seven days, they have to tell the whole antique industry that Mr. Lin's level is just like that.

If the other party's words are true, and Mr. Lin can't find the three fakes, it's not just a drilling.

Mr. Lin's reputation is likely to be destroyed, and he will be forced to launch antique street!

For an old man who loves antiques for most of his life, it's killing him.

He took his top appraisers to identify the antiques hundreds of times, but he couldn't tell which three were fakes.

Moreover, the more you look, the more confused you become. At the end of the day, you lose your confidence?

Seeing that the seven-day appointment was coming, Lin Lao thought of what Lu Deming said in despair, so he quickly asked him to find Liang Xiao.

At the beginning, he just tried to be a living horse doctor, but now he is full of confidence and expectation to Liang Xiao.

"It seems that they are deliberately trying to make you out of the antique world." After listening to old Lin's lecture, Liang Xiao came to this conclusion.

Old Lin nodded helplessly.

Lu Deming hurriedly asked, "Xiao Liang, you should have a way to find out the three fake goods? I patted my chest and recommended to old Lin that you can do it! "

Lin also stares at Liang and smiles, his eyes full of expectation.

"I can't promise you anything directly. I'd better take me to see those things first." Liang Xiaobu thinks about the ropeway.

Although full of confidence in their own purple pupil, but still keep modest good.

"OK, OK, it's on the fifth floor. I'll show you right away."

Mr. Lin immediately took Liang Xiao to the fifth floor and opened the door. This is similar to a small exhibition hall, where there are about hundreds of antiques.

There are all kinds of porcelain, pottery, calligraphy and paintings of celebrities, or classical furniture.

It's rich enough to buy so many things at once!

Liang Xiao sighed in silence.

"Lin Lao."

"Mr. Lin, you are back!"

Seeing them, several appraisers in the exhibition hall immediately gathered around.

"Mr. Lin, the time limit of these seven days is coming soon. We have no clue yet. You have to find a way." One of the men, about 60 years old, said anxiously.

Wang Huan is the vice president of the antiques Association.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, you have to find a way." The others echoed.

It seems that Lin is responsible for all the mistakes this time.

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