"Manager Ye is back!"

As soon as ye Qingwen entered the project department, several contractors immediately surrounded him.

They had been waiting for two days. If it hadn't been for the mad dog, they would have started to make trouble.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Ye Qingwen quickly apologized.

"Manager Ye, I don't know if you have solved the money problem. This is the first time. How dare we help you in the future! " Said one of the tanned contractors.

"Don't worry, I've got a loan of 500 million from the bank. I can get it in a week. This problem will never happen again in the future!" While explaining, ye Qingwen showed them the loan contract.

However, these contractors do not seem to buy it.

"Miss ye, we don't understand you, but our brothers are waiting for us to pay. It's another week. Can't they fall out? "

"Yes, Miss ye, you must pay us the money for this issue by tomorrow at the latest."

"Within tomorrow?" Ye Qingwen could not help but frown.

It is impossible for bank loans to arrive in such a short time.

If it was a small number, she would borrow it everywhere and pay them in advance.

However, the first phase of the money, including the project funds and wages, will cost more than three million yuan. Where can she find it.

"Please don't be impatient. I'll think about something."

To appease the contractor, she quickly took out her mobile phone and read the whole address book back and forth several times.

Finally, his eyes fell on his parents' number.

Liang Xiao gave Li Yuee 500000 yuan before, and later sold another 2 million yuan for ye Daoming's vase, which is almost enough.

If they are willing to lend themselves the money, they will get through the difficulty.

Of course, only if they are willing to borrow.

She never dared to hope too much for her parents. Over the years, in addition to blindly ask for their own, is trying to embarrass Liang Xiao.

I'm afraid it's not so easy for them to take out the money.

After a long hesitation, she finally got up the courage to call her.

"Oh, Qingwen, it's not that my mother doesn't help you, but I've spent all my money on financial management, and I can't get it out for a while and a half!"

"Daughter, Dad's money is all for antiques. Why don't you wait for ten and a half days and I'll try to sell the antiques and give you money? "

As a result, just as she was worried, her parents rejected her with their own reasons, and said that they cared about her, but could not help her.

Ha ha

Are these really my parents?

Ye Qingwen sneers and shakes his head. He no longer hopes for them.

Seeing that the situation is wrong, mad dog secretly calls Liang Xiao, and then leaves his subordinates to keep order. He secretly leaves the project department.

"Miss ye, it's almost an hour. You can give us a reply. Can you give us the money tomorrow?"

Ye Qingwen is worried, and the contractors can't help asking aloud.

"I..." Ye Qingwen frowned, very embarrassed.

If you don't agree, no one will help you in the future. But if I promise, I don't know where to get the change. I'll pay them tomorrow. The result is the same.

"Miss ye, you are talking!"

The contractors are aggressive, and ye Qingwen's eyes are full of tears.

"What's the noise? What's the noise? I'm sending you money!"

Just at this time, the mad dog came in with two big boxes in his hand.


He dropped the box heavily on the ground, and then opened it slowly in the expectation of the people.


The whole hall was boiling, and the contractors' eyes were glowing.

It turned out that the two boxes were full of red hundred dollar bills. It seems that there must be at least several million.

"Mad dog, this, this money?" Ye Qingwen was so surprised that he quickly walked over and asked in a low voice.

"Miss ye, I used to have some savings. I'll lend you the money first for emergency, and you can return it to me later." Said the mad dog with a smile.

Originally, he just suddenly left, is Liang Xiao told him to take money to Ye Qingwen emergency.

But mad dog can't figure it out. Liang Xiao and ye Qingwen are husband and wife. He gives money to help her, but he does it secretly, and he doesn't want to say it's his money, just like Ye Qingwen doesn't know it.

"Well, thank you so much, mad dog. Don't worry. I'll pay you back as soon as the loan arrives! " Ye Qingwen is very moved. Along the way, almost no one has ever helped her so generously.

But today she met two, first Chen Shan, now mad dog.

It's just that she doesn't know that these two people are all covering for Liang Xiao.

"Miss Ye is so polite. I'm a member of the company. The company has difficulties. It's not worth doing what I can. " Mad dogs are terrified.

"And don't call me crazy dog in the future. I can't bear it. You, just call me dog! "

He thought, if let Liang Xiao Hear ye Qingwen call him crazy dog brother will not be happy, so it's better to get rid of it first.

Now he does not dare to offend Liang Xiao.


Hearing the words of mad dog, especially the name Ye Qingwen, I can't laugh or cry.

But looking at his serious face, he finally nodded.

The contractors were in high spirits when they got the money. When I left, I didn't forget to praise ye Qingwen for his credit and said that he would always help her.

Ye Qingwen breathed a sigh of relief, willing heart can finally put down.


Ding Ling Ling

Ye group, the general manager of the office of the phone suddenly rang.

Ye Chen took a look at it and called from the project department. He quickly picked up the phone.

"Hello, what's the matter? Did the contractors take down the project department?"

"General manager, something's wrong, something's wrong!" A woman's voice came from the receiver. Her voice was very low. It sounded furtive.

Her name is Zhou Xiaohong, and she is Ye Qingwen's assistant, but there is another layer of identity, which is ye chenan's joke in the project department.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chen's face changed as soon as he heard it.

Zhou Xiaohong quickly explained that ye Qingwen got a 500 million loan and mad dog took out millions of cash to help Ye Qingwen advance the project funds.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Chen's eyes stare at the boss, almost gasless faint.

It's no surprise that mad dog can get millions. After all, it's also a well-known role in the underground world.

But he couldn't figure out how ye Qingwen bothered to borrow money, and he also got 500 million yuan.

"You, are you sure you're not mistaken?"

"It's absolutely true that ye Qingwen gave the loan contract to the contractor."


Ye Chen's mind is blank. He has dredged the whole Tianhai city bank, and all the people have accepted his money. He swore that he would never give ye Qingwen a loan!

"Tell me, which bank lent him the money?"

"I saw it. It looks like Tianhai Development Bank." Zhou Xiaohong does not think about the ropeway.

Development Bank?

OK, you Lin Feng, take my money and give that bitch a loan, you old dog who doesn't promise.

I'm not finished with you!

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