"What's the matter, old man? I killed you, an unprecedented bug. I won the first game. If you have any skills, just take them out! "

The old man was in a trance when Liang Xiao's voice came from his ear.

He regained his mind and stared at Liang Xiao, then refused to accept the airway, "boy, don't carry it away with pride. It's just an appetizer. The latter two are my must kill skills. You can't escape. "

Then he put his hand into the rag bag and took out another dirty box after a while.

This time, the box is not filled with insects, but some silver gray powder.

"This is the poisonous insects that I have developed. Do you dare to eat them?"

"Why don't you dare!" Liang Xiaokan didn't look at it and responded directly. Then he waved from the silver fox and said, "please pour me a glass of water."

Silver fox is not nonsense, immediately turned to a glass of water to Liang Xiao in front.

Liang Xiao then hooked his finger to the old man, "take it."

"Hum, this time, it will kill you!" The old man hurriedly walked over and poured the powder in the box into Liang Xiao's water cup, while saying this in a gloomy way.

After the old man poured the powder into the cup, Liang Xiao picked it up directly, shook it gently, and then drank it all.

The water mixed with powder is still transparent, and it has a sweet taste. People who don't know think it's a cup of honey water, but they don't know it's poison.

"Boy, if I get a little bit of poison, I will die. Even if it is the peak of the strong, you just need to take one-third will die. Even if you are a little master, the trick you just took is enough to kill you! "

"Oh, really?" Liang smiled, then turned into the pharmacy and began to skillfully configure the antidote.

Just when he saw the powder, he studied in time and gave the formula of this Gu poison. By the way, he also fed back the formula of the antidote to his brain. So it took him less than a minute to prepare the antidote.

"This boy, with such a fast speed, do you really know the formula of the antidote?" Seeing Liang Xiao's quick action in the pharmacy, the old man couldn't help wondering.

But then he thought, "no, it's impossible. How can he know how to prepare antidotes so quickly with the poisonous insects I've studied for half my life? He must be bluffing and fooling me

Before he could recover, Liang Xiao in the pharmacy had put the prepared herbs into the medicine jar, mashed them, mixed them with some water, and drank them directly.

"Done." After drinking the antidote, Liang Xiao came out, with a calm face spitting out such two words.

"No way, you, you're lying to me!" The old man immediately regained his mind and cried at the top of his voice.

Liang Xiao sneered, "don't you think this poison will attack in three minutes? Now there's about a minute left. You can see if it's time for me to be poisoned and die. Don't you know whether it's true or not? "

Seeing Liang Xiaoyi's confidence, the old man felt guilty, but he was still full of confidence in his own poison. After a moment of silence, he began to count down silently in his heart. However, until the end of the time, Liang Xiao was still sitting there lazily, doing nothing.

"Old man, it's time. Your poison doesn't work at all! In the second inning, I won again! " Liang Xiao stood up and said word by word.

"Well, how can it be! It's impossible, it's impossible! I am a poisonous insect, but I have poisoned the perfect strong man at the peak. How can you solve it. How can it be? Nothing

"Hey, old man, if you lose, you lose. Where did you get so much talk? Why, if you can't afford to play, don't play! " Seeing the old man chanting something, Jiang ling'er yelled at him at the top of his voice.

Liang Xiaoshun said with her words, "that's right. If you can't afford to play, then the game won't count. I don't mind. I'll waste more time to send you back

"Wait, wait, wait!" Old man smell speech whole body a shiver, quickly return to God, shake head wave hand of interrupt beam smile.

"This game, I lost, and the last one. This time, you can't solve it! "

"Oh, yes, I'm looking forward to it. Come on, I'll wait. Don't waste your time Liang Xiaoman's face was full of interest. He opened his arms as he spoke, waiting for the old man to do it.

The old man clenched his fist with a clatter. A moment later, he put his hand into his clothes and took out another cloth bag from his arms.

"Boy, let's die! This is my most powerful killing move, killing 49 poisonous insects. There are altogether 7749 top level poisonous insects refined with the lives of living people. One is enough to kill people in the later period of ancient martial arts, and seven can take the lives of the strong at the peak. These 77 and 49 insects will surely leave you dead! "

The old man showed off his must kill skill of pressing the bottom of the box and untied the rope on the cloth bag. The next second, 7749 fire red, mosquito like insects will come out of the bag, such as hungry tiger pounce on Liang Xiao.

"Well, there are so many insects!" Seeing the black insects, Jiang Ling was shocked.

The silver fox on the side also frowned, smiled and pinched sweat for Liang. Because although she had never seen the old man before, she had heard her master talk about him. So I know that he has a killing move in hand, which is the 49 life-threatening poison insect he is using now.

According to master's statement, the old man once killed many strong men at their peak with this move. Even with this move, the current master of Shura hall killed the former master who was already a strong master and helped him become the new master.

Because of these, silver fox is very worried.

"This Gu Shu is rare in the world and extremely dangerous. Can doctor Liang really solve it?"

"No, I can't think that! Dr. Liang has extraordinary strength and medical skills. How can he get rid of him with only magic tricks? "

Just when silver fox was full of contradictions and prayed for Liang Xiao silently, the 49 poisonous insects had penetrated into Liang Xiao's body from different positions.


Liang Xiao let out a dull hum. Although he was ready, he had to say that the insect was really much more powerful than the previous two kinds of witchcraft, which made him feel a sharp pain all over his body.

Fortunately, he has great strength. If you want to be another ancient warrior, or even a strong one at the peak of his life, let alone wait for the attack of poisonous insects. I'm afraid I can't even carry the poisonous insects into my body. I'll be killed directly.

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