Liang Xiao goes back to his room, locks the door, takes out the white jade from Lu Deming's swimming pool from his closet, and carefully loads it into the wooden box that ye Daoming doesn't want with the carving tools he bought.

He had planned to make this jade into several jade pendants, but after thinking about it, ye Daoming and Li Yuee were at home all day long. If they made any noise, they would certainly attract attention.

Therefore, I gave up the idea and decided to wait until my hospital opened, and then take it to carve. At that time, you can also send the Jiang brothers and sisters together.

They regard themselves as friends, and naturally they can't be stingy.

Jiangning fights and kills all day long. Take your aura jade pendant with you. You can go after the good and avoid the bad, and keep safe.

Thinking of this, he regained his mind, covered the box and hid it carefully in an imperceptible place in the deep of the wardrobe, so as not to be accidentally turned out and cause unnecessary trouble.

Dong Dong Dong~

Just after closing the door of the wardrobe, there was a sudden knock on the door.

When I opened the door, it turned out that ye Daoming was standing outside the door with a jade carving in his arms.

"Well, I'll go out. When your mother comes back, don't tell him about the jade carving. "

My mom?

Liang Xiao was a little surprised. Ye Daoming never regarded himself as a part of this family before. It's unprecedented to say these two words today.

Sure enough, the world is rich enough to make the devil push the mill. If I give him a few more antiques, maybe he will think of himself as his son.

"Remember, don't let it slip." Ye Daoming told him again, then turned and left.

Liang Xiao knows that he must want to buy the jade carving again. Because I was worried that the money would be taken away by Li yue'e at that time, so I was furtive.

In fact, sometimes I feel that my father-in-law doesn't have to be any better.

After living for forty or fifty years, he was suppressed by his brothers and sisters for forty or fifty years. As soon as the old man died, he was driven out of his old house and company.

In this family, she was oppressed by Li Yuee for decades.

It's a tragedy, I have to say.

Sometimes, Liang Xiao even thinks that the reason why he targets himself everywhere may be just to vent his dissatisfaction with the world.

Of course, Liang Xiao just felt sorry for him, but the poor man must be hateful, and he had nothing to sympathize with.

In the evening, when ye Qingwen came home, he looked sad again.

"Wife, what's the matter with you?" Liang Xiao quickly cares.

I thought that I had helped her solve the problem of funds completely. She should be happy. Why did she frown? What happened.

Ye Qingwen talked.

"Something happened at the construction site. The mad dog is already dealing with it."

What happened at the construction site?

Liang Xiaoxiang thinks about it. It's probably the ghosts of those beasts in the Ye family.

Just after a play, they are really tired!

He didn't ask much, because he knew that ye Qingwen might not make it clear to himself. So, after a few words of comfort, he went out on the pretext of going out and called the mad dog in the community.

"Hello, Mr. Liang." Mad dogs are respectful.

"What happened at the construction site?"

"You know, I, I was going to report it to you when I finished processing it." Mad dog explained quickly.

"What's the matter?"

"It's like this..."

The mad dog hurriedly told the story again.

It turned out that from this afternoon, a group of gangsters who came out of nowhere suddenly broke into the construction site to make trouble and injured several workers.

Mad dog originally intended to arrest these people directly, but ye Qingwen thought it was not good to do so, so he chose to call the police.

However, those little gangsters are really chicken thieves. As soon as the policeman came, they hid. When the policeman left, they ran out to make trouble.

In the end, ye Qingwen had no choice but to agree to let mad dog deal with it.

No, the mad dog hasn't eaten yet. He hides in the corner of the construction site with a group of brothers, waiting for the gangsters to make trouble again, and then he will catch turtles in a jar.

"OK, I see. Keep an eye on it. Let me know if you have any information." Liang Xiaoyi is not a big deal. Mad dog can solve it by himself, so he doesn't care too much.


"Brother, look, are they the gang?" Mad dog in the construction site until 9 p.m., when he thought that the group might not come tonight, the little brother next to him suddenly whispered a warning.

Mad dog quickly looked back and saw a group of seven or eight people sneaking into the construction site.

"Son of a bitch, let me wait for you at last!" The mad dog bit his teeth and took a puff.

"Brother, why don't you rush up and deal with them now?" The people under their hands are waiting here hungry. They have long held back their anger. Now they are all rubbing their hands. They want to kill them.

"Wait a minute!" The mad dog shook his head for fear that it would scare them away.

"Give it to me!" After waiting for a few minutes, the mad dog felt that the time was right, so he waved his hand and rushed up with dozens of brothers.

"Run, someone!" When they found that something was wrong, they ran away, but they were surrounded by groups and couldn't escape at all.

Bang Bang ~

For a moment, the whole construction site is the sound of body collision, and the howling of ghosts and wolves.

After a while, the people who sneaked in were knocked over and pressed on the ground.

"Say, which dog sent you?" The mad dog walked over and pulled a little yellow hair from the ground and asked fiercely.

"No, I don't know. No one photographed us!" Xiao Huangmao denied it.

"Oh, it's very righteous, isn't it?" The mad dog was so angry that he hit little yellow hair on the stomach with a hard punch that he turned white and vomited bile.

"Now, say it or not."

"If you don't say it, I won't even say it if I kill you!" Small yellow hair voice weak, looks like a tough character with backbone.

"OK, hard bone, isn't it? I can see how hard your bones are! " Mad dog's eyes were angry, and he took out the knife he was carrying.

"Xiao Yong, come here and cut off the boy's fingers and toes one by one. I'll see how long he can last."

"I see, brother!" Xiao Yong's men immediately came up and took the knife from the mad dog.

The mad dog pushed the yellow hair to the ground. Xiao Yong squatted down, came up to him and asked coldly:

"Tell me, boy, which one do you want to start with?"

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