what do you mean?

Understanding Leng on the spot, half a day to react, Liang Xiao seems to be to let him go.

"Remember, remember! I, I will never come back

"Thank you, Mr. Liang. You are a living Bodhisattva!"

"It's so noisy. Take him away quickly!" The mad dog waved his hand in disgust, and the two strong men immediately dragged Li Jie away like garbage.

Li Jie is probably too excited, far away is still pulling a voice to thank Liang Xiao.

"Mad dog, this is my friend. You should arrange a serious job for him. Don't fight or kill him." After dealing with Li Jie, Liang Xiao shouts Yang Xiao who has been hiding in the corner.

Serious work?

Mad dog slightly embarrassed, while secretly observed Yang Xiao, but also dare not be too obvious. After all, Liang Xiao said that he was his friend, so he didn't dare to be disrespectful.

However, I am not a serious person. How can I arrange a serious job for him?

He was a little embarrassed. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly had a flash of light.

"Mr. Liang, why don't you join the demolition team to take charge of the demolition project! With a monthly salary of 30000 yuan, do you think this job is serious enough? "

Liang Xiao thinks about it. The job and salary are very good for Yang Xiao, and it's enough for him to take good care of his daughter. Moreover, his skill is good. With him in the demolition team, he can avoid a lot of trouble in the future, which can be regarded as helping Ye Qingwen save snacks.

"What do you think?" I still have to ask Yang Xiao's advice. If he doesn't agree, he'll be amorous.

"Ah, me?" When Yang Xiao heard about his salary of 30000 yuan a month, he was already stunned.

"I will, of course I will!"

"Mr. Liang, you, you, me, I don't know what to say. From now on, I will be your pawn. Even if you let me go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of fire, I will have no choice! "

Yang Xiao was very excited.

He was going to kill Liang Xiao, but instead of revenge, he cured his daughter's illness, and now he gets such a good job for him.

After being cheated by his friends, he didn't believe that there were good people in the world. He didn't expect that he met such a good person today.

"Well, your daughter is still at home alone. Hurry back." Liang Xiao waved his hand and said softly.

"Brother, where do you live? I'll see you off!" Mad dog quickly put his hand on Yang Xiao's shoulder to get close to him.

After watching them leave, Liang Xiaocai rides the battery car home alone. Almost home, the car ran out of electricity and had to be pushed away. After a long time, I finally got home and went back to my room. It was already three o'clock in the morning.

"Why did you come back so late and work overtime again?" Ye Qingwen just woke up and saw Liang Xiao come in and asked softly.

Liang Xiao nodded along with the situation. He didn't dare to Tell ye Qingwen what he was going to do. She might not believe it.

"Don't work overtime so late in the future. Staying up late is bad for your health. It's not safe to run on the road in the middle of the night." Ye Qingwen pause for a moment, suddenly said.

Liang xiaoleng for a moment, he did not expect that ye Qingwen would suddenly care about himself, and his heart could not help but be moved.

Since leaving the Liang family and Huajing City, no one has really cared about himself.

"Well, I won't work overtime in the future." He agreed with a smile and hesitated to tell him about opening his own hospital.

After all, she will know sooner or later.

After thinking about it, he finally gave up the idea and decided to let it go.

"Take a break. You have to work tomorrow."


The next day, ye Qingwen arrived at the project department early in the morning.

There is a project payment to be paid today. She has to check the account again.

"Xiao Liu, this is the project fund to be paid today. You should prepare the money and someone will come to collect it in a moment." To good account, she came to the financial room, the account sheet to the director of the financial room.

"Manager, the finance office is out of money." Xiaoliu brow lock, a face embarrassed said.

"No money?" Ye Qingwen didn't respond, "didn't you go to the bank yesterday? Hurry up and take him out, or we will lose our reputation when people come and get no money. "

"Not the manager, I mean, we don't have any money in our account!" Xiao Liu quickly explained.

There's no money in the account?

Ye Qingwen can't help but be stunned, "how can there be no money? Didn't you prepare a start-up fund before?"

"There was before, but the money suddenly disappeared last night. I checked. It was transferred by the head office. I also called back to ask, there said is the meaning of General Manager Ye Chen

Ye Chen

It's you again!

Ye Qingwen brows locked, subconsciously clenched his teeth.

She knew that yechen must have deliberately crossed the money away, trying to pick up the plane to embarrass herself.

"Xiao Liu, if someone comes to get the money later, you can hold on for a while. I'll go back to the head office right now." After a deep explanation, she quickly left the project department and drove to Ye's group.

"Ye Chen, what do you mean?" When ye arrived, she rushed directly into Ye Chen's office.

"Ye Qingwen, do you have any rules. This is the general manager's office. Can you break in? " Ye Chen's face showed displeasure and put on airs.

Ye Qingwen didn't bother to pay attention. He asked directly in a stern tone, "why did you let people transfer the money from our project department? That's the start-up fund of the whole project. How can we carry out our work if you take it away?"

"Oh, that money." Ye Chen's expression of disapproval, "the company's finance is tight recently, and many places need money, so I let the finance take it back first for emergency. What's the problem?"

Financial tension?

Your reason is really high sounding!

Ye Qingwen wants to laugh. She knows more about Ye's group than anyone else. Although the economy has been stagnant these years, it is not as tense as this.

Make it clear that ye Chen deliberately troubles himself.

"You took the money. What should our project department do? Moreover, the money was originally planned to give us start-up funds. How can you take it away? "

"Ye Qingwen, what are you yelling at me?" Ye Chen burst into a rage, "also, you make it clear that the money belongs to the company, not to you. The company can use it as it wants, and it's up to you? "

"You..." Ye Qing was too gentle to speak.

Ye Chen then Yin Yang strange airway, "before you said to be fully responsible for this project, that project funds you find a way to solve it!"

"By the way, don't you have a special relationship with President Lu? Why don't you just go to him and ask for money?"

Ask Lu Deming for money?

If he really goes to ask Lu Deming for money, he will certainly question whether he and ye's group have the ability to complete the project. At that time, things will not be so simple.

Ye Chen just wanted to take back the project by this reason, and even thought that if he couldn't get it, he would destroy it.

Ye Qingwen believes that he can do this.

"Yechen, can you speak more cleanly? What's the special relationship between Mr. Lu and me?" For a moment, she came back and said fiercely.

"Isn't it? Everyone is not blind. You can see that you know how to get this project. " Ye Chen narrowed his eyes and sneered.

"You, you talk nonsense!" Ye Qing was so angry that he subconsciously clenched his fist.

"Why do you want to hit me?" Ye Chen raised a touch of contempt at the corner of his mouth, "OK, don't spill it on me. If you want money, you can do it by yourself. You can't solve this problem. You'd better give the project to the capable people as soon as possible! "

Ye Qingwen stares at him and turns away without saying a word.

The most urgent task is to find a start-up fund as soon as possible, otherwise the project will be in vain.

"Hum, fight with me, you are still young." Ye Chen is very proud, leisurely light a cigarette, and then began to make a phone call.

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