Zhang Changfa quickly took the silver needle. Liang Xiao checked it, and there was no problem, so he was about to start inserting the needle.

"Wait a minute." Lu Deming stopped him. "I want to make sure. Are you sure?"

Liang Xiaowei frowned, "Mr. Lu, time is running out."

"Well, I believe you!"

At this point, Lu Deming knew there was no other way but to let Liang Xiao have a try.

As he said before, the situation will not be worse than it is now.

Liang Xiao lifts the old man's sheet and asks Lu Deming to help take off the old man's clothes. He takes out seven silver needles, three long and four short.

After the three long needles were disinfected by fire, they were put into Tianling, Meixin and Renzhong acupoints respectively. Four short needles, tied to the joints of the limbs.

Then he took out nine silver needles of medium length and quickly fell on the nine acupoints of the old man's body, each of which was inserted into the skin an inch long.

After the injection, Liang Xiao took a breath.

Although he has obtained the inheritance of ghost eye, after all, this is his first time to treat people with silver needle, which is still a little uneasy.

"That's it?"

Looking at his green and astringent technique, Zhang Chang's face sneered, and secretly scolded Lu Deming for being possessed. He even believed this kind of liar who could not understand medical skills at first sight.

He wants to watch carefully. How did Liang Xiao cure old man Lu on the spot.

After taking a few deep breaths, Liang Xiao didn't have time to rest. He drew the middle finger of his right index finger together and gathered the original Qi he had just obtained in his body at his fingertips.

When the real Qi condenses and forms, the two fingers quickly reach the old man's head and let the real Qi enter his body slowly.

For nearly a minute, the true Qi has been wandering in the patient's meridians, surrounded by the black evil Qi and swallowed it slowly.


Liang Xiaochang breathed a sigh of relief, then stopped and stepped aside.

"Done?" Zhang Changfa immediately asked, "are you sure you are treating a disease, not pretending to be a devil, deliberately tossing the old man?"

Lu Deming also has no bottom in his heart.

"Little brother, my father, he..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu. Although my method is simple and crude, it is absolutely effective."

Liang Xiao has a plan in mind.

Zhang Changfa pursued, "then why is Master Lu still in a coma? Don't you mean it works on the spot? "

"It's not time."

Liang Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at Mr. Lu.

In a flash, the 16 silver needles on the patient's body turned black at the speed visible to the naked eye, which was very strange.

"What's going on?"

Lu Deming was shocked, and Zhang Changfa widened his eyes and came to watch.

"The silver needle has absorbed the evil spirit, and your father's illness has been cured."

Liang Xiao goes back to the hospital bed, raises his right hand under the puzzled eyes of Lu Deming and Zhang Changfa, and draws his five fingers together to gather the true Qi in his palm.

Then, he clapped his hand on the old man's chest.

"What are you doing?"

"Stop it

Lu Deming and Zhang Changfa were shocked. The patient was already terminally ill. How could they stand such hardship?

Liang Xiao's face was dignified, but he didn't answer, so he pressed his hand down again.


The old man suddenly spat out a mouthful of turbid blood and dyed the sheets red.

"All right."

Liang Xiao takes his hand back.

The old man's residual evil Qi has been completely removed, the blood in his body has started to flow normally, and his body function has also recovered rapidly.

"Why did you vomit blood before you woke up?" Regardless of the blood splashed on his clothes, Lu Deming stares at Liang Xiao and questions.

He began to regret, in case Liang Xiao can't cure the old man, so toss about, I'm afraid that the only three days left will be too much.

"After taking the needle, you will wake up."

Liang xiaoleisurely back a, began to take out the old man's silver needle.

Lu Deming's face was dignified. As he was about to speak, the old man on the bed suddenly gave a few dry coughs.


Lu Deming suddenly widened his eyes. He had not heard his father's voice for a long time, even a cough.

"Well, how is that possible?" Zhang Changfa, who was standing behind him, was also very surprised.

At this time, Liang Xiao just took the last needle from the old man's eyebrow.

At that moment, the old man's whole body trembled obviously, and his white face began to recover gradually.

Zhang Changfa's face was uglier than that of the dead. He took a few puffs at the corner of his mouth and said, "boy, don't be proud. Mr. Lu hasn't woken up yet!"

"Take a closer look." Liang Xiao pointed his hand directly.

"Dad, you wake up at last!"

Lu Deming's excited voice has been heard nearby.

The old man opened his eyes and actually woke up.

If Zhang Changfa was struck by lightning, he was stunned on the spot.

"Dad, how do you feel? Is there anything wrong?" Lu Deming held his father's hand tightly and wept with joy.

"I'm fine. I've worked hard for you these days." The old man took a breath and could speak slowly.

Liang Xiao checked with Jishi's eyes, and confirmed that the old man had nothing to do with him except his weak body.

Zhang Changfa saw Liang Xiao and looked at him with deep meaning. He was as uncomfortable as an electric shock. He rushed to the hospital bed and stared at the old man several times.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

He couldn't persuade himself to believe what he was seeing, which can't be described as a medical miracle.

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