After entering the tenth castle, Feng Yixiu arranged all the slaves properly. Fortunately, this castle is indeed large enough to accommodate more than one hundred people. There is no big problem.

But after all the more than one hundred people were arranged, only one main house was left. Hu Jiu'er and himself did not have a room to live in.

Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiuer were silent after entering this room, and the atmosphere became a little awkward.

Feng Yixiu took the lead in breaking the silence and said with a smile: "Why don't you lay a floor on the ground?"

"How can there be a reason for the master to lay the floor? On the floor, I sleep on the bed!" Hu Jiuer said fiercely with hands on hips.

"It's... the master." Feng Yixiu seemed to have guessed that the other party would say so, and slapped a floor swiftly on the ground. As the saying goes, if a good man does not fight a woman, he is also impossible. It really makes a little girl sleep on the ground.

Moreover, this little girl is still her own life saving benefactor, reasonable in every circumstance, and she will not let the other party be wronged.

Seeing Feng Yixiu lay the floor so quickly, Hu Jiu'er felt a sense of loss in her heart.

"Why don't we... let's squeeze?" Hu Jiuer said with a blushing face.

"Forget it, I don't have much confidence in my concentration." Feng Yixiu refused very firmly.

hearing this, Hu Jiuer is heart shivered with cold, and then panting with rage: "hmph! I'm just trying to test you. Let's count you through..."

"It's okay for you to test me, I advise you to stop testing others, don't you have any points in your mind?" Feng Yixiu lay on the floor he had laid, said solemnly.

"Don't think that I will be happy if you praise me. I'm not happy at all..." Although Hu Jiu'er said so, the expression of joy on his face had already betrayed her.

It seems that I still have a lot of attraction for Feng Yixiu, otherwise she would have some doubts whether she is a Nine-tailed Fox.

"Well...then I will turn off the lights and go to sleep." Feng Yixiu got up and turned off the lights in the room, and the whole room fell into dimness immediately.

However, the moonlight here is particularly eye-catching under the dark. The faint scarlet rays of light spilled into the room through the window, like a layer of glowing red roses on the ground.

Feng Yixiu was about to lie down and rest after turning off the lights, but he saw a scene where his bloodline spurted and his body was hot.

I saw that Fox Jiuer had removed his coat, and only the most intimate clothing was left, showing the perfect curve, which was even more seductive under the light of the bloody moonlight.

Especially the almost perfect face of Hu Jiu'er in the dim moonlight adds a sense of mysteriousness. His blurred eyes look straight at Feng Yixiu, even though he doesn’t speak, he wins. Over a thousand words.

"gu lu..."

Feng Yixiu couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and an unknown fire ignited in his heart.

But I was quickly restored to my senses, and he looked confused and said: "Jiu'er, what are you doing?"

"Isn’t it normal to go to bed and take off your clothes? What’s the matter? make a fuss about nothing?" Hu Jiuer said softly.

"It's okay to go to bed and take off my clothes, but am I still there? You don't think of me as a man or something?" Feng Yixiu frowned.

"Oh? You still know that you are a man, I am about to treat you as a sister?" Hu Jiu'er chuckled lightly, and looked at Feng Yixiu affectionately.

"You!" Feng Yixiu almost couldn't help rushing up in a hurry, but stopped when he was about to get close to the bed, and said straightly: "You don't excite me! I won't eat this. One set, I fell asleep..."

After saying this, Feng Yixiu immediately turned around, simply what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over, and closed his own Eyes, forcibly put yourself into a state of sleep.

He keeps reminding himself that he cannot do things against his will, otherwise he will become his own Heart Demon!

Because he has been in the wilderness with high frequency for a long time, he must always guard against the raids of devil beasts, it is difficult to have a high-quality sleep.

So he quickly fell into a deep sleep, but even though he slept soundly, Hu Jiu'er lying on the bed was angrily unable to sleep.

Hearing Feng Yixiu's slight snoring, Hu Jiu'er felt very upset in her heart. A peerless beauty of her own lying next to him, can he still sleep so soundly? !

This is simply an insult to myself!

"Go to sleep! Why don't you sleep to death!" Hu Jiuer looked at Feng Yixiu's back, panting with rage.

In the past, she didn't have to do almost anything, and there would be countless men who would bow down under his pomegranate skirt for herself, but this man was completely different from those people.

She has almost forgotten that her purpose is to eat Feng Yixiu's heart, but if Feng Yixiu really falls in love with her, is she really willing to eat his heart?

Hu Jiu'er didn’t want to think about it, and didn’t dare to think about it...

Take advantage of Feng Yixiu’s sleep, the nine tails she had been hiding were finally released , The shadow of Nine Tails in the moonlight swayed randomly in the room.

Hu Jiu'er's eyes slowly turned into vertical pupils, the nails of both hands became sharp and slender, and two fox ears slowly emerged.

At this time, Hu Jiu'er revealed a wild beauty, lying on the bed with a lazy face, watching Feng Yixiu's sleeping back quite meaningfully.

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